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"Are you excited for the festival?" Seungcheol glance at the other male sitting on his passenger seat. "Yes! I've been counting the days for it. Jeongin didn't really help as he continues to rant about the preparations." They both laugh at that.

Seungcheol parks his car and quickly got out of his seat to the other side of the car to open the door for Jeonghan. "What a gentleman you are!" Jeonghan get out his seat and taking the offered hand of Seungcheol as the two finally come in, holding hands together.

It looks super lovely. There are a lot of chatters amongst the people who came. There are food court and game court prepared and not to mention, the decorations looks super gorgeous too. Jiyoon did a really good job in arranging everything with the help of the council members.

"Oh look! Isn't that Junhui and Minghao?" Seungcheol points to where the two chinese, also holding hands with each other as they wait in line to buy some foods. "You're right! Let's go to them!" Jeonghan drags Seungcheol to the two of them and greet them.

"Oh, boss. You're here already. Do you want anything? I'll order it together along with our orders." Junhui say to Jeonghan. "Hm, it's fine. I'm not hungry yet," he looks down to their hand and smiles, "I never know that two of my workers are dating each other?"

Both Junhui and Minghao blushed crimson red at that statement. "When?" Jeonghan questioned. "Um remember the day you guys went on a date at TheKim restaurant?" Seungcheol and Jeonghan look at them with confusion, "we were there too at that day and we saw you two." Junhui wriggles his eyebrow teasingly at the two of them.

"So are you guys a thing?" Minghao questioned with a straight face.

"Not yet." Seungcheol replies making Jeonghan blushes super hard. "Hm, but you guys are already holding hands with each other."

The two ignore that statement and bid their goodbye before moving to the game court to play with something.

"Look! There's a water balloon game!" Seungcheol pointed out. There are some students who stand behind a cardboard with a big hole to put their face and other people can buy some water balloon to throw at them.

No wonder the game placed super far from the other, the water splashed everywhere but all the players have a smile on their face.

"Wanna try it?" Seungcheol asks Jeonghan but the latter shook his head and frowns. "I feel bad for the one who got hit by the water balloon.."

"No need to! They looks like they're having fun." Seungcheol try to console the other male. "But still though.." Jeonghan pouts, he truly feel bad for the students.

"Hey, it's fine! Let's go there instead. I think they're performing a play right now on the big stage." Jeonghan's smile came back to his face as he gladly let Seungcheol dragging him.

The play was about the Romeo and Juliet, super cliche but the others seem to enjoy it a lot.

Suddenly, Seungcheol saw a certain someone walking at the side of the stage. "Isn't that Jiyoon? And Jeongin?" Jeonghan look at the direction that Seungcheol pointed to and gasp as he saw the way the two are holding hand with each other - with a gloomy looking Yujin following from behind.

"Should we go to them or let them be?" Jeonghan think for an answer and decided to let them be.

The two spends most of the time watching all the performances at the stage.


"Love, stay calm. Don't be nervous." Hanbin tried to calm the anxious Zhang Hao in front of him. "You can do this. You've done this countless of time, remember? Plus, I'll be there too on the stage with you to dance."

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