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Wonwoo walked in the dorm building, finding a room with the information given by Jiyoon. The buildings are unexpectedly huge. Wonwoo had spent almost half an hour looking for one specific building - Block C.

Room C17. Third floor, last room on your left on the west side of the building.

He look around the whole corridor, looking for that certain number until he reached it. He slowly bring up his fist, knocking his knuckles on the door three times as he waits.

A few seconds passed then the door fling opened, startling Wonwoo, almost making him dropped the bag of foods he's holding in his hand.

"Kwan- WONWOO HYUNG?!" Chan was expecting Seungkwan to be in front of their door since he had just received a text saying that he's on the way. He clearly didn't expect to see the older male to be there instead of Seungkwan, standing with his foolish smile.

"Hi Channie. I hope you're not very busy right now..?" Chan immediately shakes his head and moves to the side, letting Wonwoo in the room.

The room is bigger than it seem. It's very spacious. There's 2 bunk bed connected to each other - indirectly telling Wonwoo that there's 3 other roommates of Chan - four study tables for each of them, a couch, a medium sized round table, etc.

Wonwoo places the bag of foods on the table as he look around in mesmerized. He used to stay in a dorm too back in Japan but his father had somehow made him have the room to himself, so he never really know how it feels like having roommates.

"When did you get back?" Chan asks as he slides in the glass of water that he had just poured in to the older. Wonwoo takes a sip of it, refreshing his dry throat. "A week ago." He replies simply.

They stare at each other for a few more second before they finally embrace each other in a warm hug. "I miss you hyung. Why didn't you tell me you were back." Chan voice come out muffled because he was mumbling on Wonwoo's shoulder but Wonwoo hear all of it as clear as crystal.

"I miss you too Channie.. It's not that I don't wanna tell you but Jihoon told me that you were very busy with your assignments so I didn't want to bother texting you anyway. Plus, I'm already here now."

Chan nods before he went back to his place. "How did you even get to our dorm?" Chan cutted Wonwoo off even before he could reply to his question. "Let me guess, Jiyoon told you?" Wonwoo nods.

"I knew it! That means she knew you were back?! And she didn't even bother telling me." Wonwoo laughs seeing the the younger grumbling to himself. Wonwoo then pulled out his phone to show a text from Jiyoon, about Chan.

choi jiji 😼
tell chan that i texted him but he didn't reply in case he starts talking shit bout "why didn't jiyoon tell me that you were back" or smtg

Chan pouts. Jiyoon guessed his reaction correctly. He immediately goes to take his phone on top of the study table, scrolling thru all the messages unread. He found 53 messages from her, that was sent more than 3 weeks ago.

cheol's demonic sister 😈
not replying again?
fine, don't say i didn't tell later
[sent a week ago]

(the other 44 messages was just her spamming him before wonu is back but chan never read it cus he's busy af, you get what i mean)

He closed his phone and huffed out, grumpily sitting beside Wonwoo. Wonwoo ruffles the younger's soft hair with his finger.

The door suddenly burst open, a loud voice entering their silent atmosphere.

"BOO IS BACK BITCH!" Seungkwan loudly enter the room with Vernon trailing behind holding two backpacks with him.

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