Chapter Twenty

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About three weeks had passed since Happy had kissed Haven. The two never really talked about what happened. Haven still stayed away from Tara, but the woman had it coming. She was a complete bitch after all. She had no right to act the way she did towards Haven in the first place.

Anyhow, since the kiss, Happy had shown up at the hospital a few times. Haven and Happy talked a little bit, but mostly they just seemed to like being together, even if they really didn't speak much. Haven was the one that did most of the talking, and she would tell him a little about herself, to try and prove to him that she wasn't someone that was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

While Haven was cleaning up her office, she heard her office door open. She looked up and her eyes met Happy's. When she seen the frown on his face, she knew that something was wrong.

"What's up?" Haven asked, as she shredded another set of papers.

"There's a lock down at the clubhouse," Happy said,"You've gotta come with me."

"I'm not a part of whatever is going on." She replied, making him sigh.

"Look, you've gotta come with me," Watching as the girl crossed her arms,"You're close to us. You've been seen at the clubhouse more than once. You've been seen with a few of us. You can be used against us, so to keep you safe, you've got to come to come with me." He stated, and she glared at him.

"This is ridiculous." She complained, making him roll his eyes.

"Doesn't matter," He retorted,"Finish your work, and get your ass outside."

Haven angrily finished her work, before she headed out to her car. Happy was waiting on his bike next to her car. He had her drive home and pack a bag with clothes that would last around a week. She refused to leave her house without getting a shower, and she didn't care that she was going dressed up afterward.

As soon as she was dressed, Happy made her get in her car, and follow him to the clubhouse

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As soon as she was dressed, Happy made her get in her car, and follow him to the clubhouse. She wasn't too happy about it, but she followed without arguing. She knew he'd make her go either way. She just figured if she went on her own, she'd make less death threats towards him.

When she got to the clubhouse, she was directed to go straight inside. She was definitely not happy about seeing loads of people inside the clubhouse. She went over to the bar where Juice was standing and let out a sigh.

"I don't want to be here." She grumbled, and Juice laughed.

"That's too bad, you're stuck with us now." He replied, causing her to roll her eyes.

A few people turned to see Happy, and watched with wide eyes as he brought Haven's bag in from her car. He walked over to her and stopped for a moment.

"You'll be staying in my room." Happy stated, before he turned and carried her bag with him towards his room.

Some looked at her surprised, and quite a few of the skanks around the clubhouse looked at her with jealousy. They weren't happy that Haven had gotten Happy's attention, and it was almost like she had him doing things for her without even trying. They were jealous of her, but she didn't care, she wasn't with Happy. They never mentioned a relationship to either of each other, so they didn't really have any title to whatever was going on.

A few hours later, Haven sat on the bed with a scowl on her face. Her hand was still wrapped in a cast, but she only had two weeks left before it would be removed. She wasn't happy with being at the clubhouse at all.

"How long am I going to be stuck here?" Haven asked, causing the man to shrug.

"We don't know yet." Happy replied, making the girl sigh.

"Why am I stuck on a lockdown here? What the hell is going on here?" She questioned, and he frowned.

"I can't tell you," He said,"It doesn't work that way."

"Well, if you can't tell me, than it must not be my problem. I have a job, and I don't have time for whatever ridiculous shit is going on here," She replied,"and I know the moment I'm stuck here, my dad will show up at my house unannounced, and shit will not turn out fine at all."

"Look, for now, you're going to sit down, shut up, and do as your told. It'll make this all go a lot easier, and once this lockdown is over, you can go back home and get back to work." He said, but his words made her extremely angry.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to, but it sure as shit isn't me," She snapped,"I didn't ask to be here, and I don't want to be stuck in this place knowing absolutely nothing about what is going on. I'm sick of this shit, and all of you assholes that are trying to run my goddamn life."

"I don't have time for this shit." Happy grumbled, as he shook his head with an angry scowl.

He went to the door and headed out, but when he closed the door, he locked it behind him. She didn't know that he had a special lock put on his door for shit like this. She was locked in the room until further notice. She wasn't able to get out. She was stuck, and no amount of banging on the door or trying to break the lock was going to help her. She was practically a prisoner in this place, and she had no idea how long that would last...

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