CHAPTER VII - Kiss My Soul Goodbye

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-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


It's been a few months, and tomorrow is the day Kanao is confessing to Nezuko! I find it adorable, because we also have a festival that day!! It'll be so much fun, and also nice to see the confession go down! Hopefully, everything will go just smoothly.

Ah.. right. I needed to invite Zenitsu, I haven't seen him in awhile.. actually. That's quite weird, I haven't seen him training.. I haven't seen him just in general actually. Well, I should just go invite him instead of questioning things.. I walk over to his room, I knock..


There's no answer.

Maybe I should just open it myself? I open the door, "Zenitsu..?" I call out in a quiet voice, practically a whisper.

He's nowhere to be seen.

I decide to look around, huh.. his room is, clean for once? That's new, I walk around the room for a bit, inspecting and investigating some things, but obviously not invading anything in his privacy. Yet, one thing I find weird is that everything after December on his calendar is ripped off.

I wonder why..? He seems to have a specific date circled, oh.. it's tomorrow. Does he maybe already know about the festival? That could be why he's tidying up a bit, it's still weird on the calendar thing though.

I look over to the doorway, Zenitsu is standing there. "Why are you in my room..?" He asks with a cold expression, it's somehow making me.. anxious..? I clear my throat, "Ah, I came to invite you to the festi-" "I'm already aware." He interrupts, making me go silent.

"May you leave...?" He asks, I hesitate to answer for a moment.. before nodding and walking past him. He slams the door shut right as I step out, making my body go numb.

Did I upset him..? What's going on? Is he okay..?

So.. so many questions are running through my mind right now.. I thought he must've improved, I guess not.. perhaps I should've just stayed with my reasonings before and had asked someone else to notify him.

I don't think he wants to talk to me.. definitely, he's just been acting weird with me lately, and I find it weird and sort of irritating, honestly. I'm concerned for him, but I can't help him if he doesn't necessarily allow me to.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


Damnit.. I did not just do that out of nowhere, goddamnit how much of a burden can I be at this point? He's trying to just help me, and I'm shutting him out only out of my pure emotions. I'm a disappointment if this is how I grief over myself.

It's getting close to the day I've planned anyways, maybe I'll write a note and hang it over my dead body so that Tanjiro would know how I felt about him from the start, I suppose that'd work. Just a different version of the note I originally wrote a few months ago..

It's not like anybody still wants me walking on this hell of a planet anyways, I barely do anything anymore. People have probably forgot about my existence already, which is good. I don't need everybody I know to start grieving over my death, that'd be the last thing I'd ever want to happen.

Suicide is something I never thought I'd be capable of doing, but here I am, planning the day I'm going to die on my deathbed. What a sensitive little dumbass I am if I'm doing this over Gramps' demise and Tanjiro not liking me back.

Gosh, I can't believe I let those things get to me that easily. I mean, I haven't been feeling the same from Gramps' death from the start, but honestly now I just don't think I can hold on much longer. What's the point of living if all the things I try to do are just shutting me down, turning me away?

At this point, I just give up.

I give up.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


"Tanjiro!" Aoi calls out to me, I turn over to where she is and raise a brow. "Could you help with the preparations for the festival!?" She yells, I walk over to her slowly. "But I thought Mr. Uzui said that it was all about right..?" I ask, she shakes her head.

She sighs, "Apparently it's not all finished, he jus thought it was because the deadline of the prepping has already passed." She explains, I nod. "I'll help." I smile, she smiles back. "Thank god.. I really don't trust Inosuke with the job, others will be there to help too." She starts walking away, I follow her, assuming that's the way to the festival.

We eventually make it, she walks off to do her own things. I look around to see what I can do to help, Muichiro and Senjuro are working on some fairy lights, Shinobu and Mitsuri are working on the food, as for all the others doing their own business aswell. Tengen looks a bit stressed, I would be too if I found out the festival wasn't finished yet.

I guess I'll help Shinobu and Mitsuri, there definitely has to be a lot of food.. and I'm sure Mitsuri will eat most of it. I walk over to them, smiling. "Do you guys need a hand?" I ask politely, Mitsuri nods. "Sure! Could you help Shinobu with the Miso Soup?" I nod, walking over to Shinobu. She orders me for some ingredients, which I give her with ease.

Eventually, the food is finished, and the entire table is filled. Mitsuri's mouth is watering, the festival will start soon anyways since it's getting close to the time being of darkness. Hopefully Zenitsu can make it.. he didn't seem too much like in the mood earlier.

"Ara Ara Tanjiro-San.. it's getting quite close to the time of the festival, shouldn't you go and get ready?" She asks, startling me completely as she looks me dead in the eyes. "Uh- yeah! I'll go and get ready.. my apologies.." I chuckle lightly, she just stares at me smiling as I begin to walk off, "Make sure to get Zenitsu aswell!" She calls out.

Ah, right. If he doesn't come himself, I'll need to make him. Otherwise, it's not gonna be that fun just with the others, and anyways in general he'll need to come. But I'll need to get my things first, then I'll get Zenitsu.

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


AS ALWAYS, HOPEFULLY THIS WAS ENJOYABLE!! (Get ready for the next chapter.. it won't be so great 😭)

Word Count - 1081

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