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All credits go to Jonah Hill!

We're at Ray's shop just joking around and being stupid like teenagers do. "I'm hungry as fuck" Ruben says "yall tryna go get food at that one place a couple minutes away from here?" Fuckshit asks. We all nod, and we all get in the car and fuckshit fives down to the food place he was talking about. We order our food and eat outside. Fuckshit decides to do a skateboard trick on the sidewalk and as he's doing the trick he hits someone. Fuckshit starts yelling at him and shit. "Beat his ass already," I say, tired of fuckshit yelling at the dude who is obviously gonna stay silent.

We head back to the shop after we get done eating. We hung out for a while, but I got dark, so me and kk decided to go back to her house since I'm staying the night. We both say goodbye to all of the boys, and fuckshit takes us back to her house. We say bye to him and walk inside and go to her room. We talked about our day for like an hour and a half. We brush our teeth and get ready for bed.

The next morning, I wake up to kk hitting me with a pillow. Me and her brush our teeth before going downstairs and eating the waffles she has made. "So, what do you think of fourth grade?" she asks. "I like him, not as a crush tho!" I say. "Mhmmm..." she hums. "I dont!" I roll my eyes. "Whateverrr," she laughs as she eats her waffles. We finish our food completely full. "Do you wanna hang out with Ray and his friends?" She asks me. "Yeah, sure." I nod as I answer her.

Around 12:30 p.m., kk calls Ray to see if we can hang out with them. They ended up calling for 30 minutes. Me and her get ready to hang out with them. Me and her decided to walk since it was nice out, and we felt like it. 20 minutes later, we arrive at the shop, and we walk inside. I sit next to fourth grade since no one was sitting there. "Hey, fourth grade," I say, making him look over at me "hi" he replied. "Can I see some of the videos you have recorded?" I ask him. He nods and shows me a couple of his videos he has recorded. "Those look fucking awesome" I say. He smiles "thanks" he says quietly. Me and him continue to talk for a little bit while the other's talk.

"My birthday is coming up in like a week, I was considering having a pool party." kk says. "Fuck yeah." Fuckshit replies. "You should!" I say. "That would be fun. You better invite me!" Ruben says in a joking tone. Ray, fourth grade, and sunburn just nod in agreement with everyone else.

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