Chapter Twenty Six

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Two weeks passed, before Jax finally got Haven to answer her phone. She was not happy about it, but he was able to make sure that she wasn't going to rat on his club. She was pissed at him, but she understood her friend. She wouldn't want anyone to sell her out either, which was why she had a lawsuit against Tara in the first place.

It seemed after the call with Jax, that Haven started feeling ill. She blamed Jax for the first two days, considering he had stressed her out and made her very upset. She stopped thinking that though, after the third day she wasn't feeling well. She felt like crap, especially from her lack of sleep and headache that seemed to be on and off at a constant rate.

"It's probably my period." Haven commented, as she sat at the desk with Gemma.

She and Gemma had been having a weekly meet-up since the boys went to prison. Even though she and Happy weren't really together, at least in her opinion, she still stayed in contact with Gemma. Gemma was the one woman she felt like she could somewhat trust in. Other than Juice who was locked up, Haven felt like she really didn't have anyone else.

"Or, you could be pregnant." Gemma replied, causing Haven to laugh.

"Yeah, right." Haven scoffed, making Gemma raise an eyebrow.

"You and Happy never have sex?" She asked, making Haven look away,"That's what I thought," She murmured,"Maybe we should pick up a few tests. Even if they come back negative, we'll know for sure."

Haven didn't want to buy pregnancy tests, but she knew that the only way to stop Gemma's nagging was to indulge her.

"I'll go pick up a few and bring them back here," Gemma said,"or I can bring them by your house in a few hours."

"My house," Haven replied,"I'd rather not have nosey Nancy finding out anything else that's none of her business."

Gemma agreed with her, and soon left. For the rest of the workday, Haven felt almost nervous about what the tests would say. She didn't know what she wanted them to say. Hell, she wasn't even sure if she ever wanted kids. She wasn't sure if she and Happy were getting back together, or if they were ever meant to be together. She wasn't sure if he wanted kids, and she was definitely not sure if he'd ever want to be a father.

When the time finally came for her to leave, she practically ran out of her office and to her car. She went straight home, and wasn't really surprised to see Gemma sitting outside waiting on her. Haven stepped out and went to the front door, and she let Gemma enter first. She dropped her car keys in the bowl on the kitchen table, and placed her jacket over the top of the chair.

"I got a few different ones," Gemma commented,"I also got you a plastic cup. I figured you could pee in the cup and dip the sticks."

"That would work." Haven replied, and Gemma smirked.

"I know it will," Gemma answered,"I got doubles of each test, so you can be more sure about your results."

"What if one is positive and one is negative?" Haven asked, causing Gemma to place her hand on the girl's arm gently.

"We'll find out for sure one way or another, I promise." Gemma replied, and the girl smiled thankfully.

Haven was nervous about the tests, but she didn't stop herself from peeing in the cup. Once she did, she opened all the tests and placed them on the labels of the correct boxes so she'd know when each test was finished. She dipped each stick, and when she dipped the final one, she let out a sigh of anxiousness.

"Sweetheart, come eat something, get your mind off of the tests." Gemma said, and Haven did as she said.

Gemma placed a takeout container in front of Haven and she almost laughed. The woman had hidden the food with the bags of pregnancy tests. Haven ate the food with a happy feeling in her chest, but she wasn't very happy after she started feeling sick after eating. Gemma quickly handed her an anti-nausea medication to help her keep her food down.

"I think we've waited long enough to check the test results." Gemma said, and Haven nodded nervously.

Haven and Gemma headed towards the bathroom and they looked at all the tests. Haven's hand went to her mouth as she looked at all of the tests.

"Only two are negative," Gemma commented,"If I were you, I'd start looking for a good OB."

"I-I'm pregnant." Haven murmured, and Gemma gave her a smile.

"Congratulations, sweetheart." Gemma replied, as she pulled the girl into a hug.

"What is Happy going to say? Does he even wanna be a dad? Do I wanna be a mom?" Haven questioned,"What if I'm not a good mom? I never had a good mom in my life."

"Calm down," Gemma replied,"I'll be here to help you, and your dad should be happy about it. As for Happy, he'd be a real dumbass if he didn't want to be a dad. You'll be a good mom, with or without him."

"Thank you, Gemma," Haven murmured,"I really needed to hear that."

"No problem, sweetheart," She replied,"I do think you should wait a couple of days before you tell your dad. We wouldn't want you freaking out while talking to him."

Haven agreed with her. She needed to be more level-headed when talking to her father. He wasn't going to be too excited about the news as is, and she didn't need to make it worse. She just hoped her father didn't hate her after she told him. She couldn't handle losing him, he was the one person that she would die without...

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