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830 words

All credits go to Jonah Hill

It was a couple of days after I hung out with kk and the others. I'm laying in my bed drawing when I hear the phone ring. I get up and answer it. "Hello?" I say. "Hey, uhm, so, fourth grade is apparently head over heals for this zoe girl after the first date..." I hear kk say on the other line. "Fuck! I hate that bitch." I reply. "Yeah, you need to make a move already. He probably likes you. " she says. "Okay, do you think we can all hang out tomorrow? I'll do it them?" I ask. "Yeah, probably," she answers. "Okay, I'll see you then," I say. "Mhm bye," she hums and hangs up. "Shit," I say as I walk downstairs. "Mom, so you know fourth grade, right?" I ask her. "Yeah, the boy you snuck in and always talk about?" She teases. "Shhh, but we hung out, and he had a video of us holding hands while skating and whatever, but his friends saw it, and I kept saying it was a date, but I yelled at them saying it wasn't a date, which I hope it was, and fourth grade heard me and now I don't think he likes me and he is talking to this bitch zoe and kk said they went on a date and he's head iver heals for her. I told kk I'm gonna make a move tomorrow but I don't know what to do!" I quickly explain. "Watch your mouth. You should just tell him you like him when you guys get a moment alone, and just hope he likes you back." She says while cleaning. "..ok, can i go skate?" I ask. "It's 6:30, it's gonna be dark soon," she says. "I'll be home at 8:30 sharp, please!" I plead. "Fine, 8:30 SHARP," She says as I get my skateboard and walk out the front door, and skate down the street.

I just skated around neighborhoods. As I was skating, I skated past someone familiar. It was zoe. I stopped skating as I eyed her down. She had fourthgrades jacket. I knew it was his because he wore it the night we went on the bridge. I wanted to scream, He wasn't even mine, and I wanted to fuck that bitch up. I skated home after a minute. I walk in, obviously mad. "What's wrong?" I hear my mom say from the living room. "She had his jacket on," I reply, running upstairs and into my room. I wanted to tell kk, but I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I lay in bed for about an hour before I could actually fall asleep.

The next morning, I brushed my teeth and got dressed, I wore something I think fourth grade would like. I make my way downstairs. I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cause I didn't feel like making anything else. I called kk to see what time we should meet at motorz. "Hey, what time should I meet you at motorz?" I ask. "Like an hour and a half, im still getting ready." She says. "Oh, ok. Also... last night when I was skating, I saw zoe with fourthgrades jacket." I tell her. "Oh, damnnn. You need to make a move today. You said you would, " She replied. "I know, and I will. I'm gonna go now, bye. " I say before hanging up. "Bye," she says. I decided I was gonna go practice some skate tricks on the sidewalk until it's time for me to go to the shop. i ended up 20 minutes early. I walk into the shop, surprisingly everyone is already there.

20 minutes later, we were all talking and joking around. "Yo, fourthgrade, who's that chick you been talking to?" Fuckshit asks. "Her name is zoe, and she's actually my girlfriends now," he said in a soft tone. My heart dropped. I saw kk and Ray look at me with the same expression. I just look down. After a couple of minutes, I excuse myself to the bathroom. I needed to be somewhere quiet. I wasn't crying, but I was sad. If I hadn't said it wasn't a date, maybe I would be his girlfriend. After 5 minutes, I come back out and sit down. "I might bring her to the shop. She said she wanted to hang out with me, and you guys." I hear fourthgrade say. A couple of minutes later, I don't even wanna be there anymore. "Hey guys, I forgot I told my mom I'd help her clean around the house, and she will be super mad if I don't. I'll see you later." I say, getting my skateboard and walking out. Everyone says bye. I get home and walk to my room. I sit on my bed. I read a magazine to take my mind off it.

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