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Their science teacher, Miss Choi, stands in the middle at the front of the classroom, smiling at her students who waited for her to talk. She give out papers that'll explain about the group project they'll be having that have to be done by a group of two only.

Probably because the amount of the students in the class are not an odd number. She just don't want anyone to be left out.

"Okay, I'll be calling out the name of your partner now." Miss Choi states. Many students complained for not being able to choose their partner.

She starts calling up the names that has to be partnered up for the said project. Choi Jiyoon and Han Yujin got partnered up together. Jiyoon is kind of relieved to be partner up with him since he's one of the only people she frequently talk to at school. Yujin was also thankful because she's the only friend he has in the class other than his other friend in the the other class.

They plan to discuss about the project at a cafe. "Which cafe are you going to do it at?" Jiyoon asks Yujin who thinks hardly before a cafe popped up in his mind. "What about Yoon Café? I always goes there because the pastries are hella good. It's also only a 10 minute walk from my house."

School ended and they both had agreed to meet up at the said place at 4 p.m today. Jiyoon bid him goodbyes before getting into the car then her driver - Mr. Park - drive them both back to the mansion she lives in.

"Oh, who is that boy you were talking to? Is it a new friend?" Mr. Park asked her to start a conversation between the two. Jiyoon turned off her phone and look at the road at the front before replying. "Nah, I've been friend with him for some time now." Mr. Park nods before continue to ask some more questions that she replied to.

Mr. Park parks the car in the huge garage they own. Jiyoon got out of the car and enters the house and greet Ms. Kang, their house keepers who acts as the two siblings' mother figure, hugging the smaller female.

She went to her room to shower and quickly put on her clothes. Running down the stairs, as she walk in the dining room, she was surprised to see her brother already sitting and eating the meals that Ms. Kang had prepared for them.

"You're home early today?" She takes the chair next to him and sits on it before grabbing a pair of chopstick and start eating. Seungcheol tells her that he finished work early today to spend some time with her as he have been busy for the past weeks.

She stopped eating for a moment to look at her brother feeling guilty because she already has a plan for the afternoon. "I have to go and discuss about a school project with my partner at a cafe... But you can still come there with me, it's the cafe where Jihoon bought the chocolate cake that you said taste better than 5 star restaurants. You've been wanting to go there anyway."

Seungcheol nods, although a bit upset, he still offers to drive her there. They both finish up their meal and leave the plates and bowls just like Ms. Kang asked them to as she will wash it for them later.

Jiyoon slips in Seungcheol's black Audi, buckling the seatbelt. Seungcheol puts the cafe name on the maps and starts driving. The two sibling got there after a 30 minutes ride.

Just like Jihoon had said before, it is near TLS Entertaiment. They can see the building from here clearly.

They both got in and the cafe was surprisingly very big in the inside, letting many customers in. The designs are pretty simple yet so aesthetic. It looks like one of those cafes where people would go just to take pictures there.

Jiyoon wanders her eyes around looking for Yujin then walk to the table after finding the said boy. It seems like he has already start working on the planning because of the open laptop on the table while Seungcheol sits on another table, not wanting to bother his sister.

"Hey, have you been waiting for me?" Jiyoon sits across him as she asks. Yujin finally look up from the paper he was dribbling on and nods his head, "I've just arrive here like 5 minutes ago so I decided to wait for you before ordering."

They called for a waiter who bring in the menus to them and start ordering. Jiyoon order a glass of strawberry milkshake and strawberry chocolate covered donuts with oreo crumbs on top and Yujin order for a glass of chocolate milkshake and a plate of cheesecake.

The chinese looking waiter come over to Seungcheol's table next and takes his order as well; a glass of ice americano and a piece of the chocolate cake he tried before.

The two students start discussing about their project while waiting for their orders and it went pretty well.

Seungcheol was busy using his phone, checking his schedules and works while waiting for his order as well. He notices the stares he receive by most of the customers there. He is after all, a very famous business man who is also very attractive.

A waiter walk up to him - not the chinese one he notices - holding a tray with Seungcheol's order on top when he suddenly trips, making the ice americano to spilled all over Seungcheol's white tee, staining it as he curse under his breath feeling the cold liquid on his chest.

Seungcheol was about to scold the waiter for ruining his clothes but once he saw the face of the person, no words come out.

Many customers gasped inaudibly including Jiyoon and Yujin. The waiter apologizes continuously as he tried to wiped it off but end up making the stains worser.

"I'm so sorry sir." The waiter bow many time before calling a name out that made Jiyoon perks up. "Jeongin! Yoon Jeongin!" A young looking boy came up to them and bring Seungcheol to the back of the cafe to give them their extra clothes to change into.

While the kid had dragged Seungcheol with him, the waiter clean up the mess he had made while apologizing to the other customers as well for bothering them. Another worker come to help the waiter clean up the shattered glass on the floor and mops the floor clean.

Jiyoon was not very far away from her brother's table so she was able to see and hear everything that happened.

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