CHAPTER VIII - Suicide Is Painless

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Quick A/N, If you want to enhance the experience of reading this, listen to "Nobody" by Mitski, I was rereading this whole book while listening to it and I cried a lot 😭

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


The time of the festival had come, and so has the confession. Tanjiro was leading Nezuko to a spot in the festival of where Kanao was going to confess, he couldn't stop smiling. Entirely, he was super happy for them both. Especially for Nezuko, infact, he did feel a little jealous that his little sister was getting confessed to before he would..

Nezuko stops in her tracks, and looks up at Tanjiro. "Nii-Chan.. where are we going?" It comes out muffled, but Tanjiro can understand. He smiles, and whispers, "To the festival, silly!" He begins to pick up his pace, running, "Race you there!" Nezuko giggles, running after him.

Eventually, Tanjiro can spot Kanao in his sight, he stops, so Nezuko does aswell. He points his index finger over to Kanao, turning his head to Nezuko. "Nez, how about you go that way? I'll be waiting for you, but Kanao wants to talk to you about something!" Nezuko nods, running over to Kanao. Tanjiro crosses his arms, smiling uncontrollably as he watches them both. 

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


I wait patiently for Nezuko to come, and also nervously. I'm deeply anxious on if I'll mess this up, as this might be my only chance to confess to her.. though, I hear footsteps, running towards me. I anxiously look up from the ground, and Nezuko is running right towards me. I see Tanjiro in the distance, and he gives me a thumbs up symbol as to gesture it's my cue. I nod, taking a deep breath.. in, and out..

Nezuko looks up at me, I look down at her... she tilts her head out of curiosity, I turn my head to the side from embarrassment. Slowly, I bring out flowers from behind my back, holding it infront of her. I glance over at her, she takes them, looking grateful.

She hugs me, I flinch out of surprise.. but I'm not complaining, I take a deep breath, bringing out my coin and flipping it to decide whether I should do this or not. ...Guess I don't have a choice. "Nezuko-Chan.." I mumble, my words slur slightly from my nervousness. She looks up at my curiously, I take a deep breath.. before saying;

"Will you be mine?"

-━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━-


"It's probably going good, Nezuko and Kanao are both smiling.." Tanjiro mumbles, tearing up slightly. "Am I seriously getting emotional over this..? Heh.." He chuckles lightly, before turning away, glancing at them one last time. In his sight, they're hugging, and Kanao looks like she's about to cry.

"That's probably a good sign.." He mutters, starting to walk away. Now, the entire festival is in his sight. Kanao and Nezuko were still technically in the festival bounds, just in a more enclosed spot for privacy, Well, who wouldn't want privacy in that occasion? 

He starts looking around, Inosuke is with Aoi and Genya, Muichiro is with Senjuro and Giyuu, Rengoku is with Tengen, Obanai is with Sanemi, and Mitsuri with Shinobu. They all seem to be having their own conversations, yet Tanjiro looks around, it seems as if there's someone missing...

He isn't sure on who, but decides to shrug it off for now, taking his leave to talk to Inosuke and the others. "Inosuke! There's no way you and Mitsuri ate all the food already!?" Aoi yells, Inosuke looks irritated as hell, which Genya is laughing about. "So what if we ate it!? It was some good shit!" Aoi facepalms, looking offended, Genya snickers more.

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