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All credits to Jonah Hill

I'm in my room. It's been a couple of hours since I hung out with kk and the guys. I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in," I say, expecting it to be my mom. But it was fourth grade. "Hey, I thought since you couldn't hang out earlier, you could now." He says as he sits next to me on my bed. "Mhm," I say quietly, I was still upset. He could tell I was upset. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing, I'm fine." I reply. "Please tell me what's wrong," he says. "I already told you nothing is wrong!" I whisper yell. I can tell it made him upset, i didnt mean to. We were sitting in uncomfortable silence. "Don't you need to get back to that bitc-" I cut myself off. "Girlfriend of yours?" I ask. "No, why are you calling her a bitch?" He questions. "Oh my God, is it not obvious?!" I reply. He shakes his head. "I hate that bitch because your dating her. I want it to be me, your dating!" I finally spit out. He goes silent. "Did you really think I meant what I said about it not being a date? Or when I asked you to lay with me because I was 'cold'?" I ask. "I like you too, but I can't just leave zoe like that.." He says in a soft and quiet tone. "She's using you to get closer to fuckshit, I've seen bitches like that, and she's one of them!" I say. "No, she's not.." he defends her. "I think you should leave fourth grade." I reply. He doesn't say anything and leaves. "I fucking hate that bitch" I whisper to myself before I take a shower, brush my teeth, and go to sleep.

The next morning I heard my phone ringing but I didn't answer it. I didn't wanna talk to anyone at all. I walk downstairs to see my mom cooking. "Sooo, how's your boyfriend?" he came to see you last night," she asks curiously. "He's not my boyfriend, and I don't think he will be. We had an argument about zoe and how I think she's using him. He didn't believe it." I reply. "Oh," is all she says, in a loss of words. "I'm gonna go skate. Bye, mom, " I say before walking out. I knew a friend who had parties every Friday. I thought it would be a good opportunity to take my mind off of what had happened. The parties start around 6:30, so I just skate and sit around until then.

When I walk in, there are not that many people. I caught up with the person who threw the party. I was drinking a beer when I seen fuckshit walk in, and then Ray, and then stevie, and then ruben, and then fourthgrade and that bitch zoe holding hands, after them kk. I decided to go smoke a blunt with a friend I had seen like 15 minutes before. After we were done, I walked back to the main area. Everything was normal until I made eye contact with zoe, and she started making out with fourth grade she got in his lap and looked back at me to see if I was still looking. I wanted to beat the shit out of her, but I didn't. I just walked away and into the kitchen. He definitely told her everything that happened last night, and that's why she is taunting me. I see Ray come up to me. "Me and kk saw how she was purposely trying to make you jealous, what a bitch move." he says. "It's fine. If he wants her, he has to learn that she's using him." I reply, taking a drink of a new beer. "Yeah, she was all over fuckshit earlier, right infront of fourthgrade." He says. I walked away, and we had nothing else to talk about. As I'm walking away, I walk past zoe. She purposely bumps into my shoulder. "Watch out, bitch" she says. "Who the hell are you talking to like that?" I ask. "You," she replied. "Fuck you whore" I say walking closer to her. "Don't call me a whore!" She argues. "Whore, you fucking dirty whore" I reply. She pushes me back slightly, so I give her a solid hit in the middle of her stomach. When she bends over, I slam my knee into her face a couple of times. (I'm cringing at myself while writing this) At this point, there are a bunch of people surrounding us. Ray grabs my wrist and pulls me outside. "I'm sorry," I say. "For what?" He asks. "The party was chill until all of that happened," I reply. I get pretty emotional when I'm drunk. "Nah. It's okay, " he says. "I'm gonna take you home cause you are not getting in the car with that crazy bitch, let me go tell the others. Stay here." He says whole walking inside. About 5 minutes, he comes back out with my skateboard. I totally forgot about it. It's a pretty far walk, and it's about 8:00 pm. "Thank you for taking me home." I say to him. "No problem," he answers. "I just hope my mom doesn't find out I was drinking and smoking." I quietly say, looking down. "When you walk inside, just say hi and run to your room, take a shower, and go to bed," he explains. I nod. We finally get to my house. I say goodbye and walk inside. "Hi, mom! Goodnight!" I quickly say while running upstairs and into my room. I get my clothes and go into the bathroom to take a shower. I brush my teeth once I get out of the shower, and I get into bed. I didn't want to, but I can only think of fourth grade and how he is definitely gonna be angry at me. But I forced myself to think of something, and I eventually fell asleep.

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