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All credits to Jonah Hill

I wake up and just lay there for a moment. I didn't have the energy to get up and do anything. But I did. I sat up and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get changed out of my pajamas. I walked downstairs to eat, and I made myself waffles. After I got done eating, I went to call kk.




She answered. "Hey, did you need something?" She asked me. "Nah, I was just wondering what you were up to, I literally have nothing to do until tonight," I reply. "Has fourth grade not called you yet?" She asked. "No, but it's nowhere near time for us to hang out." I answer. "Your future husband will answer soon, don't worry!" She says teasingly. "You're so annoying!" I say as a joke, I could never call her annoying and actually mean it. "You love me, well I gotta go now! Bye, have fun!" She says. "Bye!" I reply and hang up the phone.

It's around 6 p.m. i haven't really done alot, today has been reallyyyyyyyy boring. But I heard the phone ring, I assumed it was kk. I picked up the phone. "You and Ray finally donr fucking?" I chuckle a little as I say this, no one ever calls besides kk. I totally forgot fpurthgrade was supposed to call. "Wait, what?!" I hear fourthgrade say on the other line. "Oh, shit! Sorry, I thought this was kk, FUCK." I apologize. "It's alright. Moving on, are we still hanging out tonight?" He asks. "Yeah, can you at midnight? I have to sneak out because my mom would never let me hang out with a guy if she or kk is not there." I explain. "Yeah, that's fine with me." He answers. "Ok, do you wanna meet at the park or something?" I ask. "Mhm!" He hums. "Alright, I'll see we you later, bye," I say. "Bye," he says. I hang up and make my way to my bedroom to pick out an outfit for tonight.

It's around 11:30 when I start getting ready. I make sure my mom is asleep before I sneak out the window, I have on some baggy pants on, a white crop top, and a jacket. I want to be comfy. I made it look good, I still wanted to kinda impress him. I made my way to this park. After a good amount of time skateboarding to the park, I finally made it. I see fourth grade sitting on the swings waiting for me. I walk up to the swing next to him and next on the swing. "Hey, fourth grade!" I say with a smile. "Hi, uh, how are you?" He said is a shy and soft tone. "I'm great, kinda tired, tho. What about you?" I reply and ask him. "I'm doing pretty well, thank you," he answers. "No problem, you wanna go the bridge, I heard it's really pretty at night," I ask. "Yeah, I mean, if you want to, of course," he replied. I smile and hop off the swim, grabbing my board and waiting for him. He follows me, we both get off our boards once we get close to the bridge cause we were both tired of it. We had talked about things we had in common until we made it. We make it to the bridge, and we start walking around the bridge. I can feel his hand brush against mine as we walk next to each other. It happens about 4 times in the next 5 minutes, but I'm not complaining. I can tell he is thinking about something. After a minute, i can feel him take my hand and hold it while we walk. We are walking across the bridge, hand in hand, at midnight. Holy shit, do I like fourth grade... LIKE THAT?!

♡"See them walking hand in hand
Across the bridge at midnight"♡

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