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All credits go to Jonah Hill

It was a week after me and kk last hung out with Ray and his friends, I kinda missed hanging out with them. Tomorrow is the day of her pool party and she is inviting Ray, fuckshit, ruben, fourthgrade, stevie, some other girls and obviously me. Me and her talked on the phone about how excited we are about tomorrow. We even started picking out our outfits and swimsuits. I acted like I wasn't trying to impress anyone that would be there, but I knew that I was. After a while, I ended up hanging up to go eat dinner. I walk downstairs and sit at the dining room table. It was just me and my mom. "Mom, can I go to kk's pool party tomorrow, please?" I ask her. "Who's gonna be there?" She questioned. I explain everyone who's gonna be there and what time it starts. "Who are these boys you were mentioning?" She asked. "It's Ray's, kk's boyfriends friends. They are really nice. I've hung out with them before!" I say. She nods her head as an 'yes, you can go'. After dinner, I go upstairs, take a shower, brush my teeth, and go to sleep.

I woke up at about 9:43 a.m., too early for my liking, I still got up, tho. I get up and brush my teeth. The pool party is around 2 p.m., so u had time to hang around the house. I end up making my way downstairs and making myself some scrambled eggs and bacon. After I eat, I walk to the living room and watch MTV. I watched for about an hour before I got bored. I go call kk to see if I can come over. She says that I can and I can just stay until the pool party is over. I get my stuff and get ready before I head over to her house. We hang out until 1:30. We started setting everything up since there wasn't much to set up, and we put our bathing suits.

People started showing up. There wouldn't be that many people, but it would be a good amount. Ray and his friends walk in. "Ayyy, what's up" fuckshit says. I just wave to all of them. I see fourth grade alone sitting somewhere in the dining room, I walk up to him. "Hey, fourthgrade!" I say. "Oh, hi," he says back. "You gonna swim later?" I ask. "Uh... I don't know, I kinda wanna film the others swimming and stuff, " he answers. "How about you record them having fun or whatever, and then you swim, or I can record you guys when you wanna swim." I say. He just shrugs. "I'm gonna go eat something, I'll talk to you later, ok?" I say. "Ok," he nods and slightly smiles.

After about 15 minutes, everyone changes into their swimsuits and swim trunks. Everyone gets in the pool besides fourth grade. He records everyone swimming and doing stupid shit. After a little while of swimming, I come over to him. "Hey, do you want me to record for a while?" I ask him,"I mean.. do you want to?" He questions. "Yes, I'm done swimming for now!" I get out the watter and sit on the edge next to where he is sitting. I dry my hands and arms off before he shows me how to hold it and whatever else I need to know. He hands me the cam Corder and hops in the pool. I record for a while. It obvious was mostly looking at fourth grade, but I wouldn't admit it.

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