CHAPTER X - Hold My Hand

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(A/N, I'm rewriting this chapter because I wasn't too happy when I published it!)

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Ever since the day that Zenitsu tried to commit, I'd never had left his side. I'd bring flowers everyday, Inosuke would bring rocks each day, there was about 82 stored in a bag on an end table next to his bed. We never, never ever went a day without visiting him. Sometimes, I'd even sleep in the room he was in. I didn't want to go a day without seeing him, I can't loose another person.. I can't.

I just want him to wake up, it's been 82 days. 82 days, and no recovery, no nothing. Shinobu hasn't told us any  updates, and honestly, I'm just worried. Though, Zenitsu, I have my hopes up. The day you wake up, I promise, I'll comfort you the best I can. I'll be there for you, and I'll be waiting.. please, don't let me down.. I'm counting on you to wake up, and recover from whatever you went through.

"Tanjiro-Kun..?" A voice calls out from behind me, I turn my head around slightly, it's a bit hard for me to move since I'm wrapped in a blanket next to his bed, I can recognize the voice. It's Kanao's.. "Hm..?" Ever since the day Zenitsu wrote that note, and I read it, I've been a bit annoyed by Kanao's presence, though, I know it's not her fault at all. She didn't have any bad intentions, and was just trying to get close to Nezuko. It's my fault for letting it go through to Zenitsu so easily, and not check up on him.

She sighs, "Me and Nezuko were wondering if you wanted to come with us to the lake..? Inosuke will be there too.." She explains quietly. In a soft tone, I sigh. "I don't really want to leave Zen alone right now.. you guys can go without me, I don't really care." She nods, seeming to be thinking about something, "Well.. if you ever need something, please feel free to ask Lady Kocho.. I'm sorry." She walks out of the room, disappearing from my sight. 

Splish, splash..

Huh? It's raining?.. Guess they can't really go anyways then, tch.. what an emotional setting, for an emotional situation. I sigh, getting up slowly from the floor. I glance at the mirror, I've been crying every-now-and-then since the occurrence, so my eyes are pretty baggy as a result. I'm not surprised, who wouldn't cry over their best-friend.. y'know, doing that stuff? Well, I certainly would. The only thing I feel right now is pity, and hope.

I rummage through the drawers as I look for something, no.. not a bag full of rocks, no- not a.. wait.. What the hell is this doing here!? That's disgusting— no!! Goddamnit.. where is it..? I slam the compartment shut, I didn't know looking for some damn medications could be so hard. Did I loose them? Those are important for Zenitsu.. Lady Kocho ordered me to give him them everyday, since I'm keeping a watch on him.

Sighing, I glance over at Zenitsu. He hasn't been moving at all, I hate to say this, but at this point I'm concerned if I'm just watching a dead body of my best friend on a bed. I don't want you to pass away, Zenitsu.. I'll stay here until the day you wake up, whether you are really dead or not.

A knock on the door startles my rummaging as I drop a few things, "Come in.." I mumble, but still in a loud enough tone for whoever is knocking to hear. Of course, it's Shinobu. Probably here to check whether I've gave him the meds or not, "Ara Ara~ Tanjiro-Kun.. what're you searching for?" She chuckles lightly, It's easy to make out it's fake, as always. I notice her glance over at Zenitsu, and her smile immediately drops.

"His medications.. I can't find them, did you put them somewhere?" I ask, she groans quietly, "Ah, my bad.. they should be in that cabinet." She points to a cabinet on the right, i nod, "Thank you." I notice he's shivering, wait.. is that a sign he's still breathing!? Hopefully.. it is pretty cold because of the rain, I'll find a way to warm him up once I give him the meds.

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