Chapter Eighteen

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Haven had gotten a hotel room for the night, but early the next morning she drove herself and Juice back to Charming. When they got back, they stopped after Haven's first so she could get a shower and change her clothes. Juice made himself some food while he was there, since she told him he could.

After he ate and she had showered, she drove him back to the clubhouse. By the time they got to the clubhouse, it was around three in the afternoon, maybe a little later. Everyone was there, and they were simply hanging out inside of the clubhouse.

"Come inside." Juice said, as he opened his car door.

"I'm not dressed to hang out with your friends, Juice." She commented, causing him to roll his eyes.

"They won't care," He replied,"Just get your ass inside."

With a sigh, Haven opened her door and stepped out of the car. She looked down at her outfit and gave a shrug. She was just happy she could put on real shoes, even if they didn't have real laces. The laces were stretchy, and she was able to simply pull them on with one hand.

Haven followed Juice into the clubhouse, and she was greeted by Gemma, Tara, and Jax first

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Haven followed Juice into the clubhouse, and she was greeted by Gemma, Tara, and Jax first.

"Had fun?" Jax asked, and she nodded.

"Always do." She replied, causing him to chuckle.

"Of course little princess had fun," Happy grumbled,"She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth."

"What the fuck is your problem?" Haven retorted, causing him to glare at her.

"I'm not arguing with a woman that dresses like a damn child." He spat, and she scoffed.

"If you can't tell, I've got a broken hand. I can't exactly tie my damn shoes, or easily get nice clothes on." She replied, making him scoff.

"Well, maybe Daddy's little girl should get her anger in check, and quit being such an emotional bitch." He said, and that was the last straw.

Haven went to jump on him. She didn't care that her hand was broken, she'd kick his ass either way. Jax was quick to grab her before she could attack Happy, as Gemma stood up and got in front of Haven.

"Chill out, darlin'," Jax murmured,"You're going to get yourself hurt."

"Get her outside." Gemma said, and Jax nodded.

Jax and Juice headed out with Haven, as Gemma and Tara grabbed a couple drinks to bring out. Chibs told Happy off, but the man really didn't care. He simply stomped off to his room and slammed the door.

"I really don't get what he has against that girl." Opie commented, and Tig chuckled.

"He's into her, and he's jealous that Juice went on a trip with her." He said, causing Opie to roll his eyes.

"He needs to be careful," Bobby chuckled,"That girl is a real fireball. She's not scared to fight."

"Juice did say she grew up with a hard life, it makes sense that she's ready to fight." Opie replied, and the guys nodded.

"He's gotta be careful anyway, her dad's a celebrity. We'll all be in shit if he keeps fucking up with her." Tig said, pursing his lips.

Meanwhile, Haven had to calm herself down outside. She was absolutely pissed at Happy, and was ready to tear him apart.

"Hey, Haven, do you mind taking the boys for the night?" Tara asked, causing Jax to glare at her,"Jax and I haven't had a date night in months."

"She's got a broken hand, Tara," Jax reprimanded,"She doesn't need the extra stress. Mom can watch them, if you really need to get away from them."

"Jax, I don't want--" Tara cut herself off, and sighed with anger,"I fixed her hand up, maybe she can help me out a little."

"Tara--" Jax began, but Haven stopped him.

"I can take them," Haven said,"but next time," She glared at Tara,"I'll fix myself up. I don't need fucking charity, and I don't owe anybody a fucking thing."

"They're with Neeta," Jax commented,"You can take Juice for the night, if you need some help."

"I got this," She replied,"Wouldn't wanna look like a weak bitch." She added, giving her signature pissed off look as she headed towards her car.

"Someone should follow her," Gemma said,"She might need help getting them into her car."

"I'll go." Jax replied, and Tara grabbed his arm.

"Jax--" She began, but he cut her off with a glare.

"You're the one that wanted her to do this," He retorted,"the least I can do is make sure she doesn't hurt herself trying to take care of our boys."

Tara was pissed at him, but Jax didn't care. He considered Haven a friend, and he didn't want her to feel like she was only around to be a babysitter or something for him and Tara. Besides, after what happened with Happy, he didn't want her thinking the whole club was like Happy.

He wanted to know what the hell was up with Happy, but he didn't bother getting into it yet. He was letting Happy cool off before talking to him, since he didn't want to start an argument. If Happy was going to continue being that way, he would try to keep him away from Haven. He didn't want Haven to hate the man so bad that she let something slip to her father or someone else, that could get them all in trouble.

He trusted Haven, but he had to protect his club. He just hoped that she trusted him and the club as well, otherwise he wasn't working on much. He had to make her trust them, that way he could keep her from ratting anything on them. She might not have known much, but she knew enough. He wondered just how long it would be before she and Happy finally got along with each other, or one of them ended up killing the other...

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