Chapter Thirty

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Haven was around five months pregnant when she finally had the chance to tell her sisters. It wasn't completely her fault, considering she had to stay away from the cameras as much as possible. She also had to keep Happy in Charming for the first two weeks after he got out of prison, mostly for legal reasons.

When Happy was finally able to leave Charming, Haven proposed that the two go see her sisters. The problem was, Happy didn't want to leave. He was under the impression that the boys might need him the moment he's gone, and he didn't want to be all the way in Detroit when the boys needed him. Haven was very angry with him, but she let him do as he wanted. He was an asshole afterall, and he'd get his way either way.

Haven went on the plane herself to Detroit, and Alaina was the one to pick her up. Since Happy decided he wasn't going to come to Detroit, which pissed her off, she decided she'd stay out there for a few days and spend time with her sisters. Kim was leaving a little after Haven arrived, so she wouldn't have to deal with the horrible woman.

"Haven!" Hailie and Whitney exclaimed, as Haven entered the house.

The girls wrapped their arms around her, and they were extremely happy to see her. When they let go, the two were about to ask about her belly, but Kim came down the stairs right before they could. The moment Kim seen Haven, a scowl came to her face.

"Oh," Kim murmured,"You're here."

"Yes, I am," Haven retorted,"and you're leaving. Goodbye."

"I should bring the girls with me," Kim commented,"at least they wouldn't have to deal with you. You cause more problems than you're worth."

"Enough," Marshall spat, as he came from his in-home studio,"Get out!"

"Bitch." Kim spat, as she passed by Haven.

Haven stepped forward, but Marshall was quick to grab her arm. He kept her from attacking the woman, and the bitch left soon after. Haven and Marshall shared a look, before he motioned for her to take a seat. She needed to calm down, the stress wasn't going to be good for her or the baby.

"I had a reason for coming here." Haven commented, causing the girls to turn towards her.

"Mom didn't succeed in getting you restricted from us, did she?" Hailie asked, causing Haven to shake her head.

"No, nothing like that," Haven replied,"actually, it's something good."

"What is it?" Whitney asked, as she looked at Haven excitedly.

"I'm pregnant." Haven said, and the three girls gasped.

"Are you serious?!" Alaina exclaimed excitedly, and Haven nodded.

"I believe I'm five months along, give or take a few days," Haven replied,"I would've told you sooner, but I didn't want the paps to find out, and I didn't just want to tell you over the phone."

"Where's Happy?" Hailie asked, since she and the other two girls had been told about him.

"He didn't have the chance to come," Haven lied,"He was busy."

Marshall could tell straight through her lie, which made him feel anger towards Happy. He didn't know the whole truth, but he did know that Happy was an asshole. Any normal man would go and beat the shit out of whoever hurt his daughter, but he couldn't because of who he was. He had to let it go for now, mostly because he didn't want to hurt his daughter. He knew she really liked, probably loved Happy, and he didn't want to be the reason Happy disappeared from her and her baby's life.

"Just so you guys know," She looked over at the girls with a smile,"I'm staying here for a few days, so you guys have time to get use to the news and have time with me before the baby comes." She said, and her sisters excitedly went towards her for hugs.

"Can we have turns with sleepovers like we use to?" Whitney asked, causing Haven to grin.

"Yeah, I'd like that." She replied, making grins appear on her sisters' faces as well.

Marshall watched happily as his daughters interacted with each other. They hadn't been able to hang out with each other as much as they use to. He really wished they had more time together, but they were all getting older, and they really didn't always have time to only spend time together.

"I'll make dinner tonight," Haven commented,"I've been trying out new recipes recently, and I want you guys to try some of the foods I've been making."

"What are you making?" Alaina asked, perking up slightly.

"Can I help?" Hailie questioned, and Haven nodded.

"You guys can help, but you might want to change into clothes that won't matter if they get dirty." She said, causing the girls to quickly head up to their rooms.

"You're a good sister." Marshall murmured, giving his oldest a smile.

Haven grinned playfully at him, and shrugged.

"Wanna help?" Haven asked, and Marshall laughed.

"Sure, couldn't think of anything I'd rather do." He replied, causing her to smile.

The girls soon came back down, and the group of five went to the kitchen to cook. It was a scene that someone wouldn't see very often. So, when Dre arrived to talk to Marshall about a new song, he stopped in his tracks. He grabbed his phone and snapped a few pictures of them. They all had smiles on their faces, and in that moment, it was like nothing else mattered. They were all happy, and it was something that was truly amazing to witness...

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