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-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


"ZEEENITSSUUU-KUNNNN!!" cried Mitsuri.

That scream made him snap out of it; oh. Slowly came an embarrassing realization, none of that was real. Well, atleast the interaction between the two wasn't... truth is, ever since Zenitsu had awoken from his slumber; he'd been frequently getting these little "breakdowns". Shinobu had informed him not to worry, as it was normal and would go away after awhile when he'd get used to reality. It still worried her that whenever he would tell her about what exactly these breakdowns were about, it was all related to... practically similar, violent things. And of course, Zenitsu had to see it as normal. Well, to be fair; nobody would exactly recover from a suicide attempt THAT easily, and neither would they just be mentally well enough to live a normal life. That being, he didn't know why Shinobu was so concerned on something that should've been normalized... or, what was normalized for him. "Are you okayyy!? Oh my god, Kochou warned me this might happen! I'm so so so sorry I overwhelmed you, maybe I can share some sakur-" "It's fine, it's fine." Zenitsu interrupted, waving a hand approvingly with a forced smile. He tiredly got up from the ground and turned to her with a sigh, "Sorry to worry you, it shouldn't happen again." He apologized, bowing in a gesture of respect. Mitsuri only looked dumbfounded, for the Zenitsu she knew would've just been as startled as she was, "What on earth happened to you!?" she screeched, "Zenitsu-Kun, you don't have to be so formal! I am nothing but a comrade to you!" She corrected, hoping it would knock some unnecessary sense into him. Zenitsu's smile became slightly more genuine, it was visible. "Uhm, what were you saying earlier?" He suddenly asked, unsure whether he should bring up the topic after what had just happened; but he wanted to confirm whether what she asked was true to his hearing or not.

"Oh! I was asking if you had a crush or anything? Stupid question.. but you know who I am, heheh.." She giggled as Zenitsu's smiled widened, "Not really. The obsession over Nezuko has died down, I guess." he lied hoping it was believable. "I'm sure you've noticed?" He asked, "...Before I attempted?" Mitsuri tried to recall back, which she luckily did. "Ah! Right, we once had a talk over something you were crying about, right? That was our last interaction before the incident." It was only then Zenitsu was thrown back to that awful background. The tension was rising slowly, but it was visible. Mitsuri could tell, and the last thing she wanted was to make him uncomfortable; so a change of topics had been decided. "...Uhm, well.. would you prefer to go to the Flame Estate? Rengoku-san asked if I wanted to come over, and oh what a pity it'd be to leave you b-" "I don't mind, we can head on." Zenitsu interrupted. The awkwardness had become more harsh, but the two tried to ignore it for now. "Follow my lead then!" Mitsuri beamed.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


"Well I'd say that's enough for the preparations!" Kyojuro announced while everyone looked ahead of the festival, it was all going smoothly. "I say we host a before-party at Kyojuro's house here." Tengen continued for him with a sly smirk, "Yeah!" Everyone agreed to it, so they were all sent back to their estates to prepare.

"What a day.." Tanjiro chuckled, ruffling Nezuko's hair in the shade, "Are you excited Nezu? It's been awhile since a big events hosted." He said, "The incident, and such is a big part of the reasoning." Shinobu added—"WOAH! Lady Kochou? When'd you get here?" Tanjiro asked, jumping back. She only laughed, that plastic smile filled her small face. "I only overheard you talking, and I didn't know who since Kanao and all of the others returned to the Butterfly Mansion, Kanroji is busy and nearly all of the other Hashira are." she paused, looking down at Nezuko as her face softened, "But now I see who." Tanjiro smiled at her comment, starting to walk following her lead in the shade. "So I see you were talking about the party? What about it?" She asked, in attempt to spike a conversation. "Oh—it was nothing, well nothing to talk about. Only just gibberish to Nezu; you'd know." He laughed as she joined in. Turning ahead, Tanjiro blinked as he examined her behavior. "Is there.. a certain reason you wanted to talk to me?" He suddenly asked, Shinobu froze. Her face stiffening as she avoided Tanjiro's gaze, "Actually, yes. I did want to talk to you," she redeemed rather quickly "Not that I expected you to catch on so early, but it seems otherwise." Tanjiro could notice a change in her behavior, a smell came along that was.. uncertain, just like everything else about her. He could hardly tell what it was, but if he was forced to guess, it'd have to be.. nervousness? That's new, coming from Shinobu. Usually it was the other way around, people being nervous to talk to her. "And that'd be?" He asked skeptically, waiting impatiently for her response as he stood slightly ahead of her. "I do hate having to keep bringing this up, especially seeing how much it affected you, but.." she sighed, pausing again. The amount of pauses she took was starting to irritate him, he couldn't deny. "Do you know anything about that note Agatsuma made? I've sent Kanao to try and help me figure out the true meaning, but nobody seems to have an idea. That note was written especially to you, and as much as I had attempted to avoid this topic with you, it's just necessary." She finally asked, it took time for Tanjiro to process anything she was saying. He just wasn't used or too comfortable when it came to this topic, which was clear already, but everyone who acknowledged that crossed those boundaries anyways. All because like what she had said, it was "necessary". He looked around awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry? I'm unsure on what the note exactly meant, and why he only wrote it to me... but the last time I spoke with Kanroji, she was sure it was a love note. If that's what you're asking." he mumbled as Shinobu's eyebrows rose. "She's avoiding bringing it up infront of him aswell, being oblivious about it, and all of that. What I can tell is that she's concerned, and that she wants an explanation from him even if she knows the answer already. As much as I want to trust what she says because she's an expert in those sort of things, I don't believe it." He finally finished in a breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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