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Seungcheol was busy typing his work onto his computer when the work phone on his table suddenly rings. He picks it up and listens to the other line.

"Mr. Choi, someone is here to see you. The woman claimed to be your mother. Shall I let her in?" The receptionist asks him through the phone.

Seungcheol breath hitched as he heard the word, 'mother'. He was confused and curious, could it really be who he thought or is it just some random woman?

"Let her in," he simply replied before putting back the phone, ending the call. He lets out a sigh then brush his hand through his hair.

If it really turns out to be who he thought, is he ready to face her again after all these years?



The sound of the loud slap echoed around the living room.

The 7 years old Jiyoon stood behind her older brother, hugging his leg close to her as her body shook and tears rolling down her cheek, leaving a trace. The 18 years old Seungcheol held in the tears that was about to fall, he tried to be strong for her sister as the scene unfolded by itself in front of them.

They stood far in the corner, watching their parents fought. Their father, Choi Seungjin had slapped their dearest mother, Choi Jiwon.

"You cheated on me?" Seungjin asked the woman he once loved so much in front of him, his voice cracked a little as he couldn't control the hurtful feeling hammering against his chest.

Jiwon stayed stoic as her expression were unreadable. Her cheek was burning with the slap, painting it red. Her silence was all it take for Seungjin to put all the pieces of puzzle together.

She had indeed cheated on him.

"How could you.." He looked at her in disbelief then turned back towards his two children, hugging each other close with pain obviously painted on their face.

Jiwon scoffed at this. She didn't feel a single guilt as she looked at her pathetic husband. She admit it, the two of them were so in love with each other before they were married but that was in the past.

She don't know what changed in her that all the love she once had for him, disappeared just like that.

Seungjin took a deep breath, tears continued to fell down as he couldn't controlled it anymore. "Let's get divorce." He finally let out.

Seungcheol couldn't believe what he heard. Never once in his life he ever expected this to happened, especially in front of his younger sister. Jiyoon.. He looked down on his leg noticing her quiet sobs got louder.

She tried to run to her mother but her father stopped her. "Mama!" She yelled out for her but Jiwon just stood there, a rush of guilt running down her adrenaline as soon as she heard her daughter's screaming for her to not leave.

"Jiyoon, sweetie, come here to mama." Jiyoon escaped from her father's grip, running straight into her mother's arm as Jiwon finally broke into tears, falling down on her knees to hug Jiyoon tighter.

Despite her not loving her husband anymore, deep inside she still love both her daughter and son.

She hugged Jiyoon with one arm and opened the other one and gestured her son and slowly, Seungcheol moved to her and engulfed in the hug too.

Seungjin stay where he stood, the view in front of him became too painful to bear with.

Jiwon keep on muttering hundredths of sorry to their ears as they cried onto her shoulder. "Why do you have to do that, ma?" Seungcheol softly asked, still not believing the turn of the event for that day.

"Does mama not love papa anymore..?" Jiyoon looked at her mother with tears glistening in her big doe eyes. Jiwon's heart utterly broke at that.

Seungjin snapped and pulled both his children away from the woman. He crouched down in front of his daughter as he cupped her small face, wiping the tears. "Mama is going away..for some time, okay sweatheart?" She meekly nodded at her father.

Seungjin stood up and handed Jiyoon to Seungcheol, asking him to bring her upstairs. He turned around and glared at her. "Stop with the act. Go pack your clothes and get out of my house. We'll file the divorce tomorrow so I'll meet you at the court, tomorrow." He said coldly.

She nodded and did as she was told.

Months after their divorce, the little family finally moved on from that traumatic ordeal. They were happy with just the three of them together.

But one day, just as the three was about to go dinner to celebrate Jiyoon's 9th birthday in the fine October, their father had fainted which resulted in them having to brought him to the emergency.

He was hospitalized for a few days with no visitation allowed when the now 20 years old Seungcheol suddenly received a call that said her father have an untreatable sickness, a heart cancer.

Even when Seungjin's heart had become stable, he still laid there on the hospital bed, breathing with the help of some machine. Seungcheol heart broke at the sight as he hold her sister tighter.

"Papa is just sleeping right, cheollie?" Seungcheol find himself unable to answer as he just nods his head. He wish that was the truth too but seeing his father laying there, on the verge of dying.

He tried to contacted his mother about it but to no avail, she had changed her number the moment she walked out of the house.

Exactly 4 months after being in a coma, Seungjin was finally awoke. (February)

He was aware that he didn't have enough time to live so he rushed to teach his son about the businesses world. He was too busy with Seungcheol that sometimes he forgot about his daughter.

On the 17th November, the day where their father, Choi Seungjin, heaved out his last breath, leaving the world, leaving his two precious children. Seungcheol was 21 whereas Jiyoon was only 10. The world were too cruel to them.

End of flashback

Seungcheol snaps out of his daze as he heard a knock from his door. He clears his throat and gives the permission for the guest to get in.

He saw his secretary walks in first, then behind her, walks in another woman, walking with full elegance with her bold red dress that reach her knees.

His secretary bows before leaving the two alone by themselves inside Seungcheol's office, closing the door closely.

"What are you doing here?" Seungcheol coldly asks, not even standing up from his seat as he glares at the older woman in front of him who only smiles at him.

"Do you not miss me, my son?"

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