CHAPTER VI - Stressed Out

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-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Kanao had asked me if she could practice confessing, I had known she had a crush on my sister, Nezuko, for about the longest time. I didn't mind it, of course, because I know Kanao is a good person. I'm completely fine with helping her get closer to Nezuko and to help her confess, besides.. I think they'd be adorable together.

This evening, she had asked me if she could practice confessing because she was going to do it soon. I was happy for her, really. Tho, she asked if she could practice confessing on me. I felt slightly uncomfortable with the idea, but I knew whatever she would say wouldn't have been directed to me anyways, so I allowed it.

We had agreed to meet up a bit far off from the Butterfly Estate, where we knew Nezuko probably wouldn't have went.

 I saw her arrive, and waved to her, she smiled and brang out a card; I assumed it was the script of what she was going to say to Nezuko. I found that adorable (Platonically), I'm glad Nezuko has a good person behind her.

She began reading it out; "...Nezuko, I'm going to ask you this once, and it's alright if you don't feel the same way..." She paused. I heard footsteps as soon as she stopped talking, I was a little bit more aware of my surroundings and a bit anxious on if Nezuko would walk in, or if someone would get the wrong idea.. but it seemed Kanao didn't notice and was just focused on practicing the confession.

I crossed my arms, waiting for her to finish. "But, will you be mine?" She says. I smile, and give a thumbs up symbol indicating she did good.

I was slightly concerned tho... as soon as she had finished her speech, I heard footsteps again.. but just.. getting farther, fainter and as if they were running.. I turn back to Kanao, trying not to think much of it. "You did good, but I'd suggest you should add more to it? It is a confession after all." I say to her, smiling.

She nods, and brings out a coin, I assumed she was just going to flip it over whether she'd add more or not. "Thank you, Tanjiro. I'll add more later, then we can continue practicing?" I nod in response, and she starts to walk away.

I yawn, it was a pretty long day... I just hope that those footsteps were my imagination, I wouldn't want someone to walk in and get the wrong idea.. I let it off my mind for now, and yawn. I should probably get some rest.. I have a lot of training to do tomorrow anyways.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


I run away, sobbing. How could I be so stupid? Of course, of course he loves someone else.. of course he loves Kanao, how much more naive could I be for actually thinking I had a chance? Oh how dumb I am.. just how dumb I am..

I stop at a bench, still crying my eyes out, the envelope is filled with tears. If I still even had a chance, and if Tanjiro rejected, I probably wouldn't even have the confidence to even confess again. He's probably going to accept anyways, they're probably dating now..

How much more useless can I be as a person? Is there seriously no end to my stupidity? I thought maybe I'd get better, but at this point I'm just an emotional, ignorant wreck of a person that can't do anything right.

I suddenly hear running to where I am, I don't take a moment to look up. I just can't, all I deserve is to be left in a pit, crying. Who could even care so much that they'd take a moment to check on me? They're probably just here for something else anyways.

"Zenitsu! Are you okay!?" A feminine voice asks, immediately sitting next to me and caressing my back. From that voice, I can immediately tell it's Mitsuri. Seriously.. out of all people, she's the worst to be asking me that right now if she's the damn love Hashira..

I don't answer, and look at up her with red, puffy eyes. "...I-I'm fine.." I mumble out, wiping some tears off of my face. She looks at me with a stern expression, "You're clearly not, you're crying!" She yells in a concerned tone. "What's wrong? You can tell me.." Her voice is comforting, but I totally don't have the guts to tell her about what just happened.

Yet.. I know there's no escaping from her, so I have no other choice... "...It's about T-Tanjiro.." I mutter under my breath.. she looks fairly surprised, "What about him? Is he hurt? Are you hurt?" She's bombarding me with questions, and it's making me feel even more anxious about the entire situation.

I bury my face in my arms, sobbing even more. I can't explain, I just can't. She sighs, obviously feeling guilty about seeing me in this condition, "...Is it about.. perhaps.." She pauses, seeming like she's deciding on whether or not she should say this or not. She takes a deep breath,



I immediately stop crying, I know she's the Love Hashira.. but how'd she figure it out that easily, I look up from the pitch black darkness of in-between my arms, and look her dead in the eye. It seems like this was a good enough answer for her.. she sighs.

"I'm sorry, Zenitsu.. but whatever it's about, maybe give him some space?" She gives me a soft smile, the kind you're just unable to get mad at. I nod, and she gets up, "If you ever want to talk about it.. feel free to come to me. I can see you're not in the mood to talk right now, so I'll leave you be for now, have a nice night.. Zenitsu." She smiles, and walks away.

I'm stressed out.

I'm really stressed out.

This isn't making myself in general better all-together, this isn't even Tanjiro's fault, it's not Kanao's fault either.. it's mine. The blame is on me, I deserve to have the pin on me. It's all my fault.. if only I confessed sooner, if only I just hadn't let gramps death get to me that easily, and had just sucked it up, not letting out my stress on others..

Then it would all have just turned out better.

It's all my fault,

It all is.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


AS FOR THAT, I WILL BE MAKING ANOTHER CHAPTER TODAY! (Next chapter and the one after may be epileptic in terms of suicide, self harm, etc. Viewer's Discretion is suggested.)

Remember, this is an Angst Book! This will not be having a happy ending (sadly.. 😭) But, since I feel bad because of that, I will be making an extra chapter when this is finished that has a happy ending :) (No promises tho..)

As always, hopefully this chapter was enjoyable, and see you in the next one!

Word Count - 1171

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