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Yujin and Jeongin was walking side by side while walking down the hallway, on their way to the cafeteria for lunch. They were talking to each other when suddenly, a group of guys stop them.

Yujin feel his legs under him shaking, knowing who these guys are. They are bullies, but never got any action since they always threaten everyone to not report them. Maybe also because their leader is the son of the school's principal.

Next to the leader, is the leader's girlfriend, Kim Mijoo. She was known for being extremely rich. Her father is a lawyer, works under C.H CLOTHING ENT. She use that fact for granted, threatening people here and there.

"What do you want Lee Sang Hyuk?" Jeongin asks, unbothered. He notices the shaky hands holding onto him knowing its Yujin's.

"Don't try to act so brave Mr. Nice and Kind. I know that you're not all that." Sang Hyuk spats to him. "Oh yea? Got proof or anything?" Sang Hyuk ignore him and look at the shaking guy behind him.

"Oh Yujinie!" Yujin flinch and hides behind Jeongin even more.

By now, many students have circled around them with their phones out, recording whatever was happening in front of them as more and more students loaded in the hallway. All of them are cowards. None of them went to report to the teacher before any fight can occur.

"I'm not even surprised that you're hanging out with a guy, holding onto him for dear life. I mean you're gay right? No wonder." Sang Hyuk and his gang laugh. "Or are you not? Oh, right. It's your parents who's gay." They laugh even harder at this statement and Yujin want nothing more than to dig his own grave right now.

Sang Hyuk found out about this because he saw Yujin and his parent hanging out at the park and haven't stop bullying him about it ever since. Sometimes Sang Hyuk would beat him up to the point where he had to use makeup to cover the bruises up. But he had never tell about it to anyone. Not Jeongin, not Jiyoon and not even both his adopted parent.

"What's wrong with that?" Jeongin wasn't fazed already knowing about this news. He wasn't bothered by this at all knowing his adopted father are also gay.

"Are you protecting him because you're a disgusting fag just like him and his parent?" Before Sang Hyuk could process anything, a punch lands on his face throwing him to the ground. The act startling everyone.

Sang Hyuk looks up at Jeongin, eyes full of rage. He gritted his teeth and try to swing at him too but Jeongin dodged easily, pushing Yujin a little to the back so he wouldn't get involved in this.

Sang Hyuk tries again as his fist immediately landed on Jeongin's face, throwing the latter male to the ground with all force. Sang Hyuk smirks seeing the guy wiping off the blood dripping from his newly open wound on his lips.

Yujin look back from his friend to his bullies, his head spinning as he tries to think of a solution. He saw Sang Hyuk walking towards him as he stumbled to the back.

Sang Hyuk raises his hand that is balling up in a fist, trying to throw a punch at the shaking male in front of him as Yujin pulls both his arms out in a cross, trying to protect himself but the action was stop by someone else and before he knows it, he was sent to the ground yet again.

Sang Hyuk stands up again with the help of his gang and glares at the person. "Choi Jiyoon." He says in a low voice with deep hatred. "Yea, it's me again." She replies calmly as if she didn't just throw a hard punch that makes his face bruises up almost immediately.

"You're very nosy Choi, why do you keep meddling in with my business?" She scoffs before turning back to look at the two male and pointing at them, "Those two are my friends so who's meddling with who now?"

"You're friends with those disgusting gays?" He snickered then laugh loudly but her expression stay stoic. "You're not one to talk Lee. You dated a boy years ago, don't think I forgot about it." Sang Hyuk glares at her for bringing that topic up but that didn't stop her from continuing.

"You used to tell me about how much you loved the boy, saying you could die and kill for him if it would make him safe and happy. Remember?" She giggles.

The two used to be bestfriend back in elementary school because of Sang Hyuk's mother and Jiyoon's father were friends but after her father died, the two lost contact with each other and when they show up in high school, the two immediately becomes each other's enemy. Both changed.

"I don't have the time to listen to any of your bullshit now Choi Jiyoon!" He yells in rage, feeling embarrassed that many students have heard about that side of him.

He is, without a doubt, a bisexual but he denies it saying he was just confused when he dated the boy back in the past.

"It's not bullshits though, it's a fun fact about you." She teases, a small grin on her lips.

Mijoo who was standing besides Sang Hyuk froze in her spot the whole time the two were conversing but she snapped back to reality, not wanting to overthink the possibility of her boyfriend leaving her for a boy.

She walks forward silently and push Jiyoon, making her stumbled on her feet. She was a bit startled by the sudden attack. Jeongin help her balances her body.

"Stop this, Jiyoon! Let's all stop this before I sue all of you!" She threatened all three of them, pointing her fingers.

"Your boyfriend started it first, how is it my fault?" Jiyoon protests, "Plus you can't sue me-"

"Yes! Yes I can! Don't you know that my father is a lawyer?" She unconsciously smirk after cutting off her words. "You wouldn't understand anyway because you don't have a father yourself."

"Woah that's foul." Someone in the crowd mumbles.

"Your father works under my late father's company, what shit are you on right now?" She may have lowkey expose herself being the sister of the famous Choi Seungcheol but she didn't care anymore. She couldn't stand when someone talk shit about someone who already left the world. Especially her father.

Although he may not be the best father but he tried to be one, at least, that was what she saw. Their father were not always there for them but he's still better than their mother who never even tries to show them any love.

Students look over at each other in disbelieve after hearing Jiyoon's statement. "What do you mean? My father works under C.H CLOTHING and as far as I know their founder is still alive and still young.."

"It's nothing too crucial but just know that I can bring your father down if I wanted to." Before Mijoo can says anything further, a teacher had stepped in. "What's going on here?" The teacher says as she looks at the students with bruises on their face and the two girls in the middle.

"Everyone dismiss right now! To the principal office all of you!" The teacher yells. The other students scatters back to the cafeteria for lunch, talking about the fight. Some others quickly goes to their other friend who wasn't there when the fight happened as the news about it spread fastly.

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