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Just like they had planned the other day, Jiyoon and Yujin sat in the library to finish some parts of their project since they are free until lunch because the teachers were having a meeting today.

They were working silently when Yujin suddenly remember Jiyoon's reaction hearing Yoon Jeongin's name yesterday and smirks. He pulled out his phone to text Jeongin to come to the library knowing he's also free as in the moment.

"Jiyoon?" The said girl glanced at him, waiting for him to continue. "Do you like my friend, Yoon Jeongin?" Yujin's question make her choked up on air.

Her reaction yet again confirmed his thoughts.

"Oh, so you do like him huh?" Yujin leaned back and grin widely when he saw Jeongin at the entrance of the library, looking for him.

Jiyoon quickly denies it, "Who? I don't even know who that is." She tries to look unbothered by the question and Yujin's gestures and proceed to continue her work.

Jeongin come in the library and saw his friend, Yujin leaning back on his chair with a girl across of him, face deep in the book.

Jeongin greets Yujin while Yujin just smirks seeing Jiyoon frozen in her spot. "Oh, hey Innie. Meet my other friend, Choi Jiyoon. She's in the same class as mine." Jeongin nods taking the chair next to Yujin's.

"Why did you texted me to come here?" Jiyoon perks up after hearing this and throws daggers with her eyes to Yujin.

Yujin just chuckles and says that he just missed him. "I was at your cafe yesterday." Yujin states. Jeongin scolded him for not telling him so because he has been wanting to hang out with his one and only friends for days but Yujin tells him that he was not alone yesterday, that he was with Jiyoon yesterday to discuss about their projects

Jeongin turned to look at the girl who's looking down to read the book on top of the table, eyebrows furrow being too focus. But the truth is, she was just listening to their conversation, ready to smack Yujin on the head if he ever mention about their conversation earlier.

Jiyoon ignores the stares she's getting from Jeongin, trying her best not to blush and try to act unbothered and it was well act.

"Wait.. Does that mean you saw the spilled coffee incident?" Jeongin questioned, resting his arm over Yujin's chair. "Yea, poor man." Yujin shakes his head as his mind replay the incident.

Jiyoon supress a laugh, knowing they were talking about her brother embarrassing stated but they didn't know that 'man' is her brother though.

"My dad asked me to help clean the stains and I saw the brand of the shirt. It's one of those very expensive brand bro. I also just realized that the man from yesterday is the famous CEO, you know the one from C.H CLOTHING or something like that? What if that man sue my father's cafe? He looks intimidating, shi I'm scared bro."

Jeongin hugs Yujin from the side. "I don't think he would-" Yujin was cuts off by Jiyoon almost immediately. "He wouldn't."

The two bestfriend look at her, who's still looking down at the book as Jeongin let go of the hug, an eyebrow rose up. "How are you so sure?" He asks.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. It's just a feel. Anyway, I gotta go. I have the students council meeting in 10 minutes. It was great meeting you." She shakes hands with Jeongin while Yujin just looks so puzzled.

"I've been friends with her for months and I never know she's in the students council.."

"Aren't you part of that also?"

"Oh shit, you're right bro. I can't miss the meeting, I might get kick out later. Bye!" He puts his belongings in his bag in a rush and run out of the library, receiving some stares and a glare from the librarian

"Damn, he called me here and leave me here. Such a good friend he is." Jeongin was about to walk away when he hears a notification sounds pop off. He turned around and see a phone on a chair next to the one where Jiyoon sat at.

"It must've been hers." He took it and turned it on, surprised to see a picture of the girl and the man he was afraid might sue them for spilling the coffee, smiling together in the picture, standing really close to each other.

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