CHAPTER II - Nothing Wrong

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-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Tanjiro didn't expect for Shinobu to catch on that easily, in fact, he nodded hesitantly.

"Even you could figure it out.." He mutters under his breath, Shinobu chuckles lightly as a response, it seemed fake.

She smiled, and looked down at the ground. "It's easy to read expressions when it comes to people like him.." She pauses, her lips slightly curl lower. "There is definitely something wrong, however.." Tanjiro looks up at her swiftly, thinking hopefully she'll have an answer on whatever's going on. He moves a little closer to hear her better, and sits up straight.

"You shouldn't jump to conclusions so fast, it could just be a bad mood, or.." Her mouth opens as she's about to finish her sentence, but she holds herself back.

"Or..?" Tanjiro asks hesitantly, her head was still facing the floor, whilst Tanjiro was looking up at her full of hope that she'd have an answer.

As a result, Shinobu sighs, and shakes her head lightly. "Nothing, nothing." She puts on a fake smile, and looks back at Tanjiro. "I'd just recommend that maybe you should just talk with him first, instead of jumping to conclusions, as I said." She suggests in a soft tone.

Tanjiro takes a moment to process this, before sighing. "But what if he doesn't want to talk with me?" He pauses, crossing his arms. "To me, it seems like he's in more than a bad mood.. it's not normal that he's acting like this.." He objects.

Shinobu's expression turns blank, aswell as her thoughts. "...Whether or not he wants to reason with you, just try." She says firmly, getting up from her seat as she does so. "If there are any more troubles, or questions.. feel free to notify me."

Shinobu exits the room, leaving only Tanjiro there with trains of thoughts going on in his mind. He shakes his head, sighing. "Maybe I am just overreacting.. there's probably nothing wrong." He thinks to himself, getting up from his seat aswell to look for Zenitsu.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


I sit outside as I wait for Shinobu and Tanjiro to finish their chatting, crossing my arms.. I look at the ground as I hear footsteps approaching, I assume it's Tanjiro, so I don't take a moment to look up.

Instead, I was startled by a feminine voice calling out to me. "Zenitsu?" I look up swiftly, to find Shinobu, I didn't think their talking would end so quickly, I don't say anything and just raise a brow.

She smiles, and sits down next to me on the bench. "You feeling alright?" She pauses, her smile lowering a little, "Tanjiro is concerned about you."

I felt a sudden throb in my chest, Tanjiro? Worried about me?  I quickly sit straight and look at her dead in the eyes, confused. "Why? Did I do something wrong..?" I ask, hoping for an immediate answer.

Her smile drops, I felt a shiver run throughout my body.. I've barely ever seen Shinobu not smiling, and when she wasn't, it was terrifying. She hasn't said anything since now.. did I say something..? Should I apologize? Why's everyone acting so.. weird.. all of a sudden?

She clears her throat, startling my train of thoughts, her expression returns back to that signature smile, and she sits straight aswell. "No, you didn't do anything wrong.. but just go talk to Tanjiro about it if you want to.. hear what he has to say." She says, getting up. Her smile fades as soon as she gets up and walks away.

I reach my hand out, about to ask her to stop, but I hold myself back and slowly lower my arm.

"Where even is Tanjiro..?" I mutter under my breath, looking around as I get up aswell. He was nowhere in sight, not waiting on me to finish the conversation so he could talk to me, not talking to Inosuk- in fact.. where's Inosuke aswell!? Did they both leave me..? Well, Inosuke wasn't here to begin with.. I haven't seen him all day, but still..

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Maybe I should give him some time? I could just be overreacting again, what if he's just.. maturing? Acting more calm, or attempting to?

...Yeah, maybe it's just that.. well, now that I've put that aside, perhaps I should look for Inosuke. I haven't seen him the entire morning.

I set out, walking around to see if I can spot him anywhere, but he's nowhere to be seen, I do see Muichiro though, so I run up to him.

"Muichiro have you seen Inosuk-"

"Tanjiro have you seen Senjur-"

We both stop ourselves from continuing the sentence, and I laugh. He only puts on a small smile, "Senjuro?" I ask, he nods. I look around, thinking for if I've seen him. "He's probably at the Rengoku Estate, didn't you check there?"

Muichiro nods and frowns slightly, "I haven't seen him there.." We stand in silence for a moment, before I interrupt it. "Well, he could be sleeping, it's pretty early in the morning."

Muichiro raises a brow, "How do you expect Inosuke to be up then?"

I laugh in a response, "He's usually up around this time, but it's still considered pretty early." Muichiro nods, "Alright.. well, thanks." He pauses, "I haven't seen Inosuke, so I can't be of help with that." I nod as he walks away.. slightly disappointed.

I walk around for a little, and Inosuke's nowhere to be in my sight, it's pretty boring without the other two here. I'm not sure what to do, I haven't got any missions yet either. Maybe I should go to training..? But I don't wanna leave them out.. I sigh, crossing my arms and leaning against a wall.

My thoughts of silence get interrupted, by..


I widen my eyes in surprise, looking over to the side as I see Inosuke running over to me.

"MONJIRO!"  He yells, I smile and raise a brow, "Where's Monitsu!?" He asks, he seems like he's in a hurry. I shrug, "I dunno.." I respond, "You wanna look for him?" Smiling, I suggest that. It got slightly awkward, as it looks like he thinks that's boring, but he just nods.

We set out to find Zenitsu, Inosuke had earlier suggested we split up, I didn't think he'd be able to come up with something that smart, although it was a good idea.. I refused. It would probably be better to find him altogether.



30 minutes later


I hear Inosuke groan, it's been amount 30 minutes and we still can't find him.

"Monjiro, this is getting old! Can't you smell his scent, or something?!" Inosuke groans, I suppose that's a good idea.. but if I were to get the aroma of his scent, I probably would've already got it earlier.

"Worth a shot.." I think to myself, before sniffing.. and to my surprise, I did infact get a scent.

It was.. peaches. And it was coming from.. that direction.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


I'll be sure to work on chapter 3 later- but I'll need some ideas since my brain is kinda fried :')

Hope this chapter was enjoyable though!

Word Count - 1170

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