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Junhui was assigned to close the cafe today. It was already half pass 10 in the evening when he finished cleaning the kitchen up. He went out of there and look around the huge space of the cafe that he have to clean all by himself.

Supposedly, he and Hanbin was the one who was assigned to clean up after a long day today but the latter had an emergency at home so he leave early in the afternoon, which ended up in him having to do it alone.

'Jeonghan hyung seriously need to find more worker.'

He heaves out a sigh as his hand readied with a broom and start sweepings the floor. He continue doing so until his eyes land on a figure leaning on the table, sleeping soundly with papers and books plastered messily all over the places and an opened laptop on the table.

He almost scream like a little girl thinking it was a ghost but when he moves closer, it was the regular chinese boy he knows to be around 19 years old or so.

The said male have always come to their cafe to finish up some sort of works, sometimes wearing a school uniform. That's why Junhui address him as a regular

He had talked with the male before. He had found out about the boy being chinese after hearing the broken Korean language with a little bit of chinese accent in his voice.

He went closer to the sleeping boy to wake him up by calling out his name - Ricky - but he didn't budge at all. Junhui tried shaking Ricky's shoulder gently but to no avail, the boy seems to be in a deep slumber.

Junhui sighs, putting the broom leaning on the table next to them, trying to think of a way to wake him or better yet, bring this boy home since it's already late at night. He think and think for some time when suddenly an idea popped in his mind after seeing a phone on top of the table.

He slowly reach for his phone and turned it on. Surprisingly, the phone have no password so he quickly rummages through Ricky's contact.

Not knowing who to call, he went into the chats and sees a contact saved as 'hao ge 🐸🤍' on the pinned chat. He dials the number and puts the phone close to his ears, waiting for the call to be picked up.

It rings for some more time before it was picked up. "Quan Rui? Where are you?! Why aren't you back yet?! Don't you know how worried I was-"

The man stops himself upon hearing another male voice and panic. "Who's this? Where's the owner of the phone?" He immediately questions.

Junhui awkwardly hums before replying, "Sorry for bothering but um Ricky.. Ricky here is sleeping at a cafe that is supposed to be closed down right now. Can you come pick him up? I tried waking him up but no result, he's still fast asleep."

He hears some movement from the other line before the person respond to him. "I'm on my way. Send the location." He immediately did as he was told, now waiting for that someone to pick up the sleeping male.

He takes back the broom in his hands, deciding to continue cleaning the cafe. After finishing swiping the whole cafe, he moves around arranging the chair and table. He was too busy cleaning up to notice another presence walk in the cafe.

He screams on top of his lungs when he suddenly feel a tap on his shoulder. He quickly hold out his fist while turning around. He shut up after seeing the judging face of the other male who backed away after he screamed.

"So-sorry about that." He curses at himself for stuttering. The moment his gaze landed on the man standing in front of him, he was starstruck by his beauty.

"I'm here to pick up my brother." Ricky's brother says as he quickly went around the table to pick his brother up while apologizing multiple times for bothering him so late at night.

Well, Quan Rui can be a little bit too workaholic despite him being 19 years old.

Junhui just nods his head repeatedly, staring intensely at the other male who's dragging his brother towards his car.

Junhui snapped back to reality and rushes to help by putting Ricky's belongings in the bag he found on the chair next to the one where Ricky once sat at. He walks out of the cafe and jogs a little to the car parked there then hand it to 'Hao'. Junhui blushes a little when their hands accidentally brushed again each other.

The man smiles at him before getting in the car as well. Junhui backed away a little as he watch the car moves forward, speeding on the road.

His hands automatically went to his chest, feeling his heart rapidly beating inside with a smile plastered on his face. He might've just find the love of his love in that exact night.

He rushes back inside, feeling the cold breeze of the night hitting his arms and face. He quickly finish cleaning up then changes out of his uniform. Turning off the lights, he swiftly moves out and locks the doors. The keys dangling loudly as he skips his way to his car happily.

Junhui knows that the kid always spend his days working on his works at their cafe, giving him an idea on how to asks the kid's brother's out on a date.

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For those who don't know, Ricky and Quan Rui is the same person. Ricky is his english name (sort of).

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