Chapter One

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"Are you sure you've got everything you need?" Marshall asked his daughter, and the young girl nodded.

"I've got everything, but if I need anything I'll call you." She replied, causing him to smile.

"If you need me, call, and if you get tired of living here or just want to come back with me, I'll send Paul to get you." He said, making her chuckle.

"I'll be fine, Daddy, I promise." She commented, and he sighed.

"I know you will," He murmured,"I'm so proud of you." He added, pulling her into a hug.

"When will you be comin' to visit?" She asked, making him laugh.

"Miss me all ready?" He questioned jokingly,"I haven't even left yet." He said, and she smiled.

"I'll always miss you." She replied, causing him to smile again.

"I love you," He kissed the top of her head,"and I promise I'll come back soon to see how you're living. Hell, ya might want to come back on tour with me by then." He joked, making her roll her eyes playfully.

"I love you, too, Dad," She replied,"now go before Paul comes and drags you outta here." She added, causing him to laugh.

The moment her father had drove off with his backstage crew, she felt herself deflat a little. It was definitely weird not having her father around, but she needed to learn to be independent. She couldn't rely on touring with her father forever. It wouldn't be fair to him.

After an hour of her father being gone, Haven decided that she was going to need to do something to occupy her mind. So, she decided to go and look for a job. She decided she was going to work at the hospital, to help anyone who had come into the hospital for something traumatic.

She put in her application, and she knew she wouldn't get a response very fast. She was definitely surprised when she recieved a response only two hours later. A woman had called her, telling her that she had an interview before she could get the job. The interview was set for an hour after the phone call.

So, Haven quickly got ready for the interview, before she headed into the hospital. Once she was at the hospital, she went straight to the front desk. She talked to one of the nurses, and she was lead to the room where her interview was being conducted.

"You're very young to be a therapist." The woman commented, and Haven smiled.

"I graduated from high school early, at the age of fifteen. I went straight to college, and got my bachelor's degree." Haven said, and the woman seemed impressed.

"Why do you want to be a therapist?" The woman asked, causing Haven to sigh.

"I had a rough life, and so did my dad. I've seen some things happen that could scar someone for life, and I lived through it. I didn't have a therapist or anything like, and I decided I wanted to be the one thing that I knew could actually help people." Haven replied, and the woman nodded.

After a few more questions, Haven was given the job. She had to wait until next week to start, but she was fine with that. It gave her time to set up her house and make sure everything was perfectly the way she wanted it.

The girl bought a few pairs of scrubs, though she knew she could wear what she wanted to work. Since she was a therapist, she was able to wear what she wanted. She didn't have to wear scrubs, as long as she looked presentable and not like a homeless person. To be honest, she wanted to dress to impress, so they wouldn't think she wasn't qualified for the job.

She knew that anyone and everyone could think badly about her for what she wore or how she talked. She wasn't like everyone in Charming, that was for sure. She didn't mind though, she liked being different. Being unique and different was definitely her specialty.

Haven wanted to get accustomed to the town before she started work, even though there really wasn't too much for her to see. She liked how nice the people were around the town, and how everyone seemed to have a certain way of doing things.

Haven spent two days making her house a home, even though she wasn't sure if she'd stay in Charming forever. Hell, for all she knew, she'd only stay for a few months, begin to hate the town, and go back to touring with her father. She wanted to give the town the benefit of the doubt, but she'd been in other places before, and it wasn't always easy.

The girl almost forgot to buy herself food, but around four in the afternoon, she became hungry and realized there wasn't any food in her house. She had to go out and buy a lot of food to put in her kitchen, so she wouldn't have to go out for a few days. It was one of the things that she thought was her best idea.

She really didn't meet too many people during her first few days in Charming. Most of the time she spent avoiding people. It wasn't that she wanted to avoid them, she was just being careful. She didn't want to be recognized too soon after moving into town.

She was the daughter of a famous rapper. She'd been seen on TV, magazines, and at shows many times. She knew that anyone could easily recognize her if they knew who her father was. She hoped like hell that most people in Charming were too old for that type of music, or only liked a certain type of music. If she was that lucky, she'd be able to live in the town without any problems. She hoped it lasted a few months at least, if it didn't, she'd realize that she probably wasn't going to get a regular life at all...

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