CHAPTER XI - Miracle

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-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Shinobu stood there, stunned, with a shocked expression on her face. Though, it slowly curved into a calm smile, muttering some inaudible words; "Atleast he has someone.." She says, walking over to Zenitsu and beginning to run a few tests on him without waking Tanjiro up. Her expression didn't change as the tests ran, it was just, sad. No change in Zenitsu's health so far, it would just have to be some sort of a miracle for him to make it out alive. Shinobu sighs, staring at the floor, but picking up her gaze over to Tanjiro. She slowly shakes him awake, "Tanjiro-Kun.. could you let go of Zenitsu?.." She asks in a soft voice, Tanjiro slowly begins to wake up, with his grip on Zenitsu loosening. "Ah, uh.. my bad.." He mutters, still half-asleep, but getting up from the bed. Shinobu helps him get off and brings him a stool to sit on, then turning back to whatever she was getting done with previously. Tanjiro clears his throat, sitting up straight. "Ahem— so, is he getting any better..?" He questions, rubbing his eyes. Shinobu stays focused, but gives a subtle response; "Mm.. there is no drastic change, but from what I've noticed of the recent weeks is that his heart-beat is getting more controlled, and consistent." She explains, Tanjiro nods as a frown forms on his face. "That's.. that's all?.. Nothing that could possibly result in—" "No, but we must be patient.. alright? I'm sure he'll be okay.." Shinobu interrupts, though she pauses mid-sentence, not having much strength to talk to Tanjiro seeing him in such a weak condition. She puts on a fake smile, sighing. "It's hard, I'm aware." She finishes, turning to the door and walking out of the room. Tanjiro stares at the floor, wondering about Zenitsu. Wondering everything about him, why exactly he did this, and what happened between them both. He slowly shifts his gaze to Zenitsu as his smile drops, drops into a genuine, hopeless frown. 


"Zenitsu, I'm tired."

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Kanao sighs, looking around in the gloomy setting. No matter how many times she's thought about this; it won't get off her mind. It hasn't been the same without Zenitsu, nobody screaming and crying over a bird chirping, nobody wailing louder than the sound of lightning. Practically, the spark of the world has kind of disappeared from everyone, even the ones who barely cared about him. Especially with Tanjiro, his entire demeanor was destroyed. He wasn't the same person anymore ever since Mitsuri talked about that "note", he's changed, changed a lot. Kanao sighs, frowning. She hadn't seen Nezuko in a while either, but was just assuming that she was asleep in her own way of grieving over Zenitsu's "death". Though, that idea has now just struck to her mind, going to visit Nezuko and then visiting Zenitsu with her. "Sounds good.." She mutters, putting a small smile on her face for the first time in weeks.

As she walks down the path back to the Butterfly Estate, she's stopped by an unfamiliar hand; or atleast someone she hasn't talked to much in the past before. Turning her head around slightly, she see's someone who resembles Kyojuro a bit; beginning to speak as soon as he notices he's caught her attention. "Ah.. Kanao, right? Were you headed to the Butterfly Estate?— If you are, could you please lead us..?" He asks, Kanao tilts her head to the side a bit. "Us..?"  She mutters, turning her head upwards to see Muichiro. He stays still, not waving or making any motion to greet her, she looks back down at the boy. "And.. your name is?" "Senjuro." He replies, chuckling nervously. "Mui forgot his way there.. and uh, I have no idea on where it's located. We want to visit Zenitsu— to check on him.." He says, trying to sound convincing even though Kanao would already probably lead them. She nods, smiling a bit to know there was still some people who had hope in Zenitsu after all the traumatic events. "Of course.." She mutters, motioning for the both to follow her.  The three stay quiet as they walk back to the Butterfly Estate, until Senjuro attempts to start a conversation, waiting for Muichiro to catch up and then heading to hold his hand. "S-So.. do you know what exactly.. happened to Zenitsu?" He asks, Kanao slows down her pace a bit. She takes a moment to process his question, before nodding. Senjuro smiles nervously, "Could you.. explain?" He asks again, Kanao sighs. "All I know is that he commit— well, attempted, to commit suicide. I'm not sure on why.. but, Tanjiro seems to be very hurt over it.." She replies, Senjuro nods. "Maybe because of the note Kanroji mentioned." Muichiro adds, holding Senjuro's hand and dragging him along. Kanao stops in her tracks, turning to the two behind her. "You know about the note? What did it say..? Tanjiro won't tell me, neither will the others.." She mutters in a low voice. Muichiro's expression didn't change. Senjuro slightly walks behind Muichiro, getting a little anxious. "Zenitsu liked Tanjiro, or something."

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