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-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Tanjiro pointed his index finger towards North, which Inosuke raised an eyebrow at.

"You smell something?" He asks, crossing his arms and looking over to the direction Tanjiro's pointing at. Tanjiro nods, and starts walking that way. He sighs, before muttering, "It's Zenitsu's scent, I know that smell.." Tanjiro says with a harsh expression. Seeming quite focused on just finding Zenitsu, he cares, he definitely does.

They both walk, and walk.. Tanjiro is leading, Inosuke is following. It's getting close to sunset, and they still haven't found him. Tanjiro is starting to get concerned again, and so is Inosuke. (You can tell if Inosuke isn't the one up ahead 💀)

"Somethings.. somethings off." Inosuke breaks the silence between their footsteps, this comment makes Tanjiro stop his movements, and turn his head to Inosuke. "What do you mean..?" He asks, worriedly. Inosuke just looks around and crosses his arms, continuing to walk as Tanjiro's head follows him.

"Well.. it's just, Monjiro.." He pauses, sighing. It was unusual for Inosuke to act like this aswell, but he has a reason, because he's concerned. So Tanjiro wasn't that worried about him acting different, as this one was probably just a bad mood.. atleast he would assume.. "There's been something off about him lately, I just haven't seen him acting the same for the past few days."

From that comment, that's when Tanjiro realizes something.. Zenitsu hasn't been acting like this only today, infact the past week aswell.. He looks over at Inosuke and stops him from walking.

"We need to find Zenitsu, now."

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-



I stand in silence for god knows how long, I'm barely sure on what to do anymore, on what's the point. I look around, there's nothing but snow, pointless snow. I have no idea on where Inosuke or Tanjiro is, and I'm just.. bored. Bored, in general, of everything.

I feel my vision begin to get blurry, and I hear faint voices screaming my name, one mispronounced, one out of concern.

I don't know what's happening.. but.. sides of my vision are starting to black out, I'm loosing stability of my own body.. am I about to faint..?

It's not like anybody would care, anyways.

Nobody would.


-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


I see Zenitsu falling to the ground.. shit.. what's happening to him?! "ZENITSU!!" I yell out of pure distress, Inosuke just looks.. shocked, I speed up my movements and grab Zenitsu before he hits the ground.

"INOSUKE! Call Ms. Kocho, NOW!" I yell, turning my head in his direction. I don't know what to think.. Why are so many things happening at once..? I'm hella frustrated.. I have no idea on what to do.

I pick up Zenitsu (Bridal Style ;)), and look down at him, I stare at him, an unconscious Zenitsu for who knows how long..? My face leans in closer, he's still breathing, so he should be fine.. but..

He looks so.. peaceful. Just.. laying in my arms, I could watch him like this forever.. I lean in closer, how come he looks so beautiful when he's just.. sleeping..? (Tanjiro being a simp fr)

"ACK! W-..What am I thinking!?" I mumble out, jumping my face right off of his. My face turns a soft shade of pink, am I.. blushing!? No, no- I can't feel this way towards Zenitsu..

"MONJIRO!!" I hear a voice yell out, startling me. I almost dropped Zenitsu from that, "She's telling you to come to the Butterfly Estate! Come with me!" Inosuke yells out, I quickly follow behind him, putting Zenitsu on my back in the process.



15 minutes later



"Low Blood Sugar." Shinobu says, pausing as she begins to check Zenitsu for any injuries. "I mean-" She clears her throat, "He passed out because of low blood pressure." She mumbles, turning her head over to Tanjiro and Inosuke.

"Do you guys know the last time he's eaten?" She asks, raising a brow. Tanjiro and Inosuke both shake their heads as a response.

Tanjiro looks at the ground, "No, infact, I've barely seen him eat.." Tanjiro says, Shinobu nods and turns her head back over to the unconscious Zenitsu. "I see, then that's probably why."

She sighs, "Could you guys please make sure he eats properly? I don't want to start to make this a daily occurrence of his." She mutters, not attempting to be rude— but clearly couldn't care less if it came off that way.

Tanjiro nods, "Okay.. we'll make sure.." He stops himself from speaking, cutting himself off. He's clearly concerned, and tired. It's about 8pm, and they're all quite exhausted.

Shinobu starts getting out of her seat, "One last thing, do you guys know how he got those scars?" She asks, Tanjiro and Inosuke raise a brow. "Scars?" Inosuke asks, Shinobu nods.

"There's scars all over his wrists and knees, I'm gonna assume it's just from fighting.." He mutters, pausing. She seems to be thinking, but Tanjiro interrupts her thoughts.

"Ah- um, but I'm sure that he would've been healed?" He asks, Shinobu does seem to process that for a moment, "I suppose.. but it could have just been a recent incident, the scars look recent anyways aswell." She seems to still be thinking about something, but shrugs it off and leaves the room. (SHINOBU IS ONTO HIM EHE)

Tanjiro was about to ask her what she was thinking about, but he doesn't want to disturb her more and just grabs Zenitsu, turning to Inosuke. "We should probably head to sleep now." He says, smiling as he puts Zenitsu on his back.

Inosuke nods, "Tch, that Monitsu made me worried for nothing!" He yells, storming out of the room. Tanjiro chuckles lightly, "He'll never change.." He mumbles under his breath, leaving the room aswell.

As he starts to walk down the hallway, he hears Zenitsu whisper something in his sleep, stopping his movements completely.



-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


I'm thinking of making another book but instead it's the modern au, or maybe a swap au (but instead it's the kamaboko squad as demons along with the hashira's)


Word Count - 1016

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