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This is kinda short, but I didn't feel like making it longer, and I didn't know what else to write.

537 Words

All credit goes to Jonah Hill

I wake up with a headache. I wish I never went to that stupid party. I get up, get dressed, and brush my teeth. I barely ate anything yesterday, so I go downstairs to make food. My mom was at work today. I take some medicine for my headache and eat my food. I hear the phone ring. As much as I didn't wanna answer it, I did, just in case it was my mom. "Hello?" I say. "What the hell, kio?! Why did you and zoe fight???" I hear fourth grade ask. "Goodbye fourthgrade, talk to me when you realize zoe is a bitch" I say before hanging up. I watch TV for a little while and make outfits because I got bored. I did other things like cleaning, drawing, and listening to music for the rest of today. It was really boring. I take a shower,brush my teeth, and go to bed.

The next morning, I wake up. I take a shower and brush my teeth. I go downstairs. My mom had already gone to work again. I was gonna go skating, but I was too tired and felt like shit. I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to it and open it, I see fourth grade. I was about to shut the door on him. "You were right," he said. I open the door back up all the way. "About what?" I ask even tho I already knew that answer. "She used me to get closer to fourth grade, and that she is a bitch." He says while handing me an apology rose. I take the rose and smile a little. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "It's okay, fourth grade," I insure him. We stood in silence for a moment before I kissed him. He was surprised for a second, but he kissed back. "Come inside," I say. He walks inside. "Have you eaten? I'm gonna make bacon." I ask him. "No, I haven't," he replied. I start making the bacon. "uhm, are you my girlfriend?" He asks. "Do you want me to be your girlfriend?" I question. "Yes!" He answers. "There's your answer," I say. He smiles. I soon finished the bacon and put some on a plate. Me and him finished eating all of it. "Do you wanna smoke?" I ask. He nods. I was my hands, and so did he, and then we walked into my room. I grab some rolling paper and some weed out of my little container and roll a blunt. I grab my lighter and take the first hit. I pass it to him and take a small hit, and the big ass hit and passes it to me. We smoke almost the whole blunt and we're in the fucking clouds. I got really tired, so I lay down on my bed. Fourthgrade lays on top of me with his head on my chest, his arms wrapped around me and his body in-between my legs. I played with his hair until we both fell asleep.

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