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723 words♡

All credits go to Jonah Hill!♡

Me and my bestfriend, kk, and I are hanging out at her house. We're just talking about whatever subject comes to mind. Her house phone rings, and she picks up the phone. It's her boyfriend, wondering if she wanted to come to his shop and hang out with him and his friends. Kk saw it as a perfect opportunity for me to meet her boyfriend. She asked me if I was okay with it, and I told her I didn't mind. She told him to pick us up.

Fuckshit and Ray picks us up. Fuckshit looks at me, and says "damn mama's, let me get yo number" Ray looks at him like he's crazy or something as he punched him in the arm, but I just rolled my eyes. We got in the car and headed to Ray's shop. As we entered the shop, I saw 2 other boys. My friend started introducing me to all of them, "this is fuckshit" she pointed to fuckshit "I've told you about Ray, and that over there is ruben, we're missing one" she said. The kid named ruben spoke up, "He's out back trying to land a trick." Everyone nodded as an 'alright'. "Well, let's go outside and skate with him," Ray said as he walked out to the back of the shop.

Everyone is outside skating beside me and kk, since we didn't bring our skateboards. I look at the one boy she didn't introduce me to. I look over to her after a little while. "What about the skinny blond boy?" I ask her,"what?" She says a little confused at first."You didn't introduce me to him. What's his name?" I ask once again. "ohhh, that's fourthgrade. Why? Do you think he's cute or something?" She answered. "No, I just wanted to know," I said, looking away from her and back at fourth grade.

After a little while, Ray came up to kk and asked if she wanted to use his skateboard, which she said yes and left to go skate. I'm still looking at fourth grade and watching him record some tricks fuckshit does. I see fuckshit walk to fourthgrade and tell him something, they both look over in my direction so I quickly look away. After a couple of minutes, I hear someone walk over to where I'm sitting. "Hey, uhm.. do you wanna use my skateboard?" Someone says shyly as I turn my head to see who it is, It was fourthgrade. I smile when I see him. "Uh, yeah, sure!" Me and him walk over to an empty space for me to skate around. I could skate, but I'm not as good as Ray, fuckshit, and fourth grade. I start skating around on his skateboard. It's a little hard since the board is a little too big. A kid came out and talked to ruben for a little, ruben learnt his name is stevie After a while of skating, we all decided to go inside and cool down.

The whole 'can black people get sunburnt' coversation happens and stevie gets his nickname, sunburn.(im to lazy to write all of that)

We decided to go to the courthouse after some time of watching skating videos. We get to the courthouse, and me and kk are walking around talking while the others are skating and talking to other skaters. After about an hour or so, we hear 5-0 and start running, me and kk get split up as we run away from the cops. As everyone is running, I end up running behind a building, hoping it would be safe or whatever. I see someone as i run behind the building, I recognize who it is. It was fourth grade. I walked up to him and started talking about how me and kk got split up, and i dont know where she went. After talking about that, he said, "I got all of that on camera." I smile. "Good, it's gonna look awesome." He smiles and looks down at his cam Corder and plays with the buttons. He and I started talking about music and stuff about film until everything calmed down. After about 10 minutes, we walk back to the shop and meet up with kk and the other boys.

"What about that skinny blonde boy?"♡Where stories live. Discover now