Chapter Eleven

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Tara and Haven were able to talk it out at work during lunch the next day, and the two were back to being friends. Haven was unsure about Tara after that though, mostly because Tara seemed more snappy with her. She couldn't be sure if it was her fault though, considering Tara had told her all the times that Jax and the others pissed her off.

Haven had a day off from work, and she decided that she was going to bring her car to the garage to get the oil changed. She knew how to change her own oil, but she remembered how much the guys seemed to like it. Though she was still not sure about seeing them, she knew she could trust them with her car. Besides, she really didn't feel like getting dirty on her day off.

When she arrived at the garage, only Jax was outside. Two of the other guys were inside of the garage working on other cars. She parked her car near the entrance of the garage and stepped out. She walked over to where Jax stood smoking a cigarette.

"What's up, Haven?" Jax greeted, tossing the cigarette out.

"You got time to change the oil in my car?" She asked, and he shrugged.

"I got a minute," He replied,"I'm on break for another ten minutes."

"How much do I owe you?" She asked, pulling her wallet from her pocket.

"It's on the house," He answered,"See it as our way of apologizing for making you run off the other day."

"No need to apologize, Jax," She replied,"I was the one in the wrong."

"Need anything else while you're here?" He asked, causing her to shake her head.

"Not unless you see something while you're working." She answered, and he chuckled.

"Jax, Stahl--" A bald man began, before going quiet when he seen Haven.

"Happy, this is Haven," He motioned to the woman,"Haven, this is Happy."

Happy merely nodded, not saying much. He was thinking that she was kind of hot. He had remembered hearing about her a couple times, once when it came to FunTown, and another time when Juice mentioned that she was technically famous.

She wasn't like most of the women he'd see by the clubhouse. The women that hung around wore barely anything, and the women that were customers to the garage always dressed like soccer moms or like they had more money than they really ever had. She was dressed different than most people he seen around Charming, and she had way more tattoos than any of the women in town. Honestly, that's probably one of the reasons he thought she was so attractive.

Her outfit was so basic, but he still thought she was hot

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Her outfit was so basic, but he still thought she was hot. He didn't let that sway him though, he stayed quiet since he knew better than to let an outsider know anything about the club or what goes on in the background. It was nobody's business but club business.

"Should I come back later?" Haven asked, but Jax shook his head.

"Nah, you're good," Jax replied, "Whatever the club needs can wait."

Happy seemed to scoff, before he turned around and left Jax and Haven. From looking at them, he couldn't help but think that Jax had a thing for Haven. That maybe he wanted to hookup with her, though it wasn't a good idea. She was a celebrity's daughter, meaning if Jax messed up, he could be in a lot of trouble. And if Tara wanted to get back at her for whatever Jax did, she could go to a reporter or other source, and get Haven's name slandered.

Happy decided that he was just going to stop thinking about Haven. Yes, he thought she was hot, and he wouldn't deny that fact that he wanted to hook up with her, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. He was going to keep it to himself and keep her out of his head. He did not have time for a woman that had a famous daddy that most likely expected everyone to fall to her feet and give her whatever she wanted whenever she wanted.

Happy didn't know anything about Haven. He didn't know that she was raised differently than most celebrity kids. Yes, her father bought her things a lot, but that was because he felt bad for her growing up for years without much money. He wanted his girls to have whatever they could dream of because he didn't have that growing up. He was a good father, but he still taught his girls about being humble and down to earth.

"Jax!" He heard, causing him to sigh.

"Look, apparently these idiots can't do anything without me," Jax commented,"so, why don't you head into the clubhouse and get a drink. I'll come get you when your car is ready. It shouldn't be more than thirty minutes to an hour."

"Fine," She replied,"but if any of them get a single scratch on my car--" He cut her off.

"Don't worry, only I'll be touching it." He said, and she nodded.

She wasn't too happy about leaving her car unattended. It wasn't that she didn't trust Jax, it was more along the lines of her having trouble trusting anyone with anything of hers. The only person she fully trusted was her father, and maybe a select few other people. It was hard to gain her trust, because so many people had broken it in the past...

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