CHAPTER IX - Fallen Too Far

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-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


"PLEASE! THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING WE CAN DO!!" Tanjiro yells as tears rapidly fall from his eyes, the festival had been cancelled due to this incident. Everybody in the room was on the verge of tears, Shinobu's voice was cracking aswell; her eyes were set on the floor, being almost unable to look up from there. "I-I'm sorry.. I'm trying my best.." Shinobu mumbles, this was unusual behavior from her, making this situation even more difficult. She still had that fake smile plastered on her face, some people were just not mentally prepared come to the incident, like Muichiro, Obanai and others that Zenitsu knew.

A hand was placed on Tanjiro's shoulder, to stop him from yelling. It was Giyuu, he also looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he could control it. "Thank you for trying.." He mutters, Tanjiro sobs, burying his face into Giyuu's chest. Truly, this was heartbreaking. Especially since Zenitsu was murdered in.. such a way, by himself.

It wasn't identified on whether he was dead or not, but Shinobu had mentioned that there was only a slim chance of him living. The noose was tight, tight on his neck. "P-Please.. can we atleast check on him..?" Tanjiro asks, his voice is muffled from his head's position, Shinobu sighs, a bit of tears fall from her eyes as she tries to control herself from breaking down. Inosuke barges into the corridor, shoving Shinobu out of the way and running into the room Zenitsu's unconscious body is in.

Inosuke throws the boar mask off of his head and immediately breaks down in tears as soon as he reaches the bed Zenitsu is in, everyone was shocked from this behavior of his, but it was no surprise; who wouldn't breakdown at something so shocking? Tengen is seen behind him, patting Inosuke's shoulder. He sniffles, Tanjiro takes this chance to run in aswell, he stares at Zenitsu with an emotionless expression, "It's unbelievable.." Shinobu mutters, putting a hand over her heart. "Unfortunate.."

Tanjiro sobs, falling to the floor as tears just won't stop bursting out of his eyes. "WHY!? Why.. WHY HIM!?" He screams, "Zenitsu, why!? Why would you attempt to kill yourself!? PLEASE!! Please.. DON'T LEAVE ME!!" He yells. "SHUT IT GOMPACHIRO!!" Inosuke yells back, still sobbing his heart out. "Did you even read the note!?"

Tanjiro looks up from the floor, to Inosuke. Tengen and the others also seem confused, except for Mitsuri. "W-What note..?" He asks quietly, in a tone of whisper; Inosuke just seems even more infuriated at his answer. "U-Uhm.. I'm so sorry to interrupt, b-but.. Zenitsu wrote a note, for you.. me and Inosuke r-read it.." Mitsuri says with a shaky voice, Tanjiro's eyes widen. "WHERE!?" He yells, Mitsuri is startled by his sudden burst, but she makes way for him incase he's about to run over there, which he assumes he will.

"I-In.. his room.." She mumbles, Tanjiro immediately gets up and runs right out of the room. His face is still flooded with tears, but that doesn't stop him from running. He barges into Zenitsu's room, scattering all over to find this so called "note".

After many moments of searching in silence, he finally stops as he finds the one thing he came for; the note. He grabs it swiftly, reading through it.

 He grabs it swiftly, reading through it

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