CHAPTER XII - Happiness, At Last

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-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Tanjiro sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed as he cuts his hair short. Zenitsu observes quietly, reaching for his arm to sit up. He was a little drowsy; considering he had just woken up from a months lasted nap; so it was a little hard for him to get used to normal things now. Zenitsu huffs, sighing. "You're injured, I can tell.. what happened?" He asks, looking at Tanjiro a little concernedly. Tanjiro laughs, "We defeated Uppermoon Six.." He mutters, Zenitsu raises a brow. "We?" Tanjiro hums in response, "Mr. Uzui, me.. Inosuke, and Nezuko." He pauses, "Barely made it alive without you. It was a hassle, but I'm sure we could've got done with the job a lot easier if you were there." He says, smiling as he turns his head back to Zenitsu; Zenitsu's just a little flustered by this; not sure whether to take it as a full on compliment or not, but he nods, smiling back. "...I'm sorry.." He mumbles, Tanjiro stops in his movements, chuckling. "There's nothing for you to be sorry about, Zen. You had your reasons, for which I'll help you recover.. okay?" He questions, tilting his head to the side with a signature smile. Zenitsu sits there a little stunned; before giving a genuine smile. "...Okay." Just then, Inosuke and Kanao barge in. The two look completely flabbergasted seeing Zenitsu awake, but soon enough they both waddle over to him sobbing their eyes out. Muichiro and Senjuro were standing in the doorway, Muichiro gave a light smile with Senjuro tearing up a little. (Even if he doesn't really know much about Zenitsu, it was still heartwarming to see.) A few other people had arrived to check on him after the news was broken, for a moment; Zenitsu felt loved, he'd never felt this type of affection before. He felt cared about, for the first time, he's felt like he deserved the care. This, this was all he had desired for in the beginning. Comfort, attention, care.. basic needs to fufill a person's heart. This, this is what broke him in the first place. Someone destroyed all of those examples for him, by a single interaction. For him, it felt like he'd never feel that way again, after that interaction, reality opened. Now, he felt what it was like to face reality, and to face the truth of love.. but could it be that he already felt this from the beginning? Maybe, maybe so.. "Kyaaah!! Since Zenitsu-Kun is alright, could we host that festival again!?" Mitsuri yells, holding onto Zenitsu nearly suffocating him in the process. Tengen raises a brow, thinking about it. "Once Agatsuma is doing better, it's possible." He mutters, Mitsuri's eyes lighten, shaking Zenitsu harshly. "Aaahh!! Zenitsu-Kuunnn.. can we please!?" She asks with a face he can't say no too; he smiles softly, nodding. "Then it's settled, perhaps in a few weeks we can.." Tengen pauses, putting his hands on his hips with a signature grin; "The festival shall come back!" He announces, the many people in the room cheer as Zenitsu covers his ears from the noise, giggling as he smiles..

One by one, as everyone is done talking to Zenitsu; checking in on him, they slowly leave. The only one who (not surprisingly) doesn't leave his side is Tanjiro, to the point the two are the only ones in the room together, for even Nezuko left. Tanjiro smiles as a single tear drops from his eye, "You've cried enough already!! Come on, Tanji.. I'm here now!" Zenitsu semi-yells. Tanjiro chuckles, shaking his head. "No, no.. it's not that." He pauses, leaving Zenitsu raising a brow as he tilts his head to the side. "I'm just.. glad to see you happy again. I can't remember the last time I've got a genuine smile from you." He says, Zenitsu turns a shade of red with his lips curling into a smile. In a flash, he grabs Tanjiro and pulls him into a tight hug. Tanjiro's stunned; but hugs him back as the two cry, having their moment together. For this is all they've ever wanted, a happy ever after.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-

"AAAHHH!!  No, Shinobu-Chaaaan!! Don't put the flowers there—" Mitsuri yells, everyone was running around in a havoc. It was complete chaos, everyone had honestly forgot that they'd arranged the festival again. They didn't want to disappoint Zenitsu, as this festival was solely just for Zenitsu's awakening again after everyone had been informed on the cause of his "demise", Tanjiro was attempting to drive Zenitsu away from the festival since it was supposed to be a sincere surprise, and it was hard. Hard enough that he had to get Muichiro, Inosuke, Kanao, Nezuko and Aoi to help— what a hassle this would be.. "Huh? What are they yelling abou-" "Nothing, nothing!" Tanjiro exclaims, sighing and putting a hand on his forehead. Zenitsu raises an eyebrow, "...You sure? It's as if you guys are hiding something—" "We're not!" "Could you stop interrupting?" Zenitsu mumbles out, it was true that he had been quieter and less cranky than how he used to. Probably since he didn't want to go through the same suffering he had, however even after his awakening he still carried the immense amount of guilt with him. Kanao facepalms, grabbing the five aside from Zenitsu. "We're getting nowhere, he has to find out sooner or later." said Muichiro with his signature serious face. Aoi puts a hand on her hip, shaking her head. "Unnecessary," She says, "I doubt they will need a lot longer to prepare." Tanjiro nods, "Just give them more time.. I'm sure they won't take long from now." He adds, "Fair enough.." Muichiro mumbles. "No, it's not. Are we seriously going to hide it from him now? I'm sure he'd be better off knowing there's a whole festival happening for him." Deadpanned Kanao, well that was right. Zenitsu would presumably be better off knowing what they're hiding from him; but he'd also probably be a lot more excited in the end if they kept it as a surprise. All of them groaned. Unsure and frustrated about this whole idea, none of the Hashira (Except for Muichiro of course.) had even told them about the festival, atleast last time they'd gotten to help. Now their job was just gaslighting Zenitsu into thinking nothing was wrong, and even in that case... everything was going wrong. Nezuko shoots her arms up into the air; waving them around. She's obviously trying to say something; but of course the muzzle gets in her way. She proceeds to run away, assumably over to Zenitsu. Tanjiro followed after to assure that she wouldn't make him go anywhere near the event (Which she can't since it's in the sunlight, but best to not take chances anyways.) They found Zenitsu and Genya talking, Tanjiro looks at Nezuko, Nezuko looks back. Tanjiro looks at Zenitsu, Nezuko looks back.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Genya had seen Zenitsu alone and decided to take a chance talking to him, seeing if he could get some answers and spike a conversation since he hadn't spoke to him in quite a bit. "Zenitsu!" He calls out, Zenitsu's head immediately perks out, turning to him with a small smile. "Waiting for someone?" Genya asks, panting, Zenitsu chuckles. "Ehh..? No, not me." He says, Genya nods. "Alright, wanna walk with me then?" Genya had knew about the festival; so he was probably just trying to get Zenitsu in a different place than near it, since his keen sense of hearing would probably act up being so near to the scene. "I wouldn't mind." Zenitsu replies, starting to turn away to walk down the path. Genya stares at the ground for a bit, trying to think of something to start a conversation with. Something that wouldn't be too straightforward, but also something that he'd get to know more of what he wants. "So, have you recovered? You know, from all of that.. business." asks Genya, running a hand through his hair as he glances down at Zenitsu. Zenitsu crosses his arms, "Nothing to be concerned about." He replies, leaving Genya stunned. He wasn't expecting such a subtle response, he wanted something like a "yes" or a "no", but now since Zenitsu hadn't gave him a precise answer it just left him worried. "Ehh— are you sure? I mean, it's only been a few-" "I'm fine, Genya. Change of topic, please?" He interrupts with a blank expression, Genya gulps, nodding and sighing. "My bad, didn't mean to get it too personal..." "It's nothing like that, just I don't think we should discuss something like that right now." Zenitsu replies sternly, he's somewhat matured over the past few months, which was something unexpected from him. The two walk in silence for a bit, before Genya speaks again. "I haven't necessarily been doing the best either." He mumbles, turning his head to the side a bit. This catches Zenitsu offguard; turning his head to him and raising a brow. "...You wanna talk about it?" Zenitsu stops in his tracks, Genya sighs, shrugging. "Unless you're comfortable, but I wouldn't want to just pour all of that out so suddenly.. not after all of that happened to you." He says, Zenitsu's eyes widen. He puts an arm infront of Genya; stopping him from walking. "Don't say something like that, just because something happened to me doesn't mean whatever you're feeling isn't valid, if you want to talk about it that's fine, and if not that's fine too." He says in a serious tone, immediately intimidating Genya since he'd never seen this side of Zenitsu before. He takes a moment to process what Zenitsu's said, before sighing and nodding.

"I just... don't think that I'm good enough anymore." He mumbles, motioning for the two to go and sit on a bench. Zenitsu nods at the signal, they both take their seats as Genya continues. "I feel pressured to make my way into something higher, I'm doing it all for Nemi... but I'm just afraid I won't live to the day that I'll never be able to make him proud, and from my status I don't think I'm getting anywhere to the point where I'll finally see a smile on his face." He says, Zenitsu listens carefully as his lips curl into a small smile. "...I understand," Zenitsu says, Genya's head perks up. "I've had a similar experience in the past, I know how you feel." He finishes, but also before pausing his next sentence. "You will live to fufill your goal, I'm sure Shinazu— eh, your brother.. does surely care about you." Zenitsu says, putting a hand on Genya's shoulder. "Maybe you feel like you're not good enough, but I promise you are doing just enough." (That goes for all of you reading this aswell 🫵) He says, getting up from the bench and helping Genya get up aswell. A small tear drops from Genya's eye, suddenly pulling Zenitsu into a hug. "I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything back then.." He mutters under his breath, Zenitsu's lip curls into a smile. "You are the brother that he has always wanted." says Zenitsu, wrapping his arms around Genya; allowing the hug aswell.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Word Count - 1917

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