Chapter 11

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Belle had brought up the Denali family to Emmett and asked if he thought they would help with the fight. "We know that Laurent went to Denali, and he could probably give us an advantage that we need against Victoria. I think that you should ask Carlisle to at least call them." Bella said.

Carlisle had obviously heard the conversation and agreed that it would be worth a try. He quickly called Eleazar's phone.

"Carlisle, it is a pleasure to see your name on my phone. How are you my good friend?" Eleazar said cheerfully.

"Eleazar, I'm afraid that things down here in Forks are not going that well. Would you mind gathering your whole family and placing this call on speaker?" Carlisle said.

"Certainly my friend, you should like somebody has kicked your favorite puppy." Eleazar could be heard calling his family together, and the whooshing sounds that followed let Carlisle know that they had all arrived in the room. "We are all here my friend; please tell me what has you so upset."

Before Carlisle could reply a voice that had the hint of an early French accent could be heard. "May I take a guess? Victoria is still hell bent on making your little pet's life come to an end?" Laurent asked.

"You would be correct Laurent. She has been actively trying to get to Belle and it seems that she doesn't care that she will turn more humans to help accomplish her mission. We are going to be taking the fight to her in the morning and would like to know if you had any information that would help us. It was actually Belle's idea that we call and talk to you."

"My she is a strange one isn't she?" Laurent asked. "I will say this she has a knack for getting out of dangerous situations before they become life threatening to her. She is a very dangerous being and should not, under any circumstances be under estimated."

"Well that confirms what I and Jasper thought about her having a special talent. Do you know where she would likely be hanging out and planning her next move? We thwarted her just this evening. She seemed to think that her and three newborns could take on my family and two packs of wolves and be successful." Carlisle was really hoping Laurent would be able to give them information that they didn't already know.

"Yes, Victoria is a little big headed. She probably wasn't expecting so many beings to be around to protect your human. I'm not sure what you mean by wolf packs though; could you please clarify for me?" Laurent genuinely seemed confused. He in a million years never would have thought that wolves could scare any Vampire.

"In this area a local tribe can shift into horse sized wolves. These men and woman are built to destroy Vampires. Long ago a Vampire and his mate almost decimated the whole population. The Chief and his sons were so angry that their bodies transformed into their spirit forms and destroyed both Vampires. Since that time the gene has been passed down from father to son, and more recently to daughter, to protect the tribes' people. I was rather surprised myself to learn of the numbers that the pack has grown to. Usually there is only one pack but recently one of the boys, or men I should say, transformed and was to be the true leader of the pack. However the current Alpha refused to step down. In order to maintain peace they came to an agreement to have two separate packs in order to better protect the tribe and this town. I know it seems hard to believe that wolves could take on Vampires, but you would understand if you were to see them in action."

Eleazar was the one who spoke next. "Are these the descendants of the men that you met during your first visit to that area Carlisle?"

"Yes they are, and as weird as this may sound one of those wolves is Rosalie's True Mate. There has been a lot of changes around here, but now isn't the time to go into that." Carlisle said. "We plan on leaving in the morning to try and track Victoria down and destroy her."

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