CHAPTER IV - Sounds of Silence

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-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


...Splash, drip.. drop..

Only faint sounds of rain is the next thing I hear after that singular word. That comment made me go numb.. nobody? What is he talking about..? Something's not right..

I quickly start to walk again, this time speeding up my pace. I'm getting that feeling of anxiety again.. something's off. Is he having a nightmare, or something? I should just get him to bed, perhaps he had a bad day.. poor guy.

I frown as I walk into the room, placing him down on a futon. Inosuke is snoring loudly, I'm making sure to keep my movements quiet whether or not he's a heavy sleeper.. I can't risk disturbing the others anyways.

I lay down on my futon, putting my arms behind my head as I stare at the ceiling. Cold, shallow breaths and breezes from the wind hit my body, shivering.. i sigh and turn to the side, watching Zenitsu as I fall asleep.

Would he be okay...? Is he okay..? I'm not sure, but I surely hope that he will..



  8 hours later


I wake up to the sound of arguing, no surprise. This is usually the routine every morning, atleast this means Zenitsu's okay! I smile, and get myself ready for the day.

Walking out of the door to the corridor, the ring of yelling gets even louder. I cross my arms and enter the room of where all the others are, Inosuke and Aoi are arguing.. but Zenitsu's just sitting on a chair looking.. annoyed?

I mean sure, I'd be bothered aswell.. but he's more.. serious? This is barely an improvement from yesterday. I walk over and sit down next to him, he doesn't even acknowledge my presence."Zenitsu?" I call out to him, he glances over at me.. and waves. Is he irritated by me or something? Did I do something wrong? I should probably just give him some space.

 I glance over to Aoi and Inosuke. "I want more food!!" Inosuke yells, "You've had enough! There's still plenty of more!!" She objects, I chuckle.

 "Inosuke, you can have some of my food." I offer, Inosuke immediately runs up to me. "Thanks Gonpachiro!!" Aoi sighs, "No! It's fine, I'll just make him more.. tch." She seems irritated, as how she always is around Inosuke.

To our surprise, Genya walks in aswell. Inosuke immediately lights up and motions for him to sit with us, I glance over at Aoi.. she seems to be glaring at Genya. (DRAMAAAA)

Genya sits next to Inosuke, and Zenitsu still has that blank expression on his face. Inosuke and Genya begin to start their own conversation, as I turn over to Zenitsu to maybe try to get him to cheer up..

"Hey, Zen.. do you wanna do something later?" I ask, trying to start a conversation, he looks over at me. "Okay.." He replies quietly, in a tone that you can barely hear. I nod and smile, "Where do you wanna go?" I ask. He shrugs, "We could just go on a walk.. I don't know." He says, looking down at the table.

"That works." I smile, nodding. He nods aswell, Aoi serves us our food. To my surprise.. Zenitsu pushes his plate over to Inosuke, "You can have this." He says, getting up from his seat.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Tanjiro grabs his arm, stopping him from leaving. "Zenitsu, Ms. Kocho said you need to eat." Tanjiro says firmly, Zenitsu sighs. "I'm not hungry, let me off the hook just this once.." He says in an irritated tone, Tanjiro shakes his head. "No." He pauses, grabbing the dish.

"Eat, I'm serious.." He demands, Zenitsu sighs and sits back down in his chair, but he doesn't seem to be grabbing any silverware, or eating for that matter.

Tanjiro glares at him, giving Zenitsu a quick scare. He shakily picks up one of the forks, and sighs. "Tanjiro.. I'm not hungry.." He mumbles. Tanjiro rolls his eyes, "I don't care on whether your hungry or not.. Ms. Kocho said you need to eat more."

"I'll be fine." Zenitsu objects, Tanjiro sighs. "Fine.. but you better eat something later.. alright?" He seems pretty worried, Zenitsu nods. "Yeah.. okay.." He mutters, getting up from his seat.

Genya raises a brow, "What was that about?" He asks, confused on Zenitsu's sudden mood. Tanjiro looks down at the table, "He's been acting different lately, and he passed out the other day.. I'm just getting concerned an-"

"Alright, we get it. You're concerned about your boyfriend, uhuh." Inosuke rolls his eyes, Genya snickers from that comment as he finds it funny.. Tanjiro immediately goes red, "...Excuse me?" He says, raising a brow. Inosuke shakes his head, munching on his food aggressively. "Nothinggggg.." He snickers.

Tanjiro groans and gets up from his seat. "Disrespectful, much.." He mutters, still blushing. He walks out of the room, thinking about what Inosuke said.. "Boyfriend..?" He mumbles under his breath, shaking his head. "T-There's no way me and Zenitsu could be anything else that's more than friends.."

He stops his movements, taking a moment to acknowledge this, sighing. "Nothing more than- AH!" Someone suddenly bumps into him, leaving them both making a loud thud as they hit the ground, he looks up to see who it is..


"Zenitsu..?" He calls out.

Zenitsu just sits there on the floor, as they stare at eachother.. in these sounds of silence.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-



Word Count - 905

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