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The teacher that called them to the principal's office quickly calls all their parents/guardians.

Currently only Sang Hyuk, Mijoo, Jeongin, Jiyoon and Yujin are standing in front of the principal's desk waiting for their parents. The principal glares at his son after getting the reports that his son had started the fight while Sang Hyuk just look down all the time.

The door burst open revealing Jeonghan who has worry painted on his face. Jeonghan rushes to Jeongin and immediately roam his hands all over his face, checking out the small bruise on his cheek and the wound on his lips that was busted open. "Who did this?" Jeonghan asks sternly but Jeongin takes his father's hand away, comforting him saying it was just a small punch and it didn't hurt.

But it still didn't stop Jeonghan from worrying, stealing a worried glances at his son from time to time.

Next come in Mijoo's dad who sprint towards her, doing the same thing Jeonghan just did - checking for any bruises - before he heaves out a sigh, seeing there were none.

A few minutes later, Hanbin and Zhang Hao come in. Zhang Hao rushes to Yujin and gives him a hug immediately, tears brimming on his eyelids as Hanbin walk rather calmly, knowing that their son is okay.

He was a bit shocked seeing his manager and the manager's son next to Yujin but he didn't say anything. Jeonghan didn't either.

The door open again and the whole room goes quiet. Seungcheol walk in with his usual resting bitch face, dragging his legs to stand next to Jiyoon. He tries so hard not to blush as the moment he stepped in the room, he saw his crush.

Seungcheol puts his arm over her shoulder while Jiyoon's arms were crossed, both staring to the front as they both ignores all the stares they got, talking in their own world. "Look who's here, the future love of my life is here. At this point, even the world wants me to be with him." Seungcheol whispers to her. "Stop being delusional," she replied in a hush voice.

Mijoo stares at the two, gulping. Everyone there clearly know who's the man standing ever so closely next to Choi Jiyoon. Their relationship were unknown though, they could be father and daughter for all they know.

(but of course that's not the case here.)

The principal clears his throat and got everyone attention to him. "So now that you all are here, I've got a report saying my son had started the fight against Jeongin and Yujin. So I apologize on his behalf." The principal bows while Jeongin holds his father who almost run all the way to the other end, where Sang Hyuk is.

Sang Hyuk scoff, not believing what he had just heard. "But Jeongin punched me first!" He protests and soon receives a glare from his own father, "Shut it Lee Sang Hyuk!" The principal yells.

"That wouldn't happened if you didn't provoked them." Jiyoon mutter while Jeongin agreed. Yujin just stay quiet.

Sang Hyuk throws dagger with his eyes to her direction but soon turn it down once his eyes met with Seungcheol, eyes seemingly getting darker as he glares at the poor kid. The two secretly fist bump with each other seeing him so scared like that.

The principal clears his throat again to gains their attention. "I shall suspend my son for that matter then, I apologize yet again on his behalf." Mr. Lee gives a look to his son before he could protest.

"But I do hope that Yoon Jeongin and Choi Jiyoon won't be going around punching students here, okay? I'm letting you go because I know this is your first time while my son is.." he drifted off before clearing his throat again, "am I understood?"

The other nods, agreeing as they have nothing more to say. One by one start to walk out of the office.

"Do y'all want to come to my cafe?" Jeonghan asks to the parents. He was still worried about the bruises on his son's face but since Jeongin said it was fine, then he'll respect his words.

"I'm very sorry but I have to finish my works." Mr. Kim bows and drags his daughter with him while giving her an earful, automatically dragging her boyfriend as well.

"I also have works- ouch!" Jiyoon elbowed Seungcheol and smiles at Jeonghan. "He's free, please bring him there with you. He's been so busy at the company that he barely ever came home." Jiyoon smiles sweetly at Jeonghan who nods.

Hanbin agrees while Zhang Hao still looks worried, holding onto his son who looks much better now.

"Bàba, I'm totally fine! I swear I didn't get beaten up," he looks at his friends for a second before continuing, "I have them now who can protects me from the bullies!" Yujin reassures him and Zhang Hao nods before Hanbin drags him away from the three students.

"Bye sweetheart! Make sure to be safe okay!" Yujin makes an ok sign with his hands and smiles at his fathers.

When the four of them was out of the sight, Jiyoon turned to Yujin, "Your father is so cute!" She squeals but immediately stop after reminding herself that Jeongin are with them too.

Jeongin just chuckles, finding it rather cute.

"He is, isn't he? My pa is very lucky to have him." Yujin look at his parent with loving eyes. The words that Sang Hyuk says still lingered in his mind.

They stopped at the infirmary to treat off Jeongin's bruises before they retreat back to their classes.

When the parents leave the principal's office, lunch time was over making the corridors empty, much to their liking.

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