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680 words

All credits go to Jonah Hill

Also, if you would like to, please comment! I love responding.‼️

this one is shorter than the others, I'm debating if the next one should be 2k words or not. Let me know.🤭

I arrive to motorz, I walk in. I sit on the couch while kk and Ray are on the other couch. "Let me call the others, and then we can go to skate." Ray says before getting up and walking behind the counter and calling fuckshit first, and then ruben, and then fourthgrade, and then stevie. After a little while, they all show up. The 3 of us greet them as they walk in. "Let's go skate," Ray says as he walks to the back of the store. We all follow him, I decide to skate instead of talking to fourth grade, I didn't wanna bother him too much. I saw him recording me skate around kk in circles. I smile and wave to the camera. I skate over to Ray and stevie and talk to them for a little. I decided to go talk to fourthgrade once he gets done filming fuckshit doing a couple trick. About 5 minutes later, I see him take a break from filming. I skate over to him and sit next to him. "Hey," he says. "Hi, did you get any cool videos?" I ask. "Yeah, I would say so," he replied. "That's good," I say while yawning. "You tired?" He asked. "Yeah, I didn't go asleep until like an hour and a half after you left, and I didn't get enough sleep." I say tired as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized. "It's not your fault," I assure him. I thought we could gace a cute private moment, but wuth fuckshit... no way! "If yall don't get together already." He teases. I don't argue with him this time. Fourthgrade looks at me, kinda confused. "I'm gonna go take a nap on the couch or something," I tell them. "Me too," fourth grade follows me as I walk into the store and lay on the couch. "Can you lay with me? I'm like really cold." I lie. It was kinda believable because I was wearing a sleavless shirt and shorts. But it wasn't because I was just outside in the heat. But he nods and lays with me. Laying on top of me, with his body in-between my legs(pause), and his head on my chest. He put his arms around me. I played with his hair as we both fell asleep. Apparently, we both didn't get enough sleep.

I wake up to a camera flash. I open my eyes and see fuckshit taking a picture on a Polaroid camera. "I got proof now," he says. I roll my eyes and look down at fourth grade, who is still asleep. I didn't wanna wake him up by moving, so I didn't get up. "Why is he on top of you, tho?" Ruben asks. "I was cold," I answer. "But it's like 90 degrees outside?" Stevie questions. "I get cold easily." I say. "I don't believe that." Fuckshit says. "You don't have to believe it. It's true. " I reply. He rolls his eyes and sits on the other couch. "Well tell him to wake up, yall make me wanna throw up" fuckshit says as if he ain't a man whore. "You literally flirt with every girl AND you try to fuck every girl at party's" I say. "Well, that's different, now wake him up." he replied. I sigh and gently shake him awake. He looks up and looks around before just laying his head back down. "Come on, get up, fuckshit is being impatient" I tell him. After a minute, he sits up.(Yall as I'm imagining this, I'm literally giggling, twirling my hair, kicking my feet, breaking bottles over my head, eating plastic plates, I literally love him sm. Ok, back to the thingy.) "Good morning." kk says. Fourth grade just nods, still tired.

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