Chapter Six

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The weekend had finally come around, and Haven was a bit thankful for it. She could only deal with people's complaining so much. Yes, she knew being a therapist was a job that sometimes had to deal with people simply complaining, but sometimes people complained about things that weren't bad.

Anyhow, this weekend Haven had plans. Gemma had invited her over to the clubhouse, whatever that meant, and she was going to let the girl drink. Gemma told her that she was going to pick her up, but Haven had Tara tell the woman last minute that she'd find her way there in her own car. Gemma understood the girl's hesitance, and simply let her get her way with this little thing.

Tara had offered to ride with her to give her directions. She had driven her own car to Haven's home, so the girl wouldn't have to pick her up. Once Tara got to Haven's, the girl had her come to her room to help her choose an outfit.

"I've got three outfits to choose from." Haven commented, making Tara look at her quizzically.

"Why are you dressing up?" Tara asked,"I thought you didn't care what people thought about the way you dressed." She added, making Haven frown.

"Are you saying I dress bad?" Haven asked, making the older woman's eyes go wide.

"No! I just — you said you didn't care what others thought." Tara defended, and Haven chuckled.

"I'm just fucking with you," Haven replied,"But seriously, I figured I should dress somewhat nice, considering Gemma invited me without really having a reason to."

"Well, I think you should go with an outfit that is more you. That one has too much white, and not enough designs," Tara pushed the outfit aside,"but these two are both good. Try them on and let me see which one looks best." She said, and Haven nodded.

The first outfit was a mid thigh loose fitted faux leather skirt, and a grey Gnarkill cropped top. She put her fishnets on, and a knee high black boots. Once she had the outfit on, she walked out of the bathroom and did a spin with a goofy smile on her face.

"I like it, but I think the skirt will get you into a little unwanted attention." Tara commented, making Haven sigh and nod.

"You're probably right," Haven replied,"Though I'm all for a guy being a little handsy if I'm into him." She added jokingly, making Tara roll her eyes with a chuckle.

"Next outfit." Tara said, pushing the clothes into Haven's hands.

"Fine, Mom, I'm going." Haven retorted, causing Tara to scoff.

"That's definitely more you," Tara commented,"and I can see your tattoo

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"That's definitely more you," Tara commented,"and I can see your tattoo."

"I have a few, this one is for one of my favorite bands," Haven turned around,"and this one is a tattoo for my dad." She said, as she showed Tara the tattoo on her spine between her shoulder blades.

On the right side of her ribs was a Heartagram, which was a symbol for the band HIM. Between her shoulder blades, she had a backwards capital E inside of a diamond similar to Superman's symbol. She also and D12 underneath it.

"I knew you had the tattoo on your arm, too," Tara commented,"How many more do you have?" She asked, admiring the tattoo on Haven's arm.

On her arm was the same Proof tattoo that her father had. She had gotten it only days after Proof passed. Like her father, she had been close to him, so she got the tattoo in remembrance of him.

"I have a Mötley Crüe tattoo under my left boob, CKY on my thigh right under my ass, a sixty nine eyes symbol in the same area, just on the left thigh. I also have the Nirvana symbol on my right hip." She replied, and Tara shook her head with a laugh.

"You've got a lot of tattoos." She commented, and Haven simply laughed.

"You think I'm good to go now?" Haven asked, causing Tara to nod.

Tara and Haven headed out to Haven's car. Haven's car looked almost exactly like Bumblebee from Transformers, one of her favorite movies. She had wanted a Skyline that looked like Brian's from Fast and the Furious, but they didn't have any in stock when she went to buy her car. Her father promised to get one for her the moment he found the exact one she was looking for. It was one of the perks of being the oldest Mathers daughter.

When they got in Haven's car, Tara commented about the fact that the tint was so dark, it should've been illegal. Haven simply rolled her eyes, and turned the car on. The car roared to life, and hummed as she buckled up and set up the radio to what she wanted to listen to.

Each time Haven got in her car, she would have different music playing. Some days she felt like listening to rap, other times rock, even a few times she'd choose pop. Most times it was rock or rap though. R&B wasn't very uncommon for her either, since she was a big fan of Usher and Tyrese.

If Tara didn't like the music, she was just going to have to get over it. Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Piehole. Those were words she lived by, even when it was her father driving her around and picking the music. It was a thing, and she was going to keep it that way...

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