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"Do you not miss me, my son?" Her soft voice echoed through the room as she stares at Seungcheol lovingly before finally moving toward the couches, sitting on it as she elegantly cross her legs.

"Just tell me what do you want. Never once in the past 9 years have you ever contacted any of us so why are you coming back." His voice was laced with pure hatred as he spoke but the woman continue to smile, not even minding it.

"Son, I just want to see how you have been growing up after all these years. You do know that I still love you very much, right?" She asks, as if nothing had happened in between them.

"No, I don't know that and I don't want to know. If you really love us, then you should've check on us after father's death."

His mother stays quiet at that statement, couldn't figure what to replied. Seungcheol stares at her, reading her body language.

"Just tell me what you want. I'm busy," Seungcheol says once again, his hands going back to type into his computer.

He then froze at what his mother said next, shocked and confused as to how she had figured it out.

"You're gay right? And you have a boyfriend now. Oh, and not everyone knows about this, am I right?" Her nice act was swiped off instantly as her sweet smile immediately changed to a wicked smirk.

"And you're telling me this for?" Seungcheol stays calm, hiding the panic risen in his chest at the mention of his partner.

He and Jeonghan had just started dated for only a month. He couldn't let a wicked woman like her to ruin their relationship.

"Well, I'm just saying. Alright, alright, I'll be leaving now. Just cane here to tell you that I'm gonna be one of the candidate for the prime minister election soon. You know, you should show a little support for your mother. Help me out a bit, and maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't leak that little secret you're keeping to the medias."

Without letting Seungcheol reply, the woman just left the office room, leaving Seungcheol all pent-up with his anger as he grips his hair tightly with his hands.

Shit. How can someone figure out about his relationship when he had clearly hid it so well? Did she had people spying on him? All he knows is that wouldn't be a very good thing. Something really bad might happen in the future.

Seungcheol went back to his seat, breathing heavily as he contemplates for a moment whether he should or not informs his best friend about the situation.

After a whole minute full of silence, he finally come up to a decision. He grabs his phone and unlock it, scrolling through his contact and press the call button before putting it next to his ears.

"Jihoon-ah. There's something I need to talk to you about. Can you come by today?"

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"Dad, will you just please go and do your work? I've been trying to focus on memorizing these notes for 10 minutes now but you keep on staring at me without saying anything!"

Jeonghan pouts upon hearing that, feeling slightly upset. Bit he quickly cover it up and sassed back to the young man in front of him.

"Are you saying that I'm bothering you? Excuse you, this is literally my own cafe. I'll do whatever I want here. I can even sit on top of this table and not let you read your notes at all if I want so stop complaining Yoon Jeongin."

"Well, do it then." Jeongin had challenge the other which he quickly regret once he sees his father standing up from his seat, about to actually do what he had said but Jeongin quickly stops him by muttering hundreds apologies.

Jeonghan only smirks in victory upon seeing his son surrendered to him.

He then continue to look at the boy who tried so hard to ignore his father's presence in front of him and focus of his notes instead.

He'll be having a little test tomorrow so he's been studying hard to make sure he could do well for it.

Jeonghan snaps back into the reality once he heard Joshua calling out for him. He heard Jeongin let out a quiet sigh and quickly send a small galre towards the boy who just make a motion of zipping his mouth.

"What is it, Shua?" Jeonghan asks, looking over the counter to look for the other male who had called out for him.

Joshua then appeared from under the counter with a frustrated expression on his face that makes Jeonghan to slightly giggle at it.

"We're out of coffee beans and flour! I thought you had restocked everything yesterday! How the hell are we supposed to work without these two important items?!" Joshua exclaims making Jeonghan cussed out lightly.

He had simply forgotten to do so since he was at Seungcheol's mansion for the whole day, spending time with the other.

"Shit. I really forgot to do so. I'll go buy it right now. Just serve whatever the fuck we have as for the moment. It won't take long."

Jeonghan runs to the staff room to grabs his wallet then immediately dashed out of the cafe.

After about half an hour picking the necessary stuff they might need for the rest of the day, figuring that he will just go shopping for the other items on the next day, he quickly left the small supermarket that was luckily placed near his cafe.

He was lowkey struggling to hold onto the tons os plastic bags as he walks through the crowds. It was already nighttime, around 7 in the evening as he had went out around 6:30 or something around that hour so he could barely see anything even with the flashing street lamp on his left side.

"Fuck! I should've just drove my car here even though it only takes 5 minutes to get to the supermarket." He mumbles to himself, complaining about his own carelessness.

"Jeonghan-ssi! Oh, let me help you with this." Someone had said as the person grabs the remaining plastic bags in Jeonghan's left hand, allowing him to balance out the four plastic bags in his right hand by transferring two to his now free left hand.

"Thank you, Hyungwon-ssi." He says as he thanked the other and offered the other a small smile. The two walk alongside each other in a complete silence and soon reach their destination.

"You can leave it here now. I just have to bring it inside-"

"Oh no, it's fine. I was about to come to your cafe anyway. We can go in together, I'll help you with it," Hyungwon smoothly states after cutting off the other's sentence.

"Oh, okay then," Jeonghan replied. He was quick to accept the other's help since he knew that he is struggling anyway so why not just take the offer, right?

After finish putting up all the things in the kitchen, leaving his staff to put it where it's suppose to be put at and left.

He went back to the table where Jeongin still sat at, reading his notes peacefully.

"Oh, dad. You're back. What took you so long?" Jeongin questions once he saw Jeonghan taking the seat in front of him.

"Have lots of things to buy. Thought I would just be buying coffee beans and flour but Joshua keeps spamming me with all the things that we needed. Talking about it, let's go shopping tomorrow after you finish your school. Fine with that?"

"Yeah sure," Jeongin replied simply, taking a glance at the older every once and then while still focusing on his notes.

The two, father and son duo, however did not notice a pair of eyes which was fixated on them the moment it stepped into the cafe.

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new characters unlock woohoo !! i think u guys know by now who he is, ig im just too predictable hmm.. but still, i have tons of cards under my sleeves so do tell what you think gonna happens next

since i haven't update in so long, i also have forgotten the original storyline lol. i had to do a quick revision before writing this chapter hehe

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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