Chapter 14

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While the lunch was going on Alice had a vision that Edward was going to call and give them an update. She was happy that he was at least trying to connect, but she was still very upset and didn't really want to be the one to talk to him. She pulled Carlisle to the side and told him to take her phone, so that he could talk to Edward. Carlisle was slightly disappointed and saddened that Alice didn't want to talk to Edward but agreed. He knew Edward had hurt Alice with his actions and his would be actions, so he understood. Alice went and rejoined the group at the table and not two seconds passed before Alice's phone was ringing and displayed an unknown number. Carlisle answered it before it could ring a second time.

"Hello Edward." He said

"Carlisle? I thought I dialed Alice's phone, not that I'm not happy to talk to you." Edward said

"You dialed correct, but I'm afraid that Alice has been hurt by your actions and isn't quite ready to forgive just yet."

"Oh, I guess I can understand. I just wanted to update my family and let them know that I was still alive."

"That's nice son." Carlisle said he knew that he may sound short, but he too was hurt. Evidently Edward could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Carlisle, Dad, I'm sorry for the pain I have caused you. I have met up with a coven of animal drinkers, and they are helping me that I am a controlling ass. I'm not quite ready to come home, but hopefully by this time next year I'll be ready"

Carlisle was stunned at how much Edward had matured in the three months he had been away. Whomever these other Vampires were they seemed to bring out a better side of Edward. "That's great son. Are we going to get to meet this Coven?"

"Yes, they apparently know of you and are quite excited to meet you. The oldest two are about 3000 years old, and get this they have never drunk from a human. One of them has the power to take away the bloodlust. I know that when they meet Jasper it will benefit him greatly. They requested that I not tell you their names, as they don't want the Volturi to know about them. They have managed to stay under The Big V's, that's what they call the Volturi, radar and they would like to keep it that way."

"I understand completely, and I am amazed that they have managed to do that for so long. They must be really powerful beings, and Aro would stop at nothing to have them in his guard."

"Oh they are very powerful, but at the same time very private. They have only changed one person, and like you they only did it to save a life. I'm sorry but I have to ask, how is Belle?"

"Edward, I'm sorry but I'm not going to talk about her. She deserves to be the one to tell you about anything going on in her life. I know it isn't what you want to hear, but I ask that you understand. Things have changed quite a bit around here, but until you come home I can't and won't tell you anything. Please understand that the stories aren't mind to tell."

"I guess I understand Carlisle. Have I really hurt everyone that much?"

"Yes you have. You are a very selfish and controlling individual and that has caused a lot of hurt and pain. I know I'm being blunt but I will no longer allow anyone to hurt my family, even if it is another family member. I will tell you this though, Belle knows about Jackie."

"WHAT?! I thought that we agreed that we would never speak of her again!"

"Edward." Carlisle warned, "Like I said much has changed and this family will no longer hide the past.

"You're right Carlisle, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have barked at you like that. I am still trying to become a better person and I will have a long ways to go.

"I'm proud of you for trying to be a better man. It takes a lot of courage to admit your faults and work on bettering them. You take all the time you need, because I was serious that until you can become less controlling you aren't welcome in this house. It will take time for the wounds that you have inflicted on the family to heal, but things are getting better each day. You will have a lot of apologizing to do once you do return."

"I figured as much. I only hope that in time I can prove how sorry I am. Merry Christmas Carlisle and I hope to see you guys soon."

"Merry Christmas Edward, and stay safe."

Carlisle ended the call and made his way back to the others. He told everyone what Edward told him and made sure to mention that he told Edward nothing about what was going on here at home. Both Charlie and Belle visibly relaxed and thanked Carlisle for his discretion.

After lunch, the group split up once again, and went shopping for each of the other family members. Before they left Alice gave Seth, Leah, Jake, Belle and Charlie each their own black credit card! Immediately they all started to protest, Charlie was the loudest.

"Alice, I cannot spend your money. The new smart phones you gave us were almost too much to accept, but this," He said holding up the offending card, "This is way too much!" He tried to hand Alice back the black piece of plastic.

Alice refused to take the card back and said, oh so sweetly, "Charlie you can and will take the card, and so will the rest of you. You are all part of this family, and that means you have access to the back accounts. I happen to be a wiz when it comes to the stock market and that means we have way more money than most governments. In all honesty we could pay off the National Debt ten times over and still have tons of money left over. Honestly you Swans are impossible at accepting gifts. You are supposed to say, why thank you Alice. Gosh!"

The Vampires all laughed at the blush that both Belle and Charlie were now sporting. Esme looped her arm through Charlie's and said, "Honey, you will learn to pick and choose your battles. This is one you will lose. Alice is right you are part of this family now and a lot comes automatically. Be grateful she hasn't bought you all new cars and new wardrobes!"

"Yet." Alice murmured quietly but just loud enough for the humans to hear.

Belle and Charlie chose to ignore the comment, knowing that once Alice made up her mind it was useless to argue. Charlie slipped the black card in his back pocket and planned on keeping it there. He had no idea that Alice has swiped his wallet and liberated all the credit cards that lay in it before replacing the wallet.

As Alice and Jasper walked away Jasper said, "That was a very sneaky thing you did back there. You know that Charlie is going to know that it was you. He isn't going to be very happy with you."

"I know, but those two need to learn that being in this family comes with perks." Alice said.

"I agree that they should be more comfortable with the perks, but do you think stealing Charlie's credit cards is going to make that happen quicker?" Jasper said trying to make Alice see that it might not work out the way she hoped it would.

"I don't know I still can't see anything about Charlie. I am hoping he won't be too pissed at me." Alice said, realizing she may have over stepped the boundaries. "Do you think we should find him and return the cards? I don't want Charlie hating me."

"Alice, Charlie would and could never hate you. To be honest I don't think anybody, except for Jane Volturi, could hate you." Jasper said reassuring Alice. "I think we could follow him and Esme and she what his reaction is to finding his cards gone and decide then."

"Alright, that is probably a good idea."

Alice and Jasper took off in the same direction that Charlie and Esme went. They spotted them in Spencer's Gifts and quietly made their way into the store. Charlie found a fart machine that he thought would be the perfect gift for Emmett and he asked if Esme agreed, she did. As Charlie pulled out his wallet to pay for the gift he noticed that all of his cards were gone. He and Esme looked at each other and said "Alice". Charlie reached into his back pocket and pulled out the black card. He paid for the gift and Esme smiled at him. She knew what Alice was trying to so, and although she didn't approve she knew it worked. Esme inconspicuously looked to Alice and Jasper, as she they were in the store and gave them a smile and slight nod of her head to let them know that everything was okay.

Alice let out the breath she didn't know she was holding and took Jasper by the hand and silently left the store. She knew that she had taken a big risk taking Charlie's cards, but was happy that things would be okay. She also knew that Charlie would want his cards back and an explanation. She would give him both when they all got back to the house.

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