Chapter 10

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Charlie, who had been quiet during the whole scene, cleared his throat and spoke. "So your telling me that just because Belle looked into Emmett's eyes, all feelings Belle had for Edward are gone? Just like that?" He asked with a snap of his fingers.

Alice was the one to answer. "As hard as it is to believe, yes."

Charlie sighed and said, "Thank God!"

Everybody was taken aback by his response. It was certainly not what they were expecting to hear.

"Charlie, are you saying that you are okay with Belle being with me?" Emmett asked.

"Emmett, to be honest there is nobody else I can think of that I would like to see Belle with more than you. You are able to calm her and also get her to come out of her shell. Whenever she is around you she lights up. I don't think that she even ever noticed it. You would have to be blind or stupid, not to see that you two were meant to be together. I am proud to know that one day I will be able to call you son." Charlie said, showing way more emotion than anybody, Billy included, had ever seen from him.

Belle was crying tears of joy and ran to her father and embraced him in a tight hug. "Thank you Daddy. Thank you so much."

When Belle released Charlie, he turned to Alice and said, "Ali, when you talk about a pulling sensation, do you mean this strange feeling deep in my chest?"

"Are you saying that you feel something Charlie?" Alice asked. She was confused because she hadn't seen anything involving Charlie.

Charlie blushed and said, "Yes, but I only have just begun to feel it. It started the day that Carlisle and Esme came into the police station to talk about Edward. Do you think that I should look into Esme's eyes? Sorry Carlisle but I don't really think that your nor I swing that way." Belle looked mortified that her father would say something like that, but the Cullens just took it in stride.

"To be honest with you Charlie, I can't see your future at all! It's rather frustrating, but I think like Belle you may have a latent talent. If you feel the pull then, yes, look into her eyes." Alice said.

Charlie stood and walked to Esme. He took both her delicate hands into his rough ones, and brought his gaze to Esme's. With a gasp, he knew he had found the love that his heart had always craved and longed for. They smiled at each other and gave one another a sweet but chaste kiss.

Carlisle couldn't be happier for both of them, and congratulated both of them on finding their True Mates. There was a small part of him that felt a little jealous that three of his family had found their true mates in the past hour. Never in all of his years had he ever heard of this happening!

Alice could see that Carlisle was happy, but saddened slightly and was quick to try and put his mind at ease. "Carlisle, you will find your love soon." The glint in her eyes told Carlisle that she knew something and was holding it back. "Alice, what have you seen?"

"Nu-uh, I'm not going to give that away. I will say this though; in one year our family will be whole and will gain four new members of the family." Alice said acting very much like the out of control vibrator again.

"Four more members? Is that on top of the three that we just added today?" Esme asked from Charlie's lap.

"Yep" Alice said popping the P.

"Wow! Fourteen Vampires in one family! We are going to be the largest group of Vampires, besides the Volturi!" Rose said.

"Wait," Belle said, fear lacing her voice, "Does this mean that Edward will be back in that time? Is he going to be pissed at Emmett and me for being True Mates?"

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