Chapter 17

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Carlisle got on the phone to Romania, as soon as Belle and Charlie went to bed. He wanted to see if Vladimir and Stephan had any information on the legend of The ONE. He had only heard of The ONE referenced by the Volturi, but nothing that was ever gone into detail. Carlisle realized that his family would be able to hear the conversation and would later demand answers from him. He knew Emmett would be the loudest in those demands, seeing as this legend will have to do with Bella, if Carlisle was correct.

"Carlisle, how are you doing my friend?" Vladimir asked answering the phone.

"Vlad, is Stephan there with you? There is something that I need to ask you about and I think that both of you will need to be present to answer." Carlisle said, getting right to the point.

"I am here my old friend." Stephan said in his thick Romanian accent.

"Good, the reason for my call is about The ONE. I would like to know everything that you know about the legend."

"Carlisle, you always want to learn new things, although I would think that your time spent with the Volturi would have given you that legend." Vladimir said.

"Oh hold on there Vlad, the Volturi fear The ONE and would never go into detail about Her. You know that the Volturi will never speak of those they fear, except your family Carlisle." Stephan said.

"So am I to assume correctly that you know the legend and are willing to share it with me?" Carlisle asked getting excited internally that he may get the answers that he needed. It also blew his mind to find out that the Volturi fear his family, but it made sense seeing that his family was the largest group of Vampires that stay together willingly.

"Yes, dear brother we know the legend and are very much willing to share it with you. Though I must ask why do you want to know about The ONE?" Vladimir asked, he knew that Carlisle would never ask a question like this without have a good reason behind it.

"Please humor me, I will let you know what I think might be going on after you tell me the legend. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up." Carlisle said, though his hopes were already through the roof.

"Alright then, but please tell us what is going on after we tell you the legend. Stephan do you want to tell him the legend, you have known about it longer and probably have the best knowledge of it?" Vladimir asked.

"The ONE is an acronym," Stephan started. "It stands for The Only Noble Entity. It is told that She will be born into a family whose roles seem to be reversed. I'm not totally sure what that means but I assume that it means that she will be the parent in the relationship. Any ways, She will not fit into her human world, and is meant to be a Vampire. She will learn of the supernatural world and unlike normal humans She will fully accept it. When She is turned she will have powers like none that are known to the Vampire world. Her talents are said to manifest while She is human, but it will take training when She is turned to hone those powers to reach her full potential. As I said before the Volturi will fear Her, and do just about anything to destroy Her and Her protectors. It is said that Her protectors will come to Her when she is changed, they will feel the need to go to Her and know that they are meant for a higher purpose. She along with Her True Mate will help bring about change in both the Vampire and human worlds. As long as She succeeds the world will be balanced as it was always meant to be. I would go so far as to say that God has a hand in this and He has set forth a path that will bring about peace." Stephan finished telling the legend and Carlisle knew that he was in the same house as The ONE, it truly excited him.

"Okay now Carlisle, you have been told the legend; it is now your turn to tell us what you know." Vladimir said.

"Alright but please don't think me a fool. I believe that The ONE currently is residing in my house and is Mated Truly to my son Emmett! She fits the description of what The ONE would be like as a human to a tee. She has always been the parental figure in her relationship with her mother and sometimes her father. She completely accepted us when we told her about what we are and she really has felt like she has never fit in as a human amongst other humans. Her mind is completely closed off to Edward, and Alice sometimes has a hard time seeing things about her future. Do you think that Belle, that's her name, might be The ONE?" Carlisle was so excited he was rivaling Alice in the bouncing department. The rest of the family had made their way into his study during the conversation and were completely shell shocked at the revelation. Emmett was grinning from ear to ear, having always known that Belle was a special person, but he was a little worried at the same time.

"Well, to be honest with you Carlisle, she may be The ONE. The only way to know for sure is when she is changed. You do plan on changing her don't you?" Stephan asked.

"We have already planned on changing her and her father a few weeks after she graduates from High School." Carlisle answered honestly. "I would like it very much if you would do me a favor my brothers. Would you please come to Forks and help protect her until her change is to happen? The only thing I would ask, if you do agree, is that you don't hunt in our area. Belle isn't really a big fan of human drinkers and it would make her feel a bit better if you fed elsewhere."

"Carlisle we would be more than honored to come protect Belle. If she is opposed to us drinking from humans, then we shall change our dietary habit. You and your family feed from animals and so shall we." Vladimir said. This surprised all of the Cullen family. Just the idea that Belle may be The ONE would give enough reason for two Vampires to change their eating habits was mind blowing. Vladimir and Stephan were over one thousand years old and have never fed on anything but humans. The Volturi would never think of giving up the luxury of feeding the way they do. It was amazing that the Romanian Brothers were willing to give up, not just try.

"That is amazing of you two to do. When can we expect you to arrive in Forks?" Carlisle asked.

"We shall be there in two days." Stephan said. "Do you plan on letting Belle know about the legend and who she might be?"

Carlisle looked to Emmett to see what he thought about it. Emmett spoke to everyone, "I think that we will tell her that we suspect that she is something special, but until you get here I think that we should leave out the legend."

"Sounds good." Vladimir said. "Good bye Cullen family and we will see you in two days' time." The line went dead and the Cullens stood there in silence for a few minutes.

"Carlisle, why haven't we ever heard of this legend before tonight" Esme asked.

"The answer to that is quite simple; I always thought that it was a myth and not a true legend. It wasn't until you, Esme, brought up the question about Edward being her protector did it occur to me. Like Stephan said, the Volturi don't speak of those they fear, so they never went into detail about the legend. To be honest I don't think that they even know the whole legend themselves. We must make sure that the knowledge of Belle doesn't reach the Volturi, they would do anything in their power to use her for their own gain or destroy her. We must also face the facts that Belle will probably have a lot of Vampires finding their way to her. Our next home must be able to house them, also we should let the packs know that our numbers will expand by two more in two days. I would assume that Vladimir and Stephan will want their own place to live so our first priority will be building them a place to go when they aren't here." Carlisle said.

Esme, Alice, and Rose went off to design a home for the Romanians, while Jasper and Emmett went to find Jacob and inform him of what they all learned.

Carlisle was excited that soon the world would change, and the beautiful soul known as Belle would bring about that change. Her name truly fitted her perfectly.

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