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The Sun had settled down over the sky when Jiyoon and Yujin finished discussing over their projects and agreed to start it tomorrow at the library. Jiyoon had offered to drive him home but Yujin told her that he'll be staying at cafe for some more time.

Jiyoon walks to the black Audi where her brother has been waiting for her for some time. After the incident, Seungcheol came back to his table where his belongings and his order sat on top of it. He enjoyed it silently later on.

She got in and immediately smirks. "You like the guy who dropped the coffee on your favourite tee don't you?" Seungcheol tense at the way his sister could see through him but he decided to cover it through lies.

"Pfft what do you mean? Why would I like someone who spilled coffee on my favourite tee?" He pull out of the driveway and drove them both to the mansion.

"Oh really? I know you for the whole 16 years of my life. You scolded me for spilling water on that exact clothes and didn't talked to me for days. It didn't even leave stains but this? You just cool down after seeing that waiter's pretty face."

Seungcheol stay quiet and shifts awkwardly. Seungcheol's state confirmed Jiyoon's suspicion and she unconsciously smirks again.

"That's very gay of you, Choi Seungcheol. I'm so so telling this to ma." She grins, excited to spills everything that happened to their housekeeper, Ms. Kang.

Seungcheol hold in the urge to choke his sister to death for making fun of him. She was busy laughing at him while Seungcheol glares at her. In his mind, she was murdered by him three times already.

"Ma! Do you wanna know what happened earlier?" She run inside the house, finding Ms. Kang before Seungcheol could catch her.

"What happened?" Ms. Kang chipped in, walking from the kitchen to the living room where Jiyoon was bouncing happily on her feet.

"Well, Seungcheol falls in love with a gu- AARGH!!" Seungcheol run to her and chokeslam her, very gently if I must say and put his big hand over her mouth to shut her up.

Ms. Kang just watch the two fondly with a smile on her face as she sits on the couch, waiting for the tea to be spill.

"Ouch! Let go of my hair bitch!" Jiyoon tries to take off her brother huge hand from her hair.

"Language! And I will let go if you shut up." Seungcheol continue on pulling her hair. Both of them still on the floor.

Jiyoon feels like her scalp are going to falls off in any moment so she agreed, feeling defeated.

But the moment Seungcheol let go of her she run to Ms. Kang and whispered something quickly to her. Seungcheol sigh, he's never gonna see the end of this.

"What?! Seungcheol finally find someone to satisfy his gayness after 27 years of living?!" Ms. Kang exclaims and Mr. Park who just so so happened to heard that while walking in the living room from the garden. (Yes, he's a part time gardener at their mansion)

"Oh, congrats son. I'm so proud of you. I thought you're gonna end up alone for your whole life seeing how workaholic you are." Ms. Kang and Jiyoon nods, agreeing to Mr. Park statement.

Seungcheol's face flushed red, feeling embarrassed now that everyone in the house know about his small crush that'll grow in the future.

"Is he pretty or handsome?" Mr. Park asks as he help Seungcheol up from the floor.

"Both! He has a long red hair and you know, I don't usually like men with long hair but this man might be an exception. Every worker at the cafe are hella good looking, they all should've been a model instead of working at that cafe. But the one that Cheol like is just ugh omg I can't even describe it. He's the prettiest man I've ever seen. For once, I approve of his decision."

"But that still won't change the fact that our Cheol here have a crush on my crush's father."

The whole place turned quiet after she said that. "What?"

"He has a son?"

"You have a crush?"

"You're finally not gonna be alone too?"

Seungcheol, Ms. Kang and Mr. Park ask at the same time after being so quite. Jiyoon sigh before answering their questions. "Yes, yes and um, what the hell ? But yes, that too."

The four of them talk some more as laughters erupted the whole living room. Ms. Kang dismissed herself to go and cook dinner and half an hour later Mr. Park decided to go back home.

Ms. Kang lives with them because Seungcheol asked her to so Jiyoon won't be feeling lonely when he's too busy with work. Mr. Park house is not very far away from the mansion. Of course, Seungcheol had offered a room for him at the house too but he declined, not wanting his twin child to bothered them. Even though Seungcheol had insisted that it wouldn't be a bother but Mr. Park still declined.

Seungcheol went to bed early since he's busy all day tomorrow and Jiyoon just watch some Netflix before she eventually falls asleep

The next day, Mr. Park had came to fetch Jiyoon early in the morning for school while Seungcheol drive himself to Yoon Café to get himself a coffee before work.

He let himself in, the bell on the door ringing as he did, notifying the worker. The cashier behind the counter recognize him and apologize for what happened yesterday.

"Nah, it's fine really. Can I get an iced americano?" The cashier nods and smiles at him before working on the order. Seungcheol can't denied the fact that the cashier is also, without a doubt, very attractive but his heart are now only open for the waiter from yesterday.

He knew he sounded insane for being already obsessed with someone he just met yesterday but he really can't help it.

Seungcheol gain all the courage in him and asks about the waiter from yesterday to the cashier when he handed him his coffee. The worker tells him that he's not working today because he's a bit unwell and tells him that he's not a waiter but the manager who helps take care of the cafe when they got too busy.

Seungcheol nodded and thanked the cashier, "Okay thanks for the coffee um.." He looks at the nametag the worker have on his work uniform, "Joshua..?" The worker nods his head and smiles again.

"Sure, no problem. Come again later, have a nice day!" Joshua says as Seungcheol walk out of the cafe to his car and drives himself to his company.

When the car was finally out of sight Joshua let out the breath he's been holding and called up for his manager who was hiding under the counter, listening to their conversation the whole time.

"Why were you even hiding?" Joshua asked him, helping him up on his feet. "I'm embarrassed, okay? I didn't realized who he was yesterday, only when Jeongin told me when I realized." Jeonghan runs his hand through his red hair, brushing it out of his forehead, messing with it.

"He doesn't seems mad. I don't think he's gonna sue you or anything, Hannie." Jeonghan nods but it still doesn't lift off the heavy worry in his chest.

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