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574 words

All credits to Jonah Hill

I wake up next to fourth grade, laying on the floor. I look over and see the others going through fourthgrades camera. They noticed I was awake and quickly put it away and tried acting normal. I get off the floor and walk over to them. "Why are you going through his camera?" I ask, confused. "Cause he records everything, and we wanted to see if it was actually a date," Ray answers. "Oh my God, It wasn't a date, I was just hanging out with him because he's my friend! That's it, only friends!" I said, wishing it could be more than friends. I look over at fourth grade and see him awake and looking over at us. "Damn, sorry, shawty," fuckshit said. "Shut the hell up, fuckshit" I say walking to the bathroom. What if he wanted it to be a date. What if he hates me after hearing what I said. Every single possibility runs through my head. But I just hope he also thought it was just us hanging out. He never said it was a date. I don't think he will be mad. I walk out and go to the kitchen. "Hey Ray," I call out. "Yes?" I hear him reply from the living room. "Can you make some pancakes, I want some really bad." I walk into the living room to tell him. "Yeah, sure. Do you guys want any?" He answers and looks at the others, they nod, and he walks into the kitchen to make pancakes. Fourth grade is still sitting on the floor, so I sit next to him. I fix his hair a little. "Did you sleep well?" I say, trying to make small talk. He just nodded, not even looking at me. He lays down, and I lay down, but I lay on my side holding my head up with my hand. "They were looking through your camera," I tell him. "I have nothing to hide." He said softly. After a little while of me making small talk, Ray told everyone pancakes were done, and he brought everyone their own plate of pancakes. Me and fourthgrabe sit up and eat our pancakes. Later on, I realized I didn't tell my mom I was spending the night at a friend's house, so I called her and told her. Fuckshit suggested we go to this girl named estee's party. Everyone seemed okay with the idea. We all just borrowed Ray's clothes since everyone wore baggy clothes and it was nothing different.

We just did stupid and random shit until it was time to go to the party. But we had to walk back to where fuckshit left his car and drive to this girls house. We arrived at the party, and I was gonna hang out with fourth grade, but this girl Zoe had beaten me to it, so I just hung out with ruben and stevie. I watch as Zoe gets flirty and touchy with him. He's not even my boyfriend, and I'm jealous. I decided to smoke a little to take my mind off of it. I see kk come up to me and whisper in my ear. "Fourth grade and that girl are flirting back and forth." Her telling me that fourth grade was flirting back made me shudder. I played it off like I didn't care that much, but I had to step outside.

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