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The three of them stare at each other for a good five minutes, standing like an npc in the Choi's huge living room. Ms. Kang and Mr. Park stand behind the big couch, waiting for one of them to speak.

"So, what are you guys doing at my house this late at night?" Jiyoon starts, her arms folded as she look between the two boys repeatedly.

"I've been staying over at my bàba's friend's house since my parents are not at home right now and his friend is going out on a date as well. Ricky threw me here." Yujin explains.

"Who's Ricky?" Jiyoon questions.

"My bàba's friend's brother. He actually goes to our school. You know, Xu Quan Rui." Yujin replies.

"Ahh, that handsome senior who's always flirting but somehow always end up in the first place in his year?" Jeongin retorted.

"And what about you?" Jiyoon looks at Jeongin, waiting for his answer.

"I was kidnapped by that ahjussi." Jeongin replied simply.

"You weren't kidnapped."

"I didn't kidnapped you, kid."

Both Ms. Kang and Mr. Park says at the same time. The trio look at the two homeworkers of the Choi's suspiciously.

"Explain." Jiyoon demand.

"Well young master called me to pick up this kid earlier and I only did my job. He didn't really explain to me," Mr. Park explained truthfully.

"So, I have to babysit you guys?" Jiyoon said in a half annoyed voice. Well, who wouldn't be? She was just planning to watch her favourite drama but then there's suddenly two (unwelcome) guests in her house.

"Correction, WE have to babysit you guys." Ms. Kang corrected. "Nah, its YOU who have to babysit them," Mr. Park stated making Ms. Kang confused. "I have to go home, my babies waiting," he added.

"Ah right, the twins. Cho Yeon and Cho Yeong right. When are you gonna bring them here? I wanna meet them too!" Jiyoon whines, now clutching onto Mr. Park's arm.

"Well, while we're on that topic, why not just bring them here. I'm sure they'll like seeing new faces." Ms. Kang says which make Jiyoon nods aggressively - meaning she's 100 percent agree to that statement.

"I.. don't know who these kids are but I wanna meet them too." Yujin added quietly while raising his hands, gaining the others attention with that. "Yeah, me too." Jeongin added as well.

Mr. Park sighs. He look down where Jiyoon is still clutching onto his arm with big eyes then smiles at her. "Fine. I'll let you guys meet my babies."

Jiyoon jumps happily, cheering with Ms. Kang. The two boys stares at her, still not used to seeing her like that, smiling so fondly with her family.

"She looks so different.." Jeongin muttered. "She's like that with me sometimes tho..?" Yujin mumbles back. "Really?" Jeongin turn to look at Yujin's clueless face. "Yea. Why?" Jeongin muttered a 'damn' under his breath, "Nothing. It's nothing," he replies to the clueless boy in front of him.

'Does she like Yujin or what?'

"Now, now. You guys should wait for me here while I go back home to take those two, okay?"

"Okay!" Jiyoon cheered.

"Ma, let me help you with cooking." Jiyoon then went to clung onto Ms. Kang. "That's very nice of you dear.. but you should watch after your two friends." Ms. Kang replies but her body was unconsciously dragging the younger girl with her to the kitchen.

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