Chapter Twenty One

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The next morning, Haven woke up to the sound of the lock on the door opening. She slightly sat up and seen Happy walking into the room. He didn't look as angry as he had the night before, but that didn't mean that Haven felt like dealing with him. She was still pissed at the way he acted towards her.

"I think we should talk." Happy commented, as he closed the door behind himself.

"About what?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"If we were...together, I'd be able to tell you some of what's going on." He said, making her bite her lip.

"Like a couple?" She asked, and he nodded.

"You'd be my old lady." He replied, causing her to nod.

Haven wasn't too sure if she was ready to be in a real relationship, but she also felt like Happy wouldn't be as bad as some of the other guys that had tried to date her before. She just didn't want to be with someone that only liked her for money or for who her father was, but she felt like Happy wasn't like that. She just wasn't too sure how to feel about any of it.

"I'd like that," She murmured,"Just promise me you'll tell me a little about what I need to know." She added, and he stiffly nodded.

He couldn't tell her everything, it didn't work that way. He also didn't want to tell her everything either, considering some of it could scare her away. Some of it could also freak her out, and make her want to turn the club in. He couldn't put them in jeopardy, but he also trusted her, and he wanted to believe that she would keep everything to herself if he asked her to.

"Do you want to know what's going on?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Not every detail, but I want to know why I'm here." She replied, causing him to nod as well.

"If you haven't figured it out yet, this clubhouse is home to the Sons of Anarchy," Happy sighed,"I'm the enforcer, I take care of people that want to cause problems for the club."

"So, I'm here because of something that happened with the club?" She asked, making him nod.

"A rival club is causing us some problems," Happy replied,"we decided to call for lockdown, just incase."

"So, what you're saying is, I should've stayed away from all of you the first time I came into town?" She questioned, and Happy nodded.

"It's too late now." He replied, giving the girl a smirk.

"I'm still not happy about being here," She commented,"especially since I didn't want to be around Tara as much as I'm going to be for however long this lasts."

"It won't be too bad." He murmured, and she scoffed.

"Have you met her?" She questioned rhetorically,"She likes being center of attention, and she hates when someone tells her she's wrong." She said, making him smirk.

"You hate being told you're wrong, too." He commented, and she turned to him with a glare.

"You think you're funny, but I can still kick your ass with this cast on my arm." She retorted jokingly, causing him to give one of his very few grins.

He never really grinned, unless he was going to do something that wasn't very legal. Honestly, he could be considered practically emotionless, other than anger. He never really let anyone in, especially a woman. The women around the clubhouse were simply just easy pussy, but Haven wasn't like that. She was something much more than any of the other ladies around the club.

"Jax will want to talk to you about Tara eventually." Happy commented, making the girl sigh.

"I don't want to talk about that bitch," She grumbled,"but I guess when he eventually bothers me, I'll talk to him."

"Don't fight with my VP, I don't need anymore shit." He said, and she rolled her eyes.

She knew he was being serious, as well as being a little joking, but she didn't really care for what he had to say. Honestly, it almost seemed like she and Jax weren't going to fight really, but they also wouldn't agree on absolutely everything. She felt like Jax was a friend, but he was going to always be with a woman that pissed her off, so she wasn't completely sure how solid their friendship would be in the future.

When Happy had to leave, he put Juice on "Haven watch." He made Juice watch over her to make sure she was protected. He knew that Juice and Haven were best friends, so he'd protect the girl with his life. He hoped it didn't get to that point, but he knew his girl was safe if it did get to that point.

She and Juice talked about Tara and a few of the other people that got on their nerves. Juice also told her quite a bit about his life before the Sons of Anarchy. He had told her a bit before, but this time he had gone into detail. This time she really understood why he felt like she understood him. Juice actually seemed to believe that she and Happy were good for each other, as long as they learned to talk it out. Neither would good with words though, so it would be a real work in progress for some time...

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