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"What do you mean you wanted to take a day off as well? You know Hanbin is going back to his hometown for an emergency, right?" Jeonghan look at Junhui who's standing across him while looking down. Junhui glances at the cafe owner looking distressed, feeling a bit guilty.

"Look, you know me, it's not like I'm not letting you taking a day off but over the years of working, our cafe have gotten so many recognization. We've gotten more busy. Me and Joshua won't be able to handle it all ourselves." Joshua pat the distressed owner's shoulder a little while Jeonghan rubs his temple.

"Just go find more workers." The three adults - Jeonghan, Junhui and even Joshua who was standing next to Jeonghan all this time - look at the younger girl, sitting by a table with the owner's son.

"What?" She questions seeing all the eyes on her. "I mean, what kind of cafe only have 4 workers? It'll be too troublesome, like our situation right now. Go find more workers, trust me. It doesn't matter whether they wanted to be a full time worker or a part timer, as long as they want to work."

Jeonghan let her words sink in for a moment and agrees, "Sure, let's do that. That'll solve our problem here." Jiyoon smiles, satisfied by the outcomes.

"But will we be able to find more workers in just three days?" Junhui questions that silenced everyone in the room.

"You can leave it to me."


Jiyoon sit next to the busy gamer staring at him for a few seconds. Wonwoo came by to play at their house because Seungcheol asks him to.

(this happens in the same day as the conversation above, it is when jiyoon went back home and ms. kang wasn't at home)

"Wonwoo oppa, you're looking for a part time job right?" She slowly starts. Wonwoo glance at Jiyoon then back to the game he's playing. "Yea. Why do you ask?" He responded.

"Have you find one?"

"No, not yet."

"Would you like to work at a cafe, perhaps?"

"Sure why not..?"

"Perfect. I already find you a job." Wonwoo stop himself from picking the weapons in the game for a moment then slowly turned to look at her. "What? Are you joking right now?"

"No, I'm not! I swear!"

A smile genuinely appears on his face hearing that. "Are you sure you're not lying? I've been looking for a suitable job for me for days!"

"You're welcome. Now, now. Do you know anyone else needing a job right now as well?"

"Hm I think I might know someone.."

"Channie, have that friend of yours find a part time job yet?" Wonwoo asks over the calls that he put on speaker so he can continue with the conversation while playing his game. Jiyoon sits beside him, eagerly waiting.

"Which one? I've got two friends searching for part time jobs."

"Great! Ask them to come for an interview for working at a cafe tomorrow. I'll send you the address." Jiyoon replies instead of Wonwoo with glee.

"Was that Jiyoon-" She hang up.

ฅ(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)ฅ

"Is this all?" Jeonghan asks Joshua in a hush voice while keeping an eye on the 3 strangers sitting in front of him. Joshua nods while smiling.

"You guys can introduce yourselves." Joshua states in behalf of the cafe owner, knowing the latter isn't very good with new people.

"I'll go first. I'm Jeon Wonwoo," he moves a little bit to the front to shake hands with the two workers in a polite manner before moving back to his original place, "I'm 26 years old." He bows once again before sitting back on the chair he sat at.

"I'll go next! My name is Boo Seungkwan and I'm 24 years old. I'm currently attending my second year as a degree student."

"I'm Xu Minghao and I'm 25 years old."

Jeonghan look at all of them, 'Their characters are so different.. Will I be able to handle these new workers.' he worriedly think to himself.

He suddenly feel a little nudge on his shoulder and look up to see Joshua looking at him, "Are you okay?" the later mouthed.

Jeonghan slowly and hesitantly nods. He takes a deep breath before looking back forward to see the 3 pairs of eyes looking at him patiently.

"You're accepted. Come by tomorrow morning at 7 for a demo. Thank you very much for applying here." He says but received no response and the silence is slowly killing him inside.

"Uh, we're accepted..just like that?" The one with the red hair and wearing a glasses asks.

"Yes. Uhm the thing is, we're desperately needing more workers right now and it's absolutely fine if you make some mistakes here and there for the few days and weeks. It'll be fine even if you don't even have any experiences. We're more than willing to teach you." Joshua finished off with his usual sweet smile, making the others at ease.

ฅ(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)ฅ

Junhui was assigned to the cashier place this morning, he was told to greet the newcomers today. He was quite excited to meet new faces.

The door rings and squeaks a little as it was pushed open. Junhui look up from the counter to the male walking to the front counter.

"Oh hey, Ricky's brother right? What would you like to order?" He put the cleaning cloth inside the pockets of his apron, ready to take orders.

"I work here." Minghao deadpans.

"Yeah sure- WAIT WHAT?!" Junhui exclaims, blinking at the latter confusedly. "I said, I work here."

Junhui wasn't able to say anything else when another two new faces come in by the cafe's door.

"Yea, so like as I was saying- oh hey Minghao. You're early, huh." Seungkwan greets the chinese male. "I just arrived actually."

The kitchen door open revealing Joshua and Jeonghan wearing an apron and some flour on their faces, their hairs was a tad bit messy and the others can see the kitchen behind the doors show some black smoke.

The two look up to see the three new workers and Junhui looking at them silently.

"So, can any of you bake?"

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A little note here, the dots are for situations shifted that happens in the same day while the emoticon that looks like its making a horanghae pose (doesn't it) is for the same reason but in the other days. It could be the day after, two days after or a week after. It is also used by the end of the chapters for some a/n notes

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