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All credits go to Jonah Hill

At the end of the party, fuckshit takes me home. I said goodbye to everyone and walked inside. I walk inside, I quickly walk upstairs to my room, so my mom doesn't notice I'm zooted. I take a shower and brush my teeth. I try to go to sleep, but I can't. I get up and call kk.




"Hello?" I hear kk say. "Hey, uhm.. do you have fourthgrades number?" I ask quietly so my mom doesn't hear me. "Yeah, why?" She asks. "I just need to ask him something," I answer. "Sureeee, and his number is ***-***-****," she replied. "Thanks, bye," I say and hang up, quickly dialing his number.




"Hello? Who is this?" I hear fourthgrade ask on the other line. "Hi, it's kio," I answer him. "Oh, hey kio. Did you need something?" He asks. "Do you wanna hang out? You can sneak into my place. " I say. "Hm, sure. But won't your mom hear us talking?" He questions. "Not if we're quiet," I reply. "Okay, I'll be there in like 30 minutes, bye," he says before he hangs up. "Bye," I say back. I didn't feel like changing into anything cute. My pajamas were good for now. I walk downstairs and wait at the door. I have a very quiet door, plus my mom is a deep sleeper. I walk onto the porch and wait for him. Soon enough, he shows up on his skateboard. "Hi." I say as i jump up and hug him. He hugs me back "hey" he replied. I take his hand and walk him inside my house and into my room(pause). I sit on my bed, and so does fourth grade. "So anything new happening?" I ask. "Uhm.. well, I'm talking to this girl zoe, I met her at the party." He says. I fall back onto my bed. "Oh." I pause,'That's cool,' I say. "I realized my old crush wasn't into me like that, so I decided to get to know Zoe." He says, looking down, fidgeting with his hands. "Who was your old crush?" I ask. "You don't know her," he answers. "Oh? Ok, " I nod. "You wanna smoke or just talk about random shit? Or both?" I ask. "Both" and answers after a couple of seconds of thinking. I grab a container if weed and wraps, and I roll up blah blah. "We have to blow it out the window, my mom with get so fucking mad if she knows I smoke." I walk to my window and wait for him. He follows me, and I light it, taking the first hit before I pass it to him. I blow the smoke out the window as he takes a hit and does the same. We start talking about anything and everything. After a while of talking, I hear my mom walking to my door and knocking. I shush fourthgrade up and signal for him to hide in the closet. "Don't come in!" I say. "What? Why?" She asks. "I'm... Naked! Because it got hot in here!" I reply. "Oh, ok? I thought I heard you talking to someone in here, " she says. "I was.. singing!" I say. "Ok, well, goodnight," she says as she walks away and into her room. Fourthgrade walks out of the closet, laughing quietly. "Naked? Singing?" He says quietly, still laughing a little. "Yes!" I whisper. We continue to smoke and talk for a little. "I think I should head home now. It's late." He says sleepily. "Oh, okay." We get up and sneak downstairs. Once he leaves, I walk upstairs and into my bedroom and start spraying anything I can to get rid of the weed smell. Once I do, I crawl into my bed. I fall asleep.

The next morning, I take a shower and walk downstairs. I see my mom making breakfast. "Hey mom," I say. "Hey, daughter." She replied. I sit down on a chair. "Sooo, who was that boy I saw and heard last night?" She asks. My face goes red, realizing she knew. "It was fourthgrade. I'm really sorry I should have asked you," I apologize. "It's fine, but next time, just ask me," she says while handing me a plate of eggs and bacon. "Ok, I will, and thank you." I reply. "You're welcome." She smiled and walked away to eat her own plate of food. Once I'm done, I run upstairs and call kk. "Hello?" I hear her say on the other line. "Hey, a lot happened," I say. "Like what?" She asks. "So I snuck fourthgrade into my house and we got high, my mom almost caught us but she left and went back to her room so after a little bit of me and him talking he went home but this morning I went to eat breakfast and apparently my mom heard us and seen me sneaking him out!" I say in a whisper. "Dayummm, was she mad?" She asks. "Nah, she told me to just ask next time," I answer. "Do you like him, like that?" She questions. I went silent for a minute, I was thinking. Do I like him, or so I just like the fact he is nice. "I think so, but if you tell anyone, I'm gonna squeeze lemon juice in your eyes," I reply. "Jeez, I won't. You need to ask him out, " she says. "I don't know yet, I might. Can i come over?" I ask."Im with Ray right now, were about to go to the shop. If u wanna come, bring your skateboard. We're gonna skate." She answers. "Okay, I'll meet you there. Bye, " I say. "Bye," she hangs up. I got ready and grabbed my skateboard before I skated to the shop. I didn't ask my mom because she was at work. On my way to the shop, I stopped at a gas station and got me, Ray, and kk a bag of chip, I didn't know if the others were gonna be there.

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