Ch. 1 Come to the hospital

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Naina's POV:

I rushed downstairs hurriedly only to be met with my mother on the landing. She glared at me angrily, tapping the rolling pin on her hand, threateningly. I gulped. An Indian mother with a rolling pin or a slipper was every child's nightmare here in India and I knew I was dead today. I mean look at the glare!

I wonder what I've done today!

"Good morning, mama! You look beautiful as always." I smiled brightly to cover my fear and anxiety. My mother remained silent.

I don't think it's working.

"Mumma, are you okay?"

"I am very well, thank you but is this the time to wake up, NAINA ARORA?!"

Oh. No. Full name means bhaggo!! (Run!!)

"No, mumma but it was the alarm's fault. It set itself an hour later."

Oh, alarms have hands now, do they?

They actually do.

Yours is a digital one, idiot!

"Oh really?" Mumma raised her eyebrows sarcastically.

"Yes, Maa." I said, nodding my head innocently. Mumma smiled and then-- ouch-- pulled my ear. "Mumma, please leave my ear." She twisted it harder and I hissed in pain. "Mumma, I will be late!" She let go of me and I rubbed my poor ear to soothe it a little.

"Next time wake up on time." Saying this, she left and I heard a chuckle behind me. Turning around, I saw my father standing there with a newspaper in his hand. He spread his arms out and I immediately tackled him into a hug.


"Good morning, beta. You seem happy today." He observed.

"Of course I am, it's my last day of internship! I can't wait, Papa, there is so much to do after that and hopefully I also get a job in that company." I jumped up and down excitedly. He smiled at me and walked towards the kitchen to greet my mother as I sat down on the dining table to have my breakfast which was some simple idli and coconut chutney. Finishing it all up, I washed my hands when the doorbell rang.

"Is that Aryan?" My mother called out.

"I don't know, I will check." Sauntering to the door, I opened it to see my 6 ft friend with a bouquet of flowers.

"Aww, are these for me?" I asked him, forwarding my hands to grab the bouquet and smell those sweet flowers.

Aryan shook his head. "They are for you, Aunty." He handed them, with a charming smile to my mother who was behind me. She took them, flattered by the gesture and thanked him. My face fell and I crossed my arms.

Really? He is flirting with my mother...again.

Aryan winked at me and I rolled my eyes. He knows how to butter my parents up, especially my mother who sings his praises every day and says that I should take a 'leaf' out of his book and learn from him but if she ever saw his real side, she would literally feel the urge to strangle him like I do sometimes.

"Aunty, where did you buy those earrings? They look gorgeous on you." My mother blushed slightly.

"Really? I like them too. It was a gift from Naina's father." She said with a million dollar smile.

Told ya!

I decided to intervene. "Aryan... don't we have to be somewhere?"

"Of course. Let's go, otherwise we will be late. Bye, Aunty and keep that beautiful smile of yours up." I pushed him and closed the door before Mumma could even reply. "Why do you always have to flirt with my mother?" I asked Aryan, frustrated.

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