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All credits to Jonah Hill

After the pool party, everyone is hanging out in the living room. We're watching whatever is on MTV. I watch as fourth grade walks into the kitchen to get something to drink. He was alone, so I decided to follow him and ask what I've wanted to ask for the past hour. "Hey, I'll be right back. I'm gonna get something to eat, ok?" I tell kk. She nods as a yes, and I make my way into the kitchen where fourth grade is. "Oh, hey, fourth grade," I say as if I didn't purposely follow him in here. "Hi, kio." he smiled and took a sip of the water he was drinking. "So, I was like wondering if.. like, yk if we could.." I couldn't spit what I needed to say out. He looks kind of confused. "Let's hang out sometime!?" I finally say. He takes a minute to process it "oh uhm, sure!" He answers. I look around and grab a paper towel along with a pen from the table and write my number on it, I fold it up and hand it to him, he takes it and puts it in his pocket. "Is tomorrow night okay with you?" I ask. He nods in return. I thought we could have a private moment alone, but we can't, thanks to fuckshit. "You guys are totally into each other." Fuckshit says with a teasing tone. Fourth grade just looks down instead of feeding into him. "Oh shut your noodle head lookin ass up," I say in a joking tone. "You know it's true, tho," he continues. I just roll my eyes and walk back into the living room.

Everyone ends up going home around 8:30. I stay to help clean up with kk. I told her about how I gave him my number and asked him to hang out tomorrow night. "Oh, my, God. YOU TOTALLY LIKE HIM," she stopped cleaning for a moment to say that. "I do not! I just wanna hang out with him!!!" I say embarrassed as I throw a pillow at her. "You have to tell me everything that happens on this little date you have tomorrow night," she teases. "It's not a date." I say, cleaning up the rest of the mess. "Walking around, 'talking', at night, with a boy, you OBVIOUSLY might have a small crush on, is a date!" She says as she rolls her eyes. "Whatever, kk, if that's what you wanna believe!" She continues to go on about it until I go home.

I walk home. As I walk inside, I see my mom watching some TV. "Hey mom, I'm back." I tell her. "Hey, how did they little party go?" She questioned. "It was actually really fun!" I answer and head upstairs. I take a shower and brush my teeth. It's still pretty early, so I read some magazines and listened to some cds until I get tired. I end up falling asleep about an hour later.

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