Chapter Ten

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Haven had managed to ignore everyone for the rest of the weekend. She had kept her door locked the entire time she was home, and didn't try leaving once. She had heard motorcycles pass by her house every few hours all weekend, which was one of the main reasons why she didn't leave the house.

The day she had to go back to work, she was not ready. She didn't want to run into Tara, nor did she want to run into the rest of the the people she had met at the clubhouse. She didn't know if they'd bombard her at work, but she doubted they would. She had a feeling Tara would have a fit if they did.

For most of the workday, Haven stayed in her office, only dealing with the patients that had scheduled appointments with her. She wasn't required to walk around the hospital to check on other patients, she did that out of the kindness of her own heart.

The only time Haven left her office was to go and pick something up for lunch. When she got back to the hospital, she headed straight to her office. She didn't know Gemma's car, so she didn't know the woman was waiting for her in her office.

"What are you doing in here?" Haven asked, the moment she walked into her office and seen Gemma.

"I wanted to talk to you, is that a crime?" Gemma retorted, and Haven sighed.

"Fine," Haven sighed,"What do you possibly wanna talk about?" She asked, as she sat down in her desk chair.

"The boys told me what happened the other day," Gemma commented,"Juice didn't mean anything bad by it. Honestly, I think he was star struck. He's never met a celebrity before."

"I'm not a celebrity." Haven replied, making Gemma scoff.

"You are in this town," Gemma answered,"You might think you're not a celebrity, but you are, and you're gonna have to get use to being recognized sometimes."

"I know," Haven looked away for a moment,"but I finally felt like I wasn't going to be recognized. None of them seemed to know who I was, I was normal, but then Juice knew, and I felt like I was pushed back into my bubble again," She looked up at Gemma with emotion filled eyes,"I love my dad more than anything, and I'm use to being recognized. I just thought that this was a place I could be invisible."

"Your father is a world famous rapper," Gemma said,"You were never going to be normal, sweetheart, and if thought you would be, than you're an idiot. I know you're not though, you're a smart girl. So, embrace the fact that you're a celebrity, and be happy that you'll be remembered forever. Maybe try feeling a little conceited about it sometimes."

"I guess I can be that way, but how would I even be conceited about it?" She questioned,"Do I boast about the fact that I'm friends with Robert Downey Jr or something?"

"Are you?" Gemma asked, and she nodded,"You lucky bitch," She smirked,"Now, are you going to forgive my boys, or do you need more time to cry about it?"

"I'll let you know." Haven replied, and Gemma simply nodded.

The woman stood up and gave the girl a motherly smile, before she left the office and closed the door behind her. Haven quietly ate her lunch, unsure of how to feel and what to do to make her feel less like a petty brat. She knew her father was famous, she knew she was going to be recognized, yet she ran like a small child who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Gemma was right, she needed to quit being so childish. She needed to own-up to who she was, and be happy with who she was. She needed to smile every time someone approached her, and she needed to give everyone the same friendly greeting, even if she wasn't feeling truly friendly herself.

With a sigh, Haven pulled her phone from her pocket to send a message to Tara. She wanted to apologize to her friend first, and if things didn't work out well, she wouldn't really care. She had only been in Charming for a few days afterall.

   'Hey, I'm sorry for being a bitch.'

She didn't really have much else to apologize for. She was being a bitch, and she onew she was. She wasn't going to apologize for anything else, that wasn't the type of person she was. Her father had taught her to never apologize for shit she didn't do; that was because Kim use to try to tell her that she had to apologize for everything, even things that were Kim's fault.

She didn't receive a text back immediately, but she didn't expect to. Tara was working and she understood that. Later that night though, when she didn't recieve a text back, she kind of scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Dumb bitch." She grumbled, though it could've been Tara simply giving her a taste of her own medicine.

She was going to give her the rest of the night, if she didn't recieve a text back in the morning, then she was done with Tara. She really didn't have time for friends that didn't understand why she would act the way she did. She knew she was different, but she didn't think she was that different from everyone else around her....

Note: I know I didn't say it, but I figured I should now. I changed some events and such in this story to fit what I want to happen. So, not everything will follow the show to an exact.

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