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All credits go to Jonah Hill

We had a moment of comfortable silence after he held my hand. I watched him as he pulled his cam Corder out of his bookbag. "Can I record us, yknow.. hanging out?" He asks, looking down at his camera. I nod and smile at him. He let's go of my hand to situate the camera. He starts riding on his skateboarding and waits for me to get on mine and follow him. He starts recording me, skating, and we hold hands while we're skating across the bridge. He records us talking and having a good time until we get to the end of the bridge. We get to the end and get off our skateboards. He puts his camera away. "There's not much open at midnight, but do you wanna go find somewhere we can get something to eat?" He asks me. "Yes, please," I answer. We walk to a fast food store and get something to eat there. Before the food was brought to us, fourth grade started recording me again. I smiled when i noticed him at first, and I placed a kiss on the lens of the camera. I wipped it off right after i realized the lipstick was on the lens(if that makes sense). We sat at a table inside the store and ate the food we ordered. We had threw French fries everywhere, and we basically had a mini food fight at 1:00 a.m. in a fast food restaurant. We joked around a lot while we ate. we got closer in the short amount of time we hung out together. We walked around and just talked about whatever came to mind. At around 2:30 a.m. we decided it was time for us to go home. "I think we should go to our houses now. Do you want me to walk you to your house?" He asks. "Yeah, sure," I answer. He walked me home, his hand holding mine. He waits until I climb through the window before he skates down the street and turns a corner.

I sneak up to my room and flop down on my bed. I sit there and think about everything that happened before I brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. I lay in bed, thinking of fourth grade. I fall asleep after a little while.

I wake up to my phone ringing, I realize I had slept in when I look at the time. I get up and answer the phone. "Hello?" I say questioning who it was, I was NOT gonna make the same mistake that I did yesterday. "I've called you 4 times!" I hear kk say on the other line. "Oh, sorry! I was asleep, I was awake until like almost 3 am." I say. "Yeah, I know, with your future husband. But anyways, do you wanna hang out?" She asks. "Uh yeah, sure, just let me get at the shower, brush my teeth, and get ready," I tell her. "Okk, bye," she says. "Bye!" I reply back and hang up. I picked out some clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I brush my teeth and get changed. I walked downstairs to the living room where my mom was. "Hey, mom, can I go hang out with kk, please?" I plead. "Yeah, that's fine," she answers. I smile and grab a snack before going over to kk's house. I make it to her house and knock. She walks out. "Come on, we're going to Ray's shop!" She says excitedly. "Alrighttttt," I answer, dragging out the word, acting as if I was disappointed as a joke. We skateboard down to his shop, and I tell her about everything that happened when I hung out with fourth grade. "So, do you have a crush on him?" She asks. "Noooo," I lie. "I don't believe that, but whatevaaa," she's says in a teasing manner. I roll my eyes.

We arrive at Motorz. We walk in and see all 5 boys watching skating films. Me and her walk up to them. She sits on the arm rest next to where Ray is. "Do you want to sit here?" Fourth grade asks me, getting up out of his seat. "Thank you," I smiled and sat where he was sitting. He sat in front of me in between my legs(pause...) and continued to watch TV. I started messing around with his hair. Kk noticed. "So, kio, fourth grade.... how did the date go last night?" She says,"What date?" Fuckshit and Ray say at the same time. "It wasn't a date! We were just hanging out!" I explain. "Yeah, holding hands,walking at night, eating food together isn't a date," she says playfully. I roll my eyes and laugh at it a little bit. Fourthgrade just looks down a little red cause he knows the others are gonna tease him about it for the next 2 weeks. "Did yall fuck?" Fuckshit asks jokingly. "Shut up fuckshit" I say playfully. "No, I won't, anyways yall tryna go to a party?" He asks, looking around at everyone. "Yeah, sure," Ray says. Everyone else nods. We all get in fuckshits car, some people have to sit on some people's laps so we're not squished together. Soon enough, we arrive at someone's party. We all got out and walked inside. There were actually ALOT more people than we thought there would be. Fuckshit walks over to a group of girls, Ray and kk just go and talk somewhere, ruben smokes with some other people he knew, stevie went to the achohol, fourthgrade and I got a couple beers and sat on the couch. We watched the people around us. We ended up getting more than a couple of beers and got pretty drunk. But we aren't the kind to do very stupid shit while drunk, but we talked about some weird ass shit. Hours later, everyone is pretty buzzed and high. Ray didn't want fuckshit to drive and his house was nearby so we just walked there. On our way there, we went to a gas station cause we were all hungry. We only had 10 dollars. Everyone was arguing on what to get, so we just asked some random person in the store to pick what we would buy. We went up to the checkout and fuckshit put what we were gonna buy on the counter along with the 10 dollars. Fuckshit heard the cashier say a rude comment about us. He started arguing back and forth with the cashier. "I bet you don't even have a license!" The cashier said. "Yes the fuck I do" fuckshit said as he was about to show him his license but I grabbed the 10 dollar bill and dragged each if them out if that gas station. "Are you fucking insane, if you showed him your license we would of been in fucking trouble. It's obvious we are drunk and high, and that would have told him we are underage!" I scold fuckshit. "Oh yeah," he shrugs it off, and we make it to Ray's house. His parents are on vacation to tennessee to see his grandparents. Everyone ends up falling asleep, quickly.

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