Chapter Seven

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When Haven's car pulled into the lot, many heads turned at the sight of it, not to mention how loud the music was. Haven put pride into how clean and perfect her car looked at all times. She also made sure that it sounded just like Bumblebee would from the movies. Her music was always loud, so most of the time people would look when they heard her coming.

The guys that were outside could hear the music, and the sound made Gemma step out of her office. Dr. Feelgood by Mötley Crüe was playing loudly through the speakers. A smirk came to her face when she seen the blonde stepping out of the car. Little miss shrink had way more than meets the eye afterall.

"C'mon, you can meet the guys." Tara commented, though Haven could tell she didn't sound too happy about it.

Haven was beginning to realize that Tara wasn't telling her something. Tara was keeping secrets, and Haven hated secrets. Secrets could get you in a lot of trouble, or worse, they could get you killed.

"Glad you could make it, Haven." Gemma said, giving the girl a smirk.

"Of course," Haven replied,"wasn't going to miss out on the chance of underage drinking for free."

"Underage drinking?" A blonde man questioned, as he walked over to the women.

Haven watched as the blonde leaned forward and placed a kiss on Tara's lips.

"Hey babe." He greeted, and Tara smiled.

"Haven's only twenty," Gemma commented, cutting off the nasty sweet couple,"I figured if she was going to drink anywhere, let her drink here."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," The blonde laughed,"I'm Jax, and I'm guessing you're the shrink that helped us out the other day." He said, and Haven crossed her arms.

"As long as nobody else knows, than that's exactly who I am." She replied, causing Jax to smirk.

"You'll fit in just fine." Gemma commented, giving the girl a pat on the shoulder.

"Let's head inside," Jax said,"I'll introduce you to the others."

"Before we go in," Haven stopped Jax,"just know that if any of your friends get handsy, I know how to fight, and I'll cut their dick off." She stated, causing Jax to chuckle nervously.

"Don't worry, darlin'," He replied,"You'll be fine."

Jax lead Haven inside with Tara. The first thing he did was bring her to the bar. He ordered her, himself, and Tara beers, to hopefully loosen Haven up a bit. He didn't want her accidentally saying anything too mean to any of the guys. He had a feeling it would start some shit, even if Gemma was thinking that this shrink could become a helpful asset to the club.

While they were drinking their beers, a few of the guys walked in. Jax gave them warning looks, letting them know that Haven wasn't one of those girls. He didn't want her getting into trouble, and he definitely didn't want one of the guys getting their dick cut off because they tried something with her.

"Guys, this is Haven," Jax motioned to her,"She's the shrink that helped us out the other day," He informed,"and if anyone asks, she's twenty one."

"Underage drinking, I see?" A man with dark, curly hair commented, and Haven shrugged.

"I've been drinking since I was sixteen," She replied,"but my dad didn't know I was drinking until I was eighteen."

"How old are you?" A man with a Scottish accent asked,"I know being a doctor, you have to be older than twenty one." He commented, and she smirked.

"You do, unless you're a child prodigy like myself," Haven answered,"and to answer your question, I'm twenty."

"You're a shrink?" An old man with grey hair asked, and she nodded,"Why?"

"Why not?" She answered,"I mean, I had a fucked up childhood. My dad had a fucked up childhood, and hell, his adult life wasn't much better. I figured if I became a therapist, I could help kids that were in my situation and hopefully get them on the right path, or at least not feeling alone."

"And what's the right path?" The curly haired guy asked, causing her to sigh.

"I guess anything is fine, as long as you're happy," She replied,"but I'd say not being homeless and selling yourself for cheap cigarettes and a shot of Vodka is a start."

"Oh, that's Tig, that's Bobby, and that's Chibs," Jax commented,"The other guys are working or off doing something."

"So, I gotta ask," Tig raised an eyebrow,"Did you buy that car, or did daddy buy it for you?" He asked, and she smirked.

"I bought it," She answered,"When I want something, I get it. I don't care what I have to do to get what I want. I worked my ass off for that car, and I keep it looking new to show it off."

"You ever display it at a car show?" Bobby asked, and the girl shook her head.

"No, it's not a classic car," She said,"I doubt I'd get a spot to display it."

"You know about cars?" Jax asked, and the girl shrugged.

"I know what I read," She replied,"I have an eidetic memory, so I remember most of everything I read or see. My memory isn't perfect though, considering my mother was a druggie. If she would've stayed clean, my eidetic memory would be flawless."

"That's pretty fucking cool." Tig commented, causing everyone to laugh.

Haven hadn't really heard anyone call her memory "pretty fucking cool" before, so hearing it made her feel special. Most of the time she was simply Marshall Mathers' daughter that was an overachiever. She didn't see herself as an overachiever, she was just smarter than others. She hoped that these guys never found out who she was, because they were treating her normal, and she liked being normal for a moment in her life. She'd never turn down the life her father gave her though. She was grateful for everything he ever did, and still does for her, every day of her life...

Note: Dr. Feelgood by Mötley Crüe is in the media! Check it out, it's one of my favorite songs of all time.

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